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Peter always felt a little different his whole life. Ever since he got bit by a spider, he felt a lot worse. He still loved to help people. He still loved swinging around as Spider-Man, but he couldn't help but feel like a freak.


Peter woke up with a shock. A literal shock. Peter groaned.

Ugh. Why does this keep happening? There's probably static in my bedsheets... Is that even a thing?

Peter slowly opened his eyes. It was a Saturday, so he wasn't forced to wake up everyday at 7:00AM like usual. He yawned and stretched his arms slowly crawling out of his bed.
The smell of burnt pancakes filled his nose. May...

He groggily walked out into the living room to see May staring at the T.V. biting her nails.

"Hey, Aunt May!"

No response.

"Aunt May?"

"Huh? Oh yeah hi."

"Uh what's up?"

"Oh, honey, it's the news. God-"

May was cut off by the TV Newsman.

"Over the past week, reports of dead bodies have been filling the police stations. At the time, it was unknown that the murders were all connected. That's right, folks. There's a serial killer on the loose!"

What!?! What the hell has Spid- have I been doing?

"Is this in Queens?" Peter asked.

"No, Brooklyn."


"The culprit seems to be targeting weak women and teens who don't seem to have a fighting chance."

"Pete, you better stay away from Brooklyn." May warned him. "Or I'll kill you."

"Okay, jeez, honestly you sound more like a serial killer than the actual one."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." May bit back sarcastically. She looked him in the eye, dead serious, "Seriously, though, the sociopath could kill you very very easily."

"You too May, you too." Peter said with a laugh.

"Don't underestimate the power of a woman." May said, flexing her bicep jokingly.

Peter mockingly put his hands up in the air as May walked over to the kitchen to check on her pancakes.


"See ya later May!" Peter waved, sticking a piece of toast in his mouth since the pancakes hadn't ended up too... Great.

Peter was on his way to his internship with Tony Stark. Yeah, that's right. The Tony Stark gave me an actual internship! He finally gave in to calling him Tony now, but occasionally he would use 'Mr. Stark' to mess with him.

But honestly, he'd rather call him 'Dad'.

"Hey Tony!"

"Hey kid." Tony smiled while looking up from his 10th cup of coffee. "Wanna help me with the suit?"

Peter nodded his head and smiled as wide as he possibly could.

Tony and Peter began working on updates for his new suit. But Peter couldn't shake off what he heard on the news.

"So, uh, did you see the news today?" Peter inquired.

"Oh, yeah, the one about the serial killer?"


"I did and you are going NOWHERE near Brooklyn, by the way." Tony warned. "As your alter ego too."

"But D- Tonyyy, innocent people are getting hurt and I have the power to stop it! I can't just-"

"Pete, I understand, but you got to let the police handle it."

"But the police are useless."

"What? No they aren't. Don't you have family friends at a precinct in Brooklyn?"

"Oh, yeah, they're at the 99th. I forgot. Just that precinct is good."

"That's a little biased... But yea, since the killer is targeting people around the 99th precinct of Brooklyn, your friends are handling that case aren't they?"

"I guess..."

"So, that means you don't have to help them because they are so great? Right?"


"Mhmm. Now get back to work."


"If you go near Brooklyn in your suit I'll know."

"I know."

Guess I won't go in my suit then.

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