001. This is berk.

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When people are born, they already have a family legacy to uphold, they have a name that they have to honor, and in the viking clan, you either live to pass on stories or you die (hopefully in an honorable way), just a memory in the wind, fading with each newborns breath. Hiccup Haddock wanted to make a name for himself, he wanted to not have his name be an insult to be used when people didn't want to do something. So that was what he was going to do. He could start by telling you about the person that changes his life in an unexpected way or how Freya was named by the gods, how her name and reputation was hand picked by Odin and Freya themselves. But he won't because it would take him forever. So he'll start with what he knows best, his home.

"This is Berk."  A boys voice echoed out into the archipelago.

White fog covered the outer landscape of berk as the early morning sky stretched the darkness cross the plains, the water surrounded them hit against the rocks letting water fly around, it actually would be a nice way to wake up. Two statues with fires inside the mouths, flickering and licking the cold that tried to take the flame.

"It's  twelve days north of hopeless, and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery."

A giant field filled with sheep just sitting and eating grass, some asleep in little bundles, The sheep farm was quiet only the sounds of the sheep, mixing with the breeze of the air. 

"My Village in a word, sturdy"

Houses stacked on one another, with stairs sometimes carved out of rock but mainly and mostly made out of wood. Going into different places, like stretching up to the cliffs — towards Gothi's hut — and another lot stretched  down to the docks, where the ships rest for trade and other tribes to dock there  but the steps mainly always leads to the main stretch of the Village. 

"It's been here for seven generations..."

Seven generations have made history on the shores of Berk, bloodshed coated the waters, dragons and vikings and seven generations lead to hundreds of thousands of stories. But this has been debated by everyone in the village, no one really knows when us Vikings got here. Except the chief, the portrait tell us many stories of each chief and his son past down the generation but their could be even more not documented by the shield painting lining the great Hall, but you could dive into so many arguments with the Vikings.

"And every single building is new"

And that is true, it's could be hard to believe how every. Single. One. Of them and not just a few from someone messing up and damaging the houses. But nope everyone of them is new. A few houses were still, not any smoke in sight coming out of the chimneys.

Torches leading up the stairs all the way up to the great Hall could be seen from anywhere, the flames licking and flickering, the orange light being illuminated on the wooden logs and for them all to see their way, back up from wherever, the docks, the forest, anywhere.

"We have fishing, hunting and a charming view of the sunsets."

It is really the picture of happiness, if you were a regular person. But we were anything by regular. The sheep sat there peacefully eating, some sleeping.

"The only problem are well the pests." 

It was peaceful, until it wasn't. A sheep was chewing on some grass, until sharp talons swoopt in and picked him up, flying him away before anyone could see. His friend did though. He stood their slack jawed as the other sheep let out a surprised 'baa'. He look to the side at where his friend was before walking two places and started eating where his friend once was, completely unbothered by it.

"You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes......"

A brunette haired boy opened the door with a little trouble, viking villagers ran past shouting as the giant red dragon chased the sheep, Ready to grab them. 

"We have....."

And you might look at us and think we are crazy for not leaving. The monstrous nightmare let out a growl as he reeled it's head back, then fired flames from his mouth. But the boy slammed the door just in time, as flames erupted around the wooden door through the cracks. His back against the door, taking deep breath as he waited for the flames to dye down. It was surprising how it didn't just all burn up so the dragon could eat him. The scrawny boy had a wide eyed look as he smiled ".....dragons" he said a little bit to excited.

"Most people would leave." 

And of course they would, no one likes the raids and having to rebuild houses over and over again.

Sheep and livestock ran for their lives as they tried not to be taken or burnt alive. The vikings ran away from the flames, before running straight back towards the deadly beasts. A deadly nadder swooped down and snatched up a sheep just as one of the vikings when to run and grab it out of its clutches. But ended up just having to hold on for dead life.

"Not us.....We're vikings......we have stubbornness issues...."

We see what we want to see. Not looking past it for the benefit of other. Which leads you to getting pushed off the docks. Like Astrid did to Snotlout. That was an annual thing, it happened almost every week. And Freya ended up kicking him in the shins —making him hold his leg up and fall into the water— This is why people kept Freya away from Snotlout's constant flirting, But it never works. He is....Persistent. 

We have problems changing, once the rules and ways are set, we will stubbornly hang on to sheep even though the grip of the dragon is the strongest and most deadly thing and he's not getting that sheep back, but it doesn't stop him from trying. And another viking hanging onto the face of a gronkle hitting him with his hammer. But the gronckles skin is to tough for him to do exstentive damage, but that doesn't mean the dragon is happy about it. So he threw the viking roughly off him and onto the ground.

The scrawny boy quickly ran down the stair of the burning house, he was just in, every house in berk had something to do with dragons whether it was a nadders head carved into the woods. It also had the seal of each family etched into its design.

"My name is Hiccup."

Hiccup Haddock...Hiccup the Horrendous as the whole village calls him, not to his face. Well not most of the time.

Hiccup Haddock run came to an abrupt stop, when a viking landed in straight in front of him, nearing on top of him, he swerved to the right but someone else's axe flew in front of him, nearly landing on his toes and cutting them off.

"Great name, i know. But it's not the worst." 

The name has been pasted down down the generations if they are weak and scrawny boys. Boys who are the disappointments of the clan.

"Parents believed a hideous name frighten off gnomes and trolls...."

The man quickly got up, quickly recovering from the fall and grabbed the axe, as he gripped it he let out a war cry and ran straight back into the battle. Chaos was everywhere as hiccup ran through the village, Under a log, two viking were carrying, cause them to be distracted and two others rammed into them accidentally and knock them all over.

Not that anyone actually believed that trolls and gnomes existed, well anyone but Gobber. Hiccup backed up away from the mess, he just made and accidentally ran into someone as they slammed past him making him stumble to catch his footing, not liked that mattered because as soon as he did, and turned around to continue running,a blast knocked him off his feet. Making him fall onto his back on the grass.

"Like our Charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that" 

Note the sarcasm on the word charming. We are not charming, we scare the hide off a yak and the twins have made the sheep faint.

A man hovered over him and roared in the boys face, spit flying from his mouth and onto hiccup's face. He held an axe in his one hand small ambers of the dragons fire, or burning building —no one could tell which—   was searing at small parts of his blond beard. "AHHHHHH! Mornin'!" He shouted as he quickly got up and continued to help defend the animals against the dragons. They flew everywhere, diving and blasting anything and everything, the dragons roars mixed with the vikings war cries, and flames from burning houses lit up the streets. As Hiccup got up and ran onto the wooden stairs. Many vikings he passed were not happy to see him shouting to him as they both ran past each other "What are you doing here?!" "Get inside" and many of the same sentences left many of their mouths. But he ran past an unbothered viking picking ear wax out of his ear.

Just as Hiccup was watching him, he turned around in time to nearly watch himself get burnt alive. Key word nearly. A man's hand reached out and snagged him out of the way holding him up like he was a sack of potatoes. Pointing a meaty finger at him "Hiccup! what is he doing- what are you doing out?! Get inside!" The man yelled pushing him towards the forge.

"That's Stoick the vast. Chief of the tribe."

The man had a long fiery red bead with braids on the end of it. His secondhand Kraki Griffin, stood next to him as he stared down a gronckle that was flying past carrying a yak. He went straight after it, The viking was stoick's best friend, and second in command, was funny cause his daughter used to be Hiccup's best friend, the only person who use to believed him —Kraki, a tall and muscular man, with copper skin, a black beard, his black hair that reached his upper back tied into a braid and dark eyes, that would scare anyone to death on the battlefield— ran after the beast, it is said that the man's footsteps could shake the earth's crust and when he was a baby he 

Stoick stared at the sky as the flames and ash burnt around everything, smoke engulfed the air. As the sun started to come up because the early morning days went like this day after day. Dragon raids. They take everything, Sheep, livestock. Fish. Meat anything they could get their claws on. No one knows what the dragons do with the spoils and the vikings for generations have been trying to look for the dragons nest but no one have ever gotten close or even found it. Not one.

"They say when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders" The tales of the chiefs have spanned for centuries, inspiring fear and admiration in the village. 

A Nadder flew by with its kill. But before it could get away, Stoick hurling the wooden cart that was next to him, throw the air, letting it go with a grunt as it soared through the air and hitting the unsuspecting dragon in the back, knocking it out mid air. As it roared violently, catching it's balance and flew off. Looking for something else.

"Do I believe it?" 

Does he believe ever tale, about the strongest Viking chief,. 

"Yes, I does."

"What have we got?" Stoick asked gruffly, as he turned around and rolled his shoulders. The blonde haired man, Starkard started to list ofF the dragons. 

"Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks, Oh, and Hoark saw a Monstrous Nightmare."

"Any night furies, or Skrills" Stoick asked, his voice always sounded like an order. It had become apparent to all the vikings that the Night fury and Skrill hunted together. Like it said in the book of the dragons Skrills hunt in packs, and a dragon without a pack...well let's just say it doesn't end well for the beast. Other dragons come to pick it apart, ready for the kill. Some dragons help others and integrate them into their packs, so they fight as one.

"none so far" the man said, As an explosion in the background made, The Viking next to Stoick, hide under his shield, so the flames and ash doesn't hit him. Stoick stands there not bothered by any of this bloodshed and fighting. A small flame of burning ember lands on shoulder. The chief casually brushed it off.

"Good." The sky was covered in ember and flames, smoke engulfed the sky and everything it touches, houses were burning down and animals were become scarce to see. Most were hiding in fear but most were taken off into the unknown.

"Hoist the torches" A Viking yelled, an order to the rest. Two giant piles the top covered in hay rose up. Vikings lighting them as they went up, it was to scare off the dragons. Hiccup quickly bolted past running into the forge, the place he worked to help with weapons. "Oh nice if you to join the party" A blonde bearded man said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I thought you had been carried off!" He exclaimed, as Hiccup tied his apron around his waist. Huffing and puffing from all the running and dodging around dragons and vikings falling from the sky. The muscular man slammed the hammer into the bent sword that was glowing an orangey red from the fire he has heated it on. A clunk sound filled the little weaponry.

"Who, Me?" Hiccup waved the viking off with a wave of his hand as he turned around and lifted the heavy hammer with great strain. "No, come on I'm way to muscular for their taste." He lifted it as stumbled a little trying to catch his footing with the heavy object he held in his twig arms.

"They wouldn't know what to do with all this" he lifted the hammer, with a grunt, his words tiny as he struggled to lift it to its place on the wall. When he let it go on the rack. He turned to Gobber and gestured to himself before show his non existent arm muscles.

"Well they need toothpicks, don't they?" He quipped as The viking changed his hammer arm to a smaller hammer. As Hiccup opened the window doors to the forge. As many Viking came up with their broken or bent weapons, Hiccup grabbed as much as he could carry and lugged them over to the coal pit, a place where they have coal and fire to heat the weapons up so the can be molded back to shape.

"The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber"

 Gobber the belch, to be more specific. Gobber is a well built, large and bold Viking with a long, braided blond mustache and a unibrow. Gobber has a wooden peg leg, and a missing arm, he can change which weapon he welds in the metal stump, attached to his felch stump. 

"I've has been his apprentice since I was little.......well littler..."

Hiccup placed all his weight on the giant bellow to heat up the fire.


Stoick stood with his men, near the watch-tower, giving out to orders "We move to the lower defenses. We'll counter-attack with the catapults." He ordered each viking as they ran past their chief, who was holding a shield. Kraki ran up to the Chief, Holding the yak he had retrieved back from the dragon. He wasn't going to let that gronckle take the yak. He has flown away whimpering, as the man had hit him with a mallet, so hard that the dragon lost a tooth.

Half started running with stoick, to get the lower defences up and running. A monstrous nightmare flew past diving as it set fire to the closest house. see? Old village, lots and lots of new houses. "Fire!" A man yelled, The teens of berk were quick to race to the call. Carrying buckets of water to throw on the burning building. A chubby boy ran by clutching his bucket of water, spilling a lot of it on the ground "That's fishlegs" A boy with a built body and ugly face like he had ran into a wall as a baby ran past carrying two buckets in tow "Snotlout"  Two twins one boy and one girl, both with long blonde hair that smelt of fish, They looked so similar many people in the village including their parent couldn't tell them apart sometimes. Started fighting over the bucket as they carried it between them.

"The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut" A blonde female viking ran towards the flames, she had her blonde hair in a braid, as she tossed the water onto the flame "Astrid" A girl with dark brown hair hanging in a braid so it was out of her face, and sunkissed skin ran towards the fire, also tossing her bucket of water on the flames. "and thats...Freya!" Hiccup has a love sick gaze on his face as he stared at the viking girl, heat ran up his neck, making his ears go bright red. Oh yeah remember Stoick's second in command....Yeah.....That's his daughter, so if anyone wants to date her, be prepared to have your head rolling away from your body and fed to the dragons at the next dragon raid....It's true though a boy was never seen again after trying to break her heart. We are still not sure who killed him though and whether it was Freya or Kraki, or if it was her sister Aria. It didn't stop Hiccup for falling in love with her though. An explosion of fire set off behind the two girls as the unlikely friend group walked by their sides. Did he mention they used to be friends?

She is her father's daughter. Vicious, Strong, giving out orders with no room to argue. Parts of her dark brown hair sticking to her face. The Griffin girl has been know to threaten many people especially on touchy subject like her family. (Her mother left when she was an baby.) 

"There job is so much cooler."

Hiccup leaned out the window wanting to join the group in their fight, Freya's eyes caught his, she quickly looked away from the boy before disappearing into the chaos in the centre of the village. But Gobber pulled Hiccup up by the fur tunic with his hook hand, pulling him back inside to Hiccup's disappointment. "Oh come on!" He exclaimed. "Let me out....please!" Hiccup begged, But the man was stubborn.

"I need to make my mark!" He exclaimed his hands going into different direction as he tried to explain his point.  Gobber put him down on the cobblestone pavement that paved the floor of the forge.

"Oh you'll make your mark.." he jabbed the boy in different spots "in all the wrong places" Gobber may be tough on the boy, but he did care and the last thing he wanted to see was was him to be dead or hurt badly. Hiccup just wasn't the Viking people wanted him to be. Even with all the setbacks he causes, people still hoped for him to snap out of it and be the Viking his father is.

Hiccup took steps back as he continued to beg "please just two minutes, I'll kill a dragon, my life will get infinitely better.....I might even get a date!" He exclaimed, hands going into different direction again, pointing outside to the fighting and yelling and roars outside.

"You can't lift a hammer." Gobber started listing everything hiccup couldn't do, counting on his meaty fingers. "You can't swing an axe." Gobber then grabbed a bola holding them high so Hiccup could see them "you can't even throw one of these!" Just as he finished a Viking snatched them from Gobber's fingers he looked shocked at his fingers.

"Okay fine.." hiccup took some steps back to the invention he made, placing his hand on it with a satisfied smile. "But this will throw it for me" the machine flew open and the bola that had been place careful inside flew up and out the window hitting a unsuspecting Viking straight in the head, knocking him out cold. Hiccup and Gobber both stared before Gobber rounded on him.

"See? Now this right here is what I'm talking about!" He gestured his prongs hand from the contraption to Hiccup angrily, Hiccup stuttered as he moved back as the Older Viking approached him. "Mild calibration issues....." He couldn't finish his sentence as he stuttered through it.

"Hiccup!" The blacksmith cut his off. "If you ever want to get out their to fight dragons...you need to stop all of this.." Gobber gestured to Hiccups whole body, the boy of course took offence to it.

"But you just pointed to all of me." He stated offended as he looked from his scrawny body to the bigger man.

"Yes!" Gobber happily said as he Jammed his finger into hiccups shoulder. "Stop being all of you!" He hoped hiccup got what he was getting at.

The two gave each other looks as they said 'ohhhs' at each other. "you sir, are playing a dangerous game" Hiccup wagged his pointer finger in the blacksmith's face. "Keeping this much raw Vikingness contained?" clearly not

Hiccup shot his head up as his hands moved around mimicking a ball of 'vikingness' that was being held back by this Viking. "There will be consequences" hiccup shouted, as Gobber gave him a deadpanned look.

"I'll take my chances" he said with no emotion, As he turned around a grabbed a large sword, and tossed it onto, hiccups open arms, he grabbed it with a grunt. "Sword. Sharpen. Now." He ordered.

Hiccup walked towards the whetstones sharpening stone. He placed the blade of the sword on the stone. One day, he'll get out there. Because killing a dragon....is everything around here. Sparks from the sword bring pushed against the stone flew around.

"A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed." 

A blue and yellow Nadder squawked and hopped on top of the house roof. Deadly Nadders are bird like dragons, with a Nasal horn, Spiky crown, which would hurt to get impaled on. Spiny tail, that when threatened the spikes come up and they are used to impale their victims. They have Beak-like upper jaw, with an Overbite, so you see 

Gronckles are tough, they are bull dog like dragons. "Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend" hopefully that would impress Freya, which he always wanted to do.

"A Zippleback? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status." 

A green Zippleback one head that smokes green gas as it filled the house from the roof, and the second head, breaking the door down to lite it with a spark. Setting the house to flames.


Stoick climbed onto the watch Tower as the Viking exclaims that the dragons had found the sheep. "Concentrate fire over the lower bank." Stoick ordered, the Viking standing near the catapult. "Hurry up!"

"Fire!" A man shouted as the man near the catapult pulled on the lever, the boulders went, soaring through the sky and smashed straight into a deadly Nadder side, before they could grab onto the sheep easier.

And then there's the Monstrous Nightmare. A shadow flew past the chief making him turn towards it, only the best Vikings go after those. Because they are giant, with a strong jaw that could break you in two, and they have this nasty habit to set themselves on fire.

"Reload!" Stoick command his Vikings,  as the red dragon landed on structure below stoick, as he lit into flames, growling as he moved through the wooden planks and the smoke that came out of his nostrils, and the burning wooden structure. Stoick stared down the beast, gripping his hammer, flexing his hand around the handle. "I'll take care of this" he said to himself in a low tone. As he swung his hammer and stuck the creature in the snout. The tussle between the Viking and dragon continued as the monstrous nightmare reared back and snapped his mouth shut trying to eat the Viking chief.

"But the ultimate prizes, are the dragons no one has ever seen before" 

or at least no one had ever gotten close enough to one of them to see properly. Two shadow passed by in the sky with a quiet woosh, no one could see it as the dragons blended in with the night sky.

"We call them the...."

"night fury!" A Viking shouted 

"Skrill" Another one shouted

"Get down!" Another Viking shouted as  high pitched whistles echoed through the air and into every Vikings ear as they all hide under their shields. As a purple shot hit the catapult with pinpoint accuracy, the light rippled out of the blast as the catapult was now consumers in flames. The dragon soared fast by. Stoick jumped off the falling structure nearly getting crushed by a boulder falling down.

Another dragon shooting a blast of bright lightning making the vikings cover their eyes to avoid going blind. A net shot up just as the Skrill stopped to help one of the gronckles that was stuck in a bola net. But due to it stopping and not flying with the night fury the skrill nearly got itself caught, but a blast of purple cause the rope netting to burn. 

"These dragon never steals food, never shows itself and...." 

Another shot hit the brick tower making crumble under the unsteadiness of the other bricks. 

"Never misses."

Hiccup leant out the window before recoiling back inside at the bright purple blast.

"No one has ever killed one....That's why i'm going to be the first."

Gobber grunted as he pulled off the clip arm extension as he replaced it with a axe and turning it so it clicked on place. "Man the fort Hiccup! They need me out there" he exclaimed, and hobbled off to help the other Vikings, but quickly thinking, he turned around "stay." He pointed his finger at the boy "put. There." Gobber commanded. "You know what I mean" he finished before letting out a war cry and hobbling off to fight. As explosions sounded off in the background.

It wasn't even a matter of five seconds before hiccup bolted out, pushing his bola contraption in front of him past the confused Vikings who needed their weapons fixed. 'Where are you going?!' 'hiccup!' 'come back here!' hiccup quickly muttered a 'yeah I know' and 'be right back!' Freya watched as he ran away, before sighing and running after him. He's going to get himself killed. She thought hoping to get to him before a dragon did. 

Hiccup ran up to a hill, clear of any dragons and vikings and a great shot of the sky. He opened the weapon and it up pulled. Pulling a lever back so the string was ready to release. He turned the weapon, ready for something to zip past as he strained his eyes in the dark, looking for movement.

"Come on give me something to shoot at." Freya moved next to him, scaring him, making him clutch his chest in panic as his breathing had to thin back out to normal "what are you doing here?" He whispered "no the question is what are you doing here? You are meant to be in the forge, Gobber is going to be pissed..not the mention stoick" She had her arms cross with a eyebrow raised. 

"Just look." He whispered, shocked that she was worrying or even talking to him, they hadn't talk since they were five.

She huffed and turned to the sky "Okay" Freya was confused at what they were looking at as she stared at the sky, they waited and heard a high pitched whistle, Hiccup stood up straighter. A blast hit the catapult in front of them and two dragon flew out of the smoke. Hiccup shot the bolas out and shut his eyes, the recoil caused him to be thrown backwards Freya quickly went to help him steady himself. They watched as the two dragons intanged in bolas went down just by Raven's point. Their roars echoed through the early morning sky.

Freya and Hiccup stared at each other, before busting out with cheers at Hiccup's success. "Oh I hit it. Yes, I hit it. Did anyone else see that?!" He exclaimed as he went to hug freya, but stopped when he saw her looking sternly at him, he slowly lowered his arms and sheepishly rubbed his neck, swallowing thickly he opened his mouth to say something. But a giant thud sounded behind them made him stop "Oh fuck" Freya swore under her breath and the two turned around. A red monstrous nightmare climbed up the side of the cliff. Snarling and growling.

Hiccup and Freya both turned pale. "Run" Freya said as she ran into a different direction and hiccup ran the other. The scaley beast ran after hiccup, of course. Freya changed course and ran after them. Holding a dagger in her left arm and getting ready to throw as Hiccup scrambled dodging fire and a dragon literally running after him. "Hiccup hold still, run straight" Freya yelled after him not able to get a good aim of the dragon as it was jumping erratically around trying to eat the boy.

"Would you like it chasing you by all means be my guest" Hiccup sassed back. Still running for his life, Freya sighed rolling her eyes with a smug smirk on her face as she let go of the knife end and let it hit the dragon in the left wing. But it proved to be useless as it only grazed its scaly skin. The dragon was pissed to be sure as he tried to hit the girl with a blast causing her to roll out of the way and further away from Hiccup. As said boy hid behind of the the large touch poles, holding his arms by his side. Orange hot flames, surrounded both sides of him, leaving him trapped. Once the fire stopped. Hiccup peered around the corner trying to see where it was. But it peered around where Hiccup wasn't looking, the red beast went to snap at him, Stoick jumped and kicked the dragon in the snout. Making him turn its attention towards the viking, as Kraki joined his best friend and chief to fight the beast. It snarled at the two, as Freya stood up, ready to run to help her father before being pulled back by her o best friend, Astrid "Don't" She stated pulling Freya away to sit with her, So she wouldn't you know. die.

The Monstrous Nightmare opened his mouth to breath fire, but cough up a few drops of flaming liquid instead, Having used up all its shots. "You're all out" The two vikings chuckled at the dragon's predicament, as the dragon now looked small. as the two male vikings took turns punching it in the snout, as is started to back away before flying off realising it's not going to win. 

"Oh and There's one more thing I you need to know..."

Once the chaos had settled, the pole Hiccup stood behind started to crack and creek under the weight of the giant torch. The sounds of it cracking and falling was heard as the lit bit of the touch went falling down the stairs and crack more and more of the wood, as it let free a group of Nadder Stoick and Kraki had caught and netted up, but the sight of Hiccup running away from the beast and Kraki's Daughter running after it, didn't fill them with hope. The haul the dragons had collected flew off with them, to Thor knows where. 

Freya was pulled away by her older sister after Astrid informed her what happened "Traitor" Freya mutter under her breath at Astrid. Freya turned to her older sister ready to defend herself "No." Aria held up a hand silencing her before she could talk "Just no. Dad's mad as it is, Just head home, whilst i fix up anyone that needs fixing and i'll be home right away" Freya when to protest immediately but was just ignored and forced to go home. So Freya was sent to walk home, walking past mildew, the person the village hated more then hiccup, he wasn't allowed in the village because he hated everyone too. She opened the wooden door to the house, entering the dark house, she sat on the big chair that was her father's as soon as her butt hit the seat she was already on her way to falling asleep. 


Stoick turned around to look at Hiccup, Kraki going to help drag the dragons to the arena for the viking training. "Sorry, Dad." Hiccup said quietly. He stood their sheepishly before sucking in a breath and in one breath said "Okay, but I hit a Night Fury and Skrill." 

Stoick grabbed him by the back of the shirt and roughly pulled him towards their house on the hill. Hiccup tried to plead his case as his eyes searched for Freya but she was nowhere to be seen. She had to go home he summed up. "It's not like the last few times Dad! I mean, I really actually hit it! You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot, You can even ask Freya-" Karki's brows frowned as he stared at the boy curiously, He was going to have a talk with his daughter tomorrow . "-It went down, just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party out there, before it--" 

Gobber looked at him with pity, that all anyone ever looked at him with, that or anger or disappointment. Stoick let him go and turned towards him "STOP!" He shouted, Hiccup flinced causing stoick to lower his tone "Stop." Hiccups eyes darted to the ground and back to his father "Every time you step outside, disaster follows.....Can you not see that I have bigger problems? Winter's almost here and I have an entire village to feed!"

"Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?" Hiccup asked, like it was the most obvious thing, the villages felt outraged at this comment. Stoick snapped at him "This isn't a joke hiccup!" He sighed they had, had this conversation for the millionth time, and he Never learns. Never changes. Never tries. Hiccup was the most looked down upon viking in the entire archipelago. "Why can't you just follow the simplest orders?" Stoick asked, generally wondering why nothing he did worked, he wonders where he went wrong.

"I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and i have to just kill it." Hiccup went back to explain with his hands again, He didn't know why he couldn't follow instructions. "You know, It's who i am dad" This whole conversation wouldn't feel embarrassing in the confinements of the house. But it was in front of the entire village.

Stoick already felt a headache forming, "You're many things, Hiccup. But a dragon killer is not one of them." He said, Hiccup didn't know why that line hurt so much, whether it was that he could see the disappointment written all over his father's face, or the how his tone was him just being ashamed of hiccup. But he hated it. "Get back to the house." Stoick ordered before turning to Gobber "Make sure he gets there" The man hit him in the back of the head.  

"I have his mess to clean up" His father muttered, So hiccup did his walk of shame, and it wouldn't feel so shameful, if the village teens didn't hear that entire conversation, excluding Freya. They all started making fun of him "Quite the performance." Tuffnut stated, causing his sister to cackle laugh out loud. "I've never seen anyone mess up that badly. That helped" Snotlout was the worst, as he has hated Hiccup and just made his life worst. Also he was Hiccup's cousin, He also harbours resentment because Hiccup and Freya used to be friends, but won't give Snotlout a second of her time. "Thank you. Thank you. i was trying" Hiccup said, Astrid sat on a rock sharpening her axe. Gobber pushed snotlout away from Hiccup.

Hiccup and Gobber walked in silence up to the Chief's house. As the morning sun started to come up, lighting the sky in pinks and oranges. "I really did hit them, Freya saw me" 

"Sure, Hiccup" He said not buying the lie Hiccup was trying to feed him. 

"He never listens." 

"It runs in the family." Gobber stated as the neared the house. 

"When he does, it's with this disappointing scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich." Hiccup turned to the side and started pacing whilst he imitated stoick. "Excuse me, barmaid! I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!" Hiccup squeezed his upper arm acting like he had beefy arms. He pointed to a "person" lower, acting like that was Hiccup. Gobber sighed, He felt bad for the boy. 

"You're thinking about this wrong"  He gestured to Hiccup. "It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand." Hiccup gave him a blank stare "Thank you for summing that up" He said sarcastically. 

Gobber tried to rephrase it, so it sounded nicer "Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not."

Hiccup pushed open the front door and started to walk inside, before saying sadly "I just want to be one of you guys." and shutting it. Gobber sighed sadly, He really did feel bad for the boy. What Gobber didn't know was Hiccup took the back way out of the house, stumbling as he ran off to find the dragons but not before going to get Freya.


All the vikings met in the great hall for a meeting, a statue of a dragon being impaled on the sword was in the very middle of the great hall, hanging above where the fire pit stood. Stoick had a map laid out in front of him "Either we finish them, or they'll finish us!" He announced. Everyone listened to their chief "It's the only way we'll be rid of them!" The fire crackling echoed around the hall. "If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave" Karki, stood with his arms crossed as his sharp eyes scanned the map. "They'll find another home!" It's not that he didn't agree with Stoick, On the contrary Stoick is his best friend, but all the other ships never came back and he has his daughters to think about. Stoick picked up his dagger and slammed it into the part of the map where there were dragon drawing, the tip of the dagger pierced the table. "One more search. Before the ice sets in." The chief announced, "Those ships never come back." One viking voiced Karki's thoughts. "We're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard! Now who's with me?" The whole tribe started mumbling excuses on why they can't go. The chiefs second on command, nodded gruffly.

"Alright. Those who stay will look after Hiccup." Stoick said, knowing no one wants to look after him, and just like he expected 'To the ships!' and 'I'm with you, Stoick!' where heard from all around the great hall. "Alright that's more like it" He muttered. Gobber took a last chug of his drink, before wiping his mouth with his arm. 

Karki walked out of the great hall and went to go pack for the long voyage. His boots hit the cobblestone pathway as he trekked towards his home. He opened the door to see his youngest daughter sleeping on his chair, the one that sat near the fire, it had been tended to, poked and prodded with the metal fork that was hanging off a hook by the fire. This had become a unspoken tradition, Freya after anything, Battle, Fight Voyage, would sit in that chair waiting for him to come home, whether she was awake or asleep, she wouldn't leave until he came home. It was unspoken cause she has been doing it since her mother died. She and Karki never talked about why, she just did and he just expected it. He just carried her to her room for her to sleep in her bed. So that's what he did, he carried her to her bed, down the stairs, her and Aria had fought over who got the top bedroom and who got the bottom room. Freya got the short stick and got the bottom room. Her room was decorated in weapons and training tools. Whilst Aria's room was decorated in healing equipment and medicine. She was training to heal vikings, in their time of need on the battlefield. 


Hiii i am so happy to have published my first chapter. Freya and Hiccup sassing each other is my favourite thing. Freya and Karki's relationship and family dynamic will be discussed in the coming chapters. 

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