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chapter seven:
❛ dates (part 1) ❜
sunny's pov


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Sunny stood at her locker, absently spinning the combination dial while her thoughts swirled around classes, upcoming assignments, and the usual social pressures of high school. The hall buzzed with the sounds of laughter, lockers slamming, and students hustling to their next classes, but Sunny felt a bubble of tranquility in her small corner of the world.

Just as she was about to grab her history book, a familiar voice cut through her reverie. "Hey, Sunny!"

Startled, she looked up to see Hawk sauntering toward her, his trademark confident smile lighting up his face. He leaned casually against the lockers, his presence commanding yet somehow disarming. Sunny's heart raced as she noted the intensity in his eyes; they sparkled with an energy that made her stomach flutter.

"Uh, hey," she managed to say, trying to project a casual demeanor while feeling warmth creep up her cheeks.

They exchanged small talk-casual jokes about school and shared classes-until the atmosphere shifted. Hawk's playful demeanor morphed into something more earnest. He took a deep breath, shifting his weight as he prepared to speak. "Listen, I've been thinking... Would you want to go out with me?"

Sunny blinked, caught completely off guard. "Wait, what?" The words tumbled out before she could fully process them.

Hawk took a step closer, his grip firm yet gentle as he took her hands in his. "Just say yes, okay? I'll pick you up at eight."

The words hung in the air, leaving Sunny momentarily speechless. "You mean, like... a date?" she finally managed, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Yeah, exactly," he said, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his confident façade. "I really like you, Sunny,"

Sunny felt a whirlwind of emotions crash over her-excitement, confusion, and a rush of anxiety. "Um... wow, I-" she stammered, her mind racing through a million scenarios. The shock left her reeling, and she felt like she was in a movie, unable to comprehend that this was really happening.

"Just think about it," he urged, a hopeful smile on his lips. "I promise it'll be fun. You don't have to decide right now."

As he released her hands, a strange mix of disappointment and exhilaration flooded through her. "Okay, I'll think about it," she said, though the words felt inadequate to encapsulate what she was feeling.

With one last grin, Hawk turned and walked away, leaving Sunny standing there in a daze. She shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts as she made her way through the crowded hallway, her heart still racing. She needed to tell Moon-her sister would know what to do.

She spotted Moon in the cafeteria, surrounded by a lively group of friends. Her sister's infectious laughter rang out, instantly lifting Sunny's spirits. She pushed through the throng of students, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Moon!" Sunny exclaimed, grabbing her sister's arm to get her attention. "You won't believe what just happened!"

Moon turned, her face lighting up with curiosity and anticipation. "What? Tell me everything!"

"Eli just asked me out!" Sunny blurted, her eyes wide as she tried to gauge Moon's reaction.

Moon's eyes widened in sheer delight. "Oh my gosh, Sunny! This is amazing!" She jumped up and down, her long hair bouncing with her enthusiasm. "You're going on a date with Eli! This is like a dream come true!"

Sunny couldn't help but laugh at her sister's exuberance, her own excitement mingling with the initial shock. "I know, but I'm still in disbelief! I didn't see it coming at all!"

Moon leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with inspiration. "What are you going to wear? You have to have a plan! This is a big deal!"

"I don't even know!" Sunny replied, feeling a rush of nervousness wash over her. "I mean, what if I mess it up? What if it's awkward?"

Moon waved her hand dismissively, her cheerful demeanor unwavering. "Nonsense! This is an opportunity! Just be yourself. You're amazing, Sunny! Trust me; he'll love you just the way you are."

Sunny felt her heart swell with appreciation for her sister. Moon had a way of making everything seem brighter, and despite her initial uncertainty, she found comfort in her sister's unshakeable support. "Okay, let's do it! But first, can we grab some lunch? I need to fuel up for this date planning."

"Absolutely!" Moon chirped, linking her arm through Sunny's as they headed toward the cafeteria. "And I'll help you pick out the perfect outfit! This is going to be epic!"

As they navigated the bustling cafeteria, Sunny felt a rush of gratitude for her sister by her side. The idea of a date with Hawk was still surreal, but with Moon's encouragement, it began to feel a little less intimidating. "You really think this is a good idea?" Sunny asked, stealing a glance at her sister.

"Sunny, it's a great idea! Just imagine telling everyone that you're dating Hawk!" Moon exclaimed, her excitement infectious.

With a laugh, Sunny felt a wave of determination wash over her. Maybe this was the beginning of something wonderful. And with Moon cheering her on, she was ready to face whatever came next.

Sunny paced nervously in her room, glancing at the clock on the wall as the minutes ticked by. Her heart raced as she thought about her upcoming date with Hawk. Moon bustled around, pulling clothes from the closet and rifling through Sunny's makeup drawer, her excitement palpable. The air was charged with anticipation.

"Okay, we need to find the perfect outfit for you!" Moon declared, tossing a denim jacket over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She was on a mission.

Sunny bit her lip, anxiety gnawing at her as she watched her sister. "I don't know, Moon. What if I don't look good enough? Hawk is... well, he's Hawk. He's so different now." She sighed, pulling at the hem of her shirt.

Moon paused, turning to face her with a serious expression. "Different how? Just because he's got more attention doesn't mean he doesn't like you. You two have a connection!"

Sunny sighed again, her mind racing. "But he's like a celebrity at school now! Every girl is fawning over him. It feels unreal that he would like me." She hugged herself, feeling small under the weight of her insecurities.

"Stop right there!" Moon exclaimed, her voice rising with conviction. "Don't talk about yourself like that! You're amazing, Sunny! You're not just 'some girl.' Hawk sees that!"

Sunny rolled her eyes, but a smile crept onto her lips at Moon's passionate defense. "I know you think that, but what if I'm not enough? What if he changes his mind?" Her voice trembled slightly.

"Then he's an idiot!" Moon shot back, hands on her hips. "But I don't think he will. You two have chemistry, and you're not the same girl he used to know. You've grown! He likes you for you." Moon's tone was firm, as if she was trying to instill confidence in her sister through sheer force of will.

Sunny took a deep breath, trying to absorb her sister's words. "I guess you're right. I just... I really like him, Moon. What if I screw this up?" The fear of rejection loomed large in her mind.

"Listen," Moon said, pulling Sunny into a tight hug. "Just be yourself. Hawk is interested in you for a reason. And I promise you, he's not looking for perfection. He's looking for Sunny." Moon's warmth enveloped Sunny, grounding her in the moment.

Sunny smiled, feeling a surge of confidence from Moon's unwavering support. "Okay, I'll try. But I still have no idea what to wear."

Moon released her and dove back into the closet, pulling out a floral dress. "How about this? It's cute and casual but still shows off how fabulous you are!" She held it up, the fabric swaying gently.

Sunny hesitated, eyeing the dress with uncertainty. "Do you think it's too much? What if I look overdressed?" She twisted a lock of hair between her fingers.

"Not at all!" Moon insisted, holding it up to Sunny's frame. "You'll look stunning! Trust me, Hawk will be blown away." Her enthusiasm was infectious, and Sunny felt her own excitement start to build.

Taking a deep breath, Sunny nodded. "Okay, let's do it. But if I trip or spill something... just know I blame you." She grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

Moon giggled, helping her slip into the dress. As the soft fabric settled against her skin, Sunny felt a flicker of confidence ignite within her. "Just don't forget to breathe! And remember, you're going to have fun. That's the most important part."

As Sunny examined herself in the mirror, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement. The dress hugged her curves perfectly, and the floral pattern brought out the brightness in her eyes. "I actually look pretty good," she whispered to herself, a smile spreading across her face.

Moon clapped her hands, practically bouncing on her toes. "See? I told you! You look incredible! Now, let's do your hair and makeup." She swept Sunny's hair into a loose, elegant style, letting a few strands fall playfully around her face.

Sunny couldn't help but feel giddy. Maybe this could be the start of something special. With Moon's encouragement, she was ready to face whatever the night would bring. As she took one last look in the mirror, she felt a newfound sense of self-assurance, ready to embrace the adventure ahead.

Sunny was still in her room, nervously adjusting her dress as Moon finished styling her hair. The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, and August raised an eyebrow, glancing at the clock. "I'll get it," he said, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

As he opened the door, he was taken aback. Standing on the porch was Hawk, looking every bit the confident young man he'd become. Gone was the shy boy August had known; in his place stood someone with an air of self-assurance that made August momentarily speechless.

"Uh, hey, Mr. Reynolds!" Hawk greeted, his voice smooth and friendly. He held out a bouquet of flowers, a vibrant mix of colors that contrasted beautifully with the evening light. "These are for Sunny."

August stared, trying to reconcile the image of the boy who used to hang out with his daughters with the striking young man before him. He stepped aside, allowing Hawk to enter. "Wow, you look... different," he finally said, a mix of admiration and surprise in his tone.

Hawk chuckled, a hint of bashfulness creeping in. "Thanks! I appreciate it, sir." His casual confidence shone through as he surveyed the living room, his posture relaxed.

Just then, Moon joined them, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Hawk. "Wow, Eli, you clean up nice!" she teased, unable to hide her excitement.

Hawk smiled, clearly enjoying the compliment. "Thanks, Moon."

August crossed his arms, still a bit incredulous. "I barely recognized you! What happened to that shy kid I used to see hanging around?"

Elaine, Sunny and Moon's mom, walked into the hallway, sensing the commotion. "What's going on?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she took in Hawk.

"Just a transformation, I guess," August said, shaking his head in disbelief. "He looks like a different person."

Elaine chuckled, her maternal instincts kicking in. "It's called growing up, August. Kids change."

"Wow, you look amazing!" Sunny's voice cut through the moment as she stepped down the stairs, the light catching her dress just right. Hawk turned, his expression softening as he took in her appearance.

"For you," he said, extending the flowers towards her with a genuine smile. Sunny's eyes widened, and she took them with a shy grin, feeling the warmth of the moment envelop them.

"Thank you, Hawk!" she said, her cheeks flushing. She inhaled the sweet scent of the flowers, feeling giddy.

As they made their way to the door, August couldn't help but voice his concerns. "Are we sure no one should be supervising this date?" he said, his protective instincts flaring.

Moon rolled her eyes, stepping between her dad and the door. "Dad, come on. Sunny knows her limits. She'll be fine."

Sunny nodded, feeling more assured. "I promise, I'll be careful. We're just going to have some fun."

Hawk smiled, his confidence radiating as he held the door open for Sunny. "Let's get going, then."

As they stepped outside, August watched them go, still processing the changes in Hawk. "I can't believe that's Eli," he muttered to Elaine, shaking his head. "This is going to be interesting."

Moon laughed, nudging him playfully. "Just let her enjoy herself, Dad. She'll be back before you know it."

With that, the door closed behind them, leaving August and Elaine to exchange knowing looks. They both understood that Sunny was ready for this new chapter, and while August would always be protective, he had to trust his daughter-and the young man she was going out with.

Hawk drove with a mix of excitement and nerves, glancing at Sunny, who sat in the passenger seat, her hair blowing slightly in the warm breeze from the open window. "Okay, I need you to trust me," he said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he reached for the blindfold resting on his dashboard.

Sunny raised an eyebrow, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension. "Trust you with what?" she asked, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.

"It's a surprise! Just put this on," he insisted, handing her the soft fabric. With a playful roll of her eyes and a heart full of curiosity, she tied it around her head, blocking out the bright afternoon sun.

"Alright, but if you're taking me somewhere crazy, I'll be mad!" she warned, her tone teasing yet genuine.

"Promise it's not crazy. Just keep your eyes closed and hold on tight," Hawk said, his voice brimming with enthusiasm as he drove off.

The car hummed smoothly along winding roads, and the scent of saltwater began to fill the air. Sunny felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety as they continued, wondering where they might end up. After what felt like ages, Hawk finally parked the car and turned off the engine.

"Okay, we're here!" he announced, his excitement palpable.

"Can I take it off now?" Sunny asked, her heart racing with anticipation.

"Not yet! Just trust me," he said, gently taking her hand and leading her. The sound of waves crashing in the distance grew louder, each rush of water pulling her closer to the unknown.

Finally, Hawk stopped, and she could feel the warm sand beneath her feet. "Alright, on the count of three. One... two... three!" He pulled the blindfold off in one swift motion.

Sunny blinked against the bright sunlight and gasped. Before her stretched a stunning beach, the golden sand shimmering under the sun, with waves lapping gently at the shore. The turquoise water sparkled invitingly, and a light breeze carried the salty scent of the ocean. "Oh my God, Hawk! This is amazing!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Thought you'd like it," he said, pride evident in his smile. "I figured we could have a beach day, just the two of us."

Sunny looked around, taking in the colorful beach towels laid out, a picnic basket filled with goodies, and a couple of beach games set up nearby. "You really went all out!" she said, her heart swelling with appreciation.

"Just wanted to make it special," Hawk replied, a hint of shyness creeping into his tone.

She stepped closer to the shoreline, feeling the soft, warm sand beneath her feet and the cool ocean breeze against her skin. "This is perfect," she said, her smile radiant. "I can't believe you did all this."

"Let's get started!" Hawk said, his enthusiasm infectious as he grabbed a frisbee from the blanket and tossed it in the air. "Wanna play some games first?"

Sunny laughed, feeling a rush of energy as she watched the frisbee spiral through the air. "You're on!" she shouted, sprinting after it, her laughter echoing across the beach. Hawk joined her, their playful chase leading them to the water's edge, where they both tumbled into the soft sand, laughter spilling out as they rolled around.

After a series of games-frisbee, beach volleyball, and splashing in the waves-they finally settled on the blanket, breathing heavily but filled with joy. The sun hung high, casting a warm glow over them, and the sound of the waves created a soothing backdrop.

"This is the best date ever," Sunny said, taking a bite of the sandwich Hawk had prepared. She looked over at him, noticing how the sun highlighted his features, making him look even more handsome.

"Glad you're having fun," he replied, a satisfied smile on his lips. "So, what do you think of my beach date skills?"

"You've got potential," she teased, nudging him playfully with her shoulder. "But you could use a bit more practice."

Hawk laughed, the sound deep and genuine. "I'll take that as a challenge. Next time, I'll step it up."

Sunny raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Next time? You're already planning a next time?"

"Absolutely," he said, his tone sincere as he leaned back on his elbows, confidence radiating from him. "I want to make more memories with you."

Her heart fluttered at his words, a warm blush creeping across her cheeks. "Me too," she admitted softly, the words hanging in the air between them. The gentle waves lapped at the shore, mirroring the peaceful moment they shared.

As the evening wore on, they spent their time talking, laughing, and getting to know each other better, sharing stories and secrets under the golden sun. The sun began to dip lower in the sky, painting it with hues of orange and pink, and Sunny couldn't shake the feeling that this day was special-one she would always remember.

As they strolled along the shoreline, side by side, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their own little bubble of happiness. Sunny smiled to herself, knowing that this was just the beginning of something truly wonderful.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach, Hawk and Sunny stood at the water's edge, waves gently lapping at their ankles. The warm sand felt soothing beneath their feet, and the cool ocean water beckoned them with a refreshing allure.

"Are you ready?" Hawk asked, grinning as he glanced at Sunny, the excitement in his eyes mirroring her own.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" she laughed, taking a deep breath. "Let's do this!"

With a shared nod, they both sprinted toward the ocean, laughter bubbling between them. As the waves swelled, they leapt into the water, the coolness enveloping them in an exhilarating rush. Sunny squealed as the first wave crashed over her, sending a splash of water into Hawk's face. He retaliated by playfully splashing her back, their giggles mingling with the sounds of the night.

They swam deeper, the moonlight shimmering on the surface of the water, creating a magical ambiance. "This is incredible!" Sunny shouted over the sound of the waves, her heart racing with joy.

Just as they were caught up in the moment, a stern voice echoed across the beach. "Hey! You two! Get out of the water!"

Sunny turned to see a security guard jogging toward them, his flashlight beam cutting through the darkness. Panic surged through her. "What do we do?" she whispered, her eyes wide.

"Run!" Hawk shouted, his expression shifting from joy to urgency. He grabbed her hand, and together they sprinted toward the shore, the cool water splashing around them.

"Why are we running?" Sunny asked, breathless, glancing back at the approaching guard.

"They're closing the beach for the night! We can't get caught!" Hawk replied, adrenaline coursing through him as they raced across the sand.

They dashed up the beach, their laughter mingling with the thrill of the chase. Hawk pulled Sunny along, their feet sinking into the warm sand as they ran toward the parking lot, where the car was waiting.

"Is this a part of your date plan?" Sunny teased, trying to catch her breath.

"Not exactly!" he laughed, glancing over his shoulder to see the guard still pursuing them. "But it makes it more memorable, right?"

They reached the car, and Hawk fumbled with the keys, his hands trembling slightly from the rush. "Come on, come on!" he urged, finally managing to unlock the doors.

As they jumped inside, they could hear the guard shouting behind them. "Hey! Stop right there!"

Hawk slammed the door shut and started the engine, the car roaring to life. "Hold on!" he shouted, and with a quick glance in the rearview mirror, he sped out of the parking lot, leaving the beach and the guard behind.

Sunny burst into laughter, a mix of adrenaline and disbelief coursing through her. "That was insane! I can't believe we just did that!"

"Best date ever?" Hawk asked, his grin infectious as he glanced at her.

"Definitely!" she exclaimed, still buzzing with excitement. "But maybe next time we'll stick to the daytime."

"Agreed," he chuckled, his heart still racing as they drove away from the beach, the night air filled with the promise of more adventures to come.

As Hawk pulled up in front of Sunny's house, the moonlight spilled across the street, casting a silvery glow over the cozy neighborhood. The car's engine hummed quietly, leaving an almost serene atmosphere between them. Sunny turned to Hawk, her heart fluttering with the excitement of the evening.

"Thank you for tonight," she said, her voice warm and genuine. "It was amazing, even with the little adventure."

Hawk grinned, his confidence radiating. "I'm really glad you had fun. I'd say we made quite the memory."

With a shared glance that felt electric, Hawk leaned in, and their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was sweet and lingering, a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity. Sunny felt a warmth wash over her, savoring the connection.

Just then, the front door creaked open, and August stepped out, his expression shifting from casual to concerned as he noticed them. "Sunny!" he called, stepping forward, his eyes narrowing at Hawk in the driver's seat.

"Dad, it's fine!" Sunny said, pulling back from the kiss and smiling sheepishly, though her cheeks flushed.

August crossed his arms, a protective demeanor settling over him. "I'm watching you," he said, his tone a mix of seriousness and a hint of protectiveness.

"Of course, Mr. Reynolds," Hawk replied, trying to keep his composure, though he felt the weight of August's glare.

Sunny chuckled, her laugh breaking the tension. "You guys are ridiculous. I'm a big girl."

"Yeah, well, I still have to do my job as your father," August replied, but a small smile began to break through his stern expression.

"Okay, okay! I'll be fine," Sunny reassured, stepping out of the car and giving Hawk one last look, her heart racing.

As she made her way to the door, Moon came barreling down the stairs, her energy infectious. "Sunny! You're back! How was it? Did you guys do anything fun?"

"Just a little adventure," Sunny said, her eyes sparkling with the memory of the night.

"Adventure?!" Moon's eyes widened with excitement. "Tell me everything!"

Sunny laughed, glancing back at Hawk, who was still watching her with a smirk. "Okay, okay! Just give me a minute!"

Once inside, August closed the door behind her, but his mind was racing. "Elaine," he said, turning to his wife, "I'm not sure how I feel about Hawk. I mean, he seems... different. I miss Eli, you know? The way he was before."

Elaine looked at him with understanding. "I get it, August. But you have to remember, Eli was shy and unsure of himself back then. Hawk has grown more confident, and that's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Confident or cocky?" August shot back, a hint of worry in his voice. "I just don't want Sunny to get hurt."

Elaine placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Eli reminds me of you when we were in high school. He was shy and sweet and Sunny helped him. Now he is ambitious and a bit reckless, but that's part of growing up. And that happened to you. Besides, Sunny likes him, and that counts for something."

August sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, but I just wish I could protect her from everything."

Meanwhile, Moon was practically bouncing on her feet, filled with excitement. "Sunny, you had a beach date? With Hawk? This is amazing! Tell me everything!"

Sunny exchanged a glance with her dad, who was still deep in thought, and then turned back to Moon. "Okay, okay! Just let me breathe for a second!"

As she began recounting the details of her unforgettable night, August listened, torn between concern and a growing realization that maybe Hawk wasn't so bad after all. He knew he had to let go a little, but that was easier said than done. The laughter and chatter filled the house, a warm contrast to the worries swirling in his mind.


next chapter will be based on martiza and miguels date!!:)

please check out "matching scars" and "cinnamon girl"!! they're both my finished cobra kai fics (until s6 part 2 ofc)


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