𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑 - Welcome, From The Roxanias!

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As if by routine; another woosh and flash of light happened as the two siblings walked through the wall, as they imagined the Roxania common room. Entering, they were greeted by a vast amount of blue on pretty much everything. Aidan and Maisie assumed it was inspiration from their uncle, considering their aunt was the head of this house after all. "Uh?" Maisie questioned as the two looked over to a group of Roxanias near the entrance.

"Okay, and you're done!"

"Enid, how do you do this?"

"Well, that my friends, is a little secret."

"Uh, hello?" Maisie tried to get their attention; however, the group didn't seem to hear her as they continued to talk. "HEY!" Tom let out a yell, Aidan then quickly shoved him back in the bag. This, however, caught the attention of the group as they turned to look at them. "Oh my gosh, that's Maisie and Aidan!" Dorothy, one of the Roxanias, whispered. "Yeah, they were at that party where that woman came out!" Miley whispered. "Do you think she's okay?" Tori questioned. "What if they're friends with that frizzy woman and are secretly evil?" Cat asked, trying to whisper but ended up talking in a loud tone. Maisie and Aidan shifted their eyes at that statement. "Obviously not, the heads would've known by now! Not to mention, they've been let into Roxania." Enid told the girls. "Oh...right..."

"Look, let's just not bring it up. They might still be hurting from it, just give them a welcome to make them comfortable." She then slightly sneered at them, then turning to the siblings with a bright smile as if a shift in personality. "Hey, you two!" She skipped her way up to them and the siblings waved at her. "I'm Enid Sinclair, but you just call me Enid." She smiled. "You can call us, Mai or Aidy, if you like." Aidan responded. "Oh, so you're the ones who'll be joining Roxania for two days?" The siblings nodded in reply. 

"Hey, Maisie and Aidan!"

"What's up, Potters?"

"Maisie, I love your hair colour!"

"Aidan, your hair is so cute being long!"

"Thanks? Not a lot of people like my hair being this colour." Maisie said in a questioning tone. "Thanks a lot, I was wondering if I should cut it but that makes me feel better." Aidan added. "You never know. Your creativity might lie in your hairstyles." Tori smiled and the siblings arched their eyebrows. "Well, as you know, Roxanias are all about creativity; each of us have our own talents." Enid began to explain. "Tori, Cat, Miley and Dorothy are singers, I'm a fur and McKenna, who should be around here somewhere, is supernatural." She went on. "While being in the common room, there are no boundaries to what we can create." Cat added. "That's not...concerning at all." Maisie whispered to Aidan, who nodded in agreement. "So, that's how you guys unleash your creativity, cool!"

"Aidan and Maisie Potter!"

The siblings turned to the common room's stairs, to where Dicky came running down the stairs; followed by Klaus and Violet, and they assumed the girl behind them was McKenna. "Oh, hey, Dicky-" The boy cut Aidan off as he tackled the two into a bone-crushing hug. "Yay, you're in house Roxania! Woo!" He cheered. Basil came out of Dicky's hair and gave a small squeak. Tom meowed and Jerry squeaked in a grumpy manner, since the siblings were right on top of them. They moved off, so their pets could wipe the dust off themselves. "Oh gosh!" Violet gasped, pulling Dicky off the two. "Dicky, you must be careful!" Klaus scolded. "Please, you can't control that boy." McKenna came to stand by the glasses boy. "I see you made friends already." Enid took notice. "Yeah, I took these two to the academy via the train!" Dicky explained to the girl group. "Which you almost killed us in..." Maisie mumbled under her breath. "And we know the two since we helped them find their pets!" Violet stated. 

The woosh sounded again, as Roxanne came through the wall. "Ah, Aidan, Maisie, I see you've made friends already." She said to her niece and nephew. "Yes. Everyone is so welcoming here." Maisie responded. "Hello, Head Roxanne." The girl group said together in unison; Roxanne asking if they were ready for their classes, to which the girls agreed. "Very well. Aidan, Maisie, you two may miss your first classes in order to settle in and unpack." The aunt smiled. "As well as, the meeting in Grace's office." She then said, discreetly. The two nodded in reply. "So, everyone head off to their first lesson." The girl group then left, one by one, each of them saying their goodbyes to the new additions. Then, finally, Enid was the last one to leave. "See ya, Potters. It was nice getting to know you two; if you ever need that good old wolfie advice, I'm always there." Enid said to them and walked through the wall.

Roxanne turned to the Baudelaires, Dicky and McKenna and questioned if everyone in the dorm had departed. McKenna reassured the head of the house that they had; her exhaling as she didn't have to deal with that now. "Uh, Miss Ritchi? Is it okay if Aidan stays in mine and Klaus' dorm room?" Dicky questioned. "Yeah, could we also have Maisie in mine and Violet's room?" McKenna then added. "Well, of course, they do need places to stay after all!" Roxanne agreed. "Is it also possible for us to show them around?" "Hm, this isn't your way to get out of your lessons, is it?" She questioned Violet. "W-What? No! They're just our new...old friends...friends!" Dicky butted in. "Alright. As soon as you're finished, straight to lessons!" Roxanne then followed in the direction of the girl group. "Okay...what now?" "It's time for me to show you around!"

Dicky started to show the siblings around the Roxania common room. "So, this is the main hall for the common room! It's like where we have meetings with Miss Ritchi, have parties, hang with other members of the house." He gestured to the room they were currently standing in. He then led the two to the outside area, followed by the Baudelaires and McKenna. "This is the gardens! Here is where mostly the gardeners hang out, and plant lots and lots of flowers!" He pointed to all the different flowers. "Wow! They're beautiful!" Aidan kneeled down to have a sniff of one of them. Maisie chuckled at the sight of her nature-loving brother. 

"And then up here," He walked up towards a room full of hobby stuff; instruments, writing paper, paints and easels. "This is the Inspiration Room!" Violet said. "Aw, I was gonna say that!" Dicky whined; stomping his foot. "This is the room of the common area that allows for Roxanias to be their creative selfs! Such as, the musicians like Cat, Dorothy, Miley, Tori!" Klaus explained to them. "Seems like your kind of house." Maisie side-said to her brother. "Some people like it quiet, so we have a separate one, just for that. This is mostly the one for all the loud people." McKenna stated. "Yeah, cause some party planners need to make some noise! And also where Klaus writes fantasies about him and Virginia!" Dicky smirked. "No, I don't!" Klaus exclaimed with a large amount of red on his cheeks. Maisie crossed her arms with a smirk. "Yeah, and when I'm trying to invent something, you just make a lot of noise!" Violet yelled towards Dicky. Everyone just looked at Violet, nothing to reply.

"Now, let's go to the best rooms of all!"


"Our dorm rooms!"

Aidan and Maisie observed the room around them; it was sparkly on the walls and coated in blue paint. The dorm rooms were also HUGE! On Dicky's desk, were pictures of his family (Maisie taking clear notice to Nicky), shades on a mannequin head, and loads of hairbrushes. The two started to question in their minds how Dicky even got in this house. And on Klaus' desk, were piles of books (mostly of law) and a picture of him and his sisters; along with an essay in the centre. Meanwhile in the girls' room, Violet's desk consisted of multiple materials, an object of something that Violet was working on and books just like Klaus. Also, on McKenna's desk, hers had fairy lights hanging from it and various pictures clipped onto the line, shades on the side and a jean jacket on her chair. "Wow, these rooms are SO cool!" Maisie gaped. "Well, as we're in house Roxania, we have people who like to decorate the place." McKenna smiled in reply. 

Maisie and Aidan took notice of something in the centre of the girls dorm room, on display, it looked very similar to their aunt's old raygun that their uncle Megamind once let her use. "Is that our aunt's raygun?! How do you have that?!" Aidan gasped. "Oh, no, it's not. I made that replica out of tinted glass." Violet said; the siblings gave shocked faces. "Are you two okay?" "How can we make stuff like this?" Maisie exclaimed. "Oh, it's fine. You don't need to be creative in making that sort of stuff." Klaus stated. "Yep! You could find it in music, painting, writing, filming." Dicky trailed on. "Well, I have a writing journal and Aidan brought a guitar with him. Does that count?" Maisie asked. "Absolutely! Aidan'll fit right into acting and music class; you might be a good writer, Maisie." Violet agreed with them. As the two looked around their rooms, they then realised...where were they going to sleep? The four quickly caught on and had the same thoughts as her. "Dicky, before even asking if they could stay in our rooms, did you even make beds?" McKenna groaned. "It just sprang into my mind!" Dicky argued. "Sometimes I wonder if you even have a brain." She whispered in response.

"Wait, uh, I have an idea!"


Violet had tied up her hair, striking up an idea and started to make non-well manufactured but comfortable beds for the siblings. She gave each of them a purple and blue aesthetic to their likings; which the siblings thanked her for. "There. How's that?" She asked them. "It's really nice." Aidan smiled. "I'm sorry, you two have to sleep in those beds. Klaus and I could give up our beds for you two." Violet offered, however, the siblings denied her request. They liked the beds made for them, they weren't planning on giving up on them. "I also hope Tom and Jerry like the bed I made for them." "Oh," Maisie looked over at the cat and mouse (now sleeping peacefully). "I'm sure they do." She nodded. "Well, I guess it's time for lessons." Violet untied her hair as she made her way to the door. "WHAT?! NO!" Dicky retaliated. "What have you got next?" McKenna asked the Potters. "Oh, we both have Music and Acting Class with Sikowitz and Mr. Finn." Aidan replied. "I have that too. I really don't like that class!" Klaus shuddered his arms with fear on his face. "I dOn'T lIkE mUsIc AnD aCtInG cLaSs!" Dicky mocked the glasses boy. "Then don't go!" He then quickly added. 

"We can chill and have a party!" He lowered his shades. "No, Dicky!" The siblings got up from their beds. "We don't want our first day of Roxania and our first Music and Acting class to be bad if we ditch!" Maisie explained to him. "We'd like for it to be smooth, please!" Aidan said in agreement. "It's actually Performing Arts and Music." Dicky mumbled as if not giving a care. "I really, really don't like that class!" Klaus muttered and joined the siblings' side. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun...right?"

(A/N: I finally got UnfortunateLoser27 in the story! YES!) 

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