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After the whole incident, the police had swarmed the Tower and closed it for their investigation. Peter and Tony were ushered to the hospital for a quick check-up.

The doctor found traces of the drug Samael used on Peter around the point of injection.

(Which was key evidence for the police because it had solved another one of their ongoing murder investigations.)

But otherwise, the sedatives were practically out of his system.

The nurses quickly bandaged Tony's hands and sent both of them on their way. Happy, however, had remained in the hospital due to a severe concussion from the blow to his head.

Peter insisted on staying at his apartment with May and Tony insisted on never letting Peter out of his sight, so they compromised.

Now it was morning and Tony had slightly stirred, on a couch in the middle of May's apartment, to a soft pitter-patter sound that filled his ears. In his sleep-induced state, his first thought was 'oh, it's raining'.

He sighed happily while still half-asleep. He didn't care that the air around him was cold, because Tony just burrowed himself even further into the blanket, the sound of soft rain lulled him back to sleep, soothed his soul, and reminded him that he and the kid were safe.

And then, he heard screaming.

Tony's eyes flew open instantaneously. It was so sudden, it left Tony feeling as if someone had just punched him in the gut and took his breath away. He sat up abruptly, now wide-awake, and looked around in confusion. What the hell is happening?

Exactly five seconds later, Tony realized two things.

One, it wasn't raining. Two, it wasn't screaming he was hearing.

Peter was belting out musical theatre notes in the freaking shower.


By the time Tony had yelled at Peter to shut the hell up, Peter had gotten out of the shower with a sheepish smile.

"Whoops, sorry. I kinda waited forever for you to wake up so I could take a shower, but it's been long enough."

Tony rolled his eyes and checked the time. It was already twelve o'clock? I really need to fix my sleep schedule...

"Alright, kid, want to go to the compound?" Tony was hoping to cheer Peter up after everything that happened. Especially since it was the kid's birthday today.

"I don't know, I feel like I should-"

"Don't give me any of that "revenge" crap, kiddo. I just asked as a courtesy."


"C'mon, I left Bruce and Thor alone in the compound and I have no idea what sh*t they've been up to."

"Alright," Peter agreed as he left to go get his shoes.

"Oh, and kid?"


"Happy Birthday."


Tony, Bruce, and Peter occupied themselves in the lab. Peter helped with a few things here and there but was quite bored since he didn't start this project with the two adults from the very beginning.

Then, he remembered that Thor was in the living room. Peter's eyes lit up as he excused himself and left to go find Thor.

'It's so weird that I know a literal god.' Peter thought in disbelief.

Peter found Thor sitting on the kitchen island eating cereal. As Peter got closer, he realized that it wasn't cereal he was eating, but pieces of Pop Tarts in a bowl of milk.

Peter sighed. "Mr. Thor, you should probably eat some actual food."

Thor shifted in his seat. "I know. I'm just a little bummed out today."

"What's wrong?"

"Today is my son's birthday..."

Peter widened his eyes as he poured a glass of water.

"You have a son?"

"Well, I did. I lost him, though."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Peter muttered as he took a drink of his water.

"You know what's funny? He has the same name as you!" Thor said with a small laugh.

Peter choked on his drink.


"Peter Thorsen." Thor said with a soft sigh. "I haven't seen him since he was just a few months old. You remind me of him, Peter."

Peter smiled and set his glass down. "I'll be right back."

Peter walked out the kitchen and into the hall before sprinting to the bathroom. He slammed the door shut and leaned over the sink.

He shuddered as he looked at the sparks that easily danced around his fingers. He continued to observe the phenomenon as he opened the medicine cabinet, he finally looked up to grab some painkillers and popped one in his mouth. Peter took in a deep breath before closing the cabinet door.

When he saw glowing, blue eyes staring back at him, he gasped. Peter jerked backwards and slammed his back into the wall. He didn't even register the wall behind him crack with the sheer force he crashed into it with.

The pain shot up his arm like fire. He cringed as it exploded in his head with a blinding whiteness. It made him dizzy and it made him reel over in agony. The pain almost felt like needles, that were dipped in alcohol, had been jammed into his skin, like his arm had been replaced with ice and electricity that sent a shock straight through his spine. But it wasn't just physical. He felt an overwhelming amount of emotional pain and an overwhelming sense of longing. He could feel the muscles of his chin tremble like a small child. He looked towards the floor, deep in thought.

He wasn't stupid. Nor was he oblivious like the characters in the T.V. shows he watched. Now that he thought about it, he never found any pictures of him as a newborn with his family in the hospital. He didn't look much like his parents either, who had fading jet black hair and blue eyes. He never liked to question his heritage, out of respect for his deceased parents. But now he wasn't even sure if they were his parents.

But now as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, he tried to deny it. There's no way, right? Despite being circumstantial, all the evidence pointed towards the truth.

But the truth was something Peter did not want to face. Mostly out of anger. Was I abandoned? Did the 'mighty' Thor not want me anymore? No. It couldn't be... He looked so depressed this morning. I can't be his kid, right? I mean Thor did say he lost him... Shouldn't that mean he's dead?

His eyes dripped with tears and uncertainty. The walls of optimism that held him up and made him stronger, that he spent so long trying to perfect, collapsed in a matter of seconds. He was stressed. And sad. Really freaking sad.

Samael was still out there and he wasn't even sure if his aunt would still be safe. And worst of all, his aunt might not even be his aunt. He doesn't even know who he is. After fifteen years, he still doesn't know his name.

His shoulders silently heaved with emotion and his dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears. His hands clenched into shaking fists as he desperately battled against his grief.

And then just like that he stopped. Peter took in a deep shaky breath and wiped his tears. He turned on the faucet and washed his sorrows away.

He stepped out of the bathroom, returning to the kitchen.

And with a big, enthusiastic smile Peter turned to Thor and continued their conversation, "Tell me more about your son!"


It had been a week and Peter already had to go back to school.

Tony made sure the whole fiasco at SI was kept on the down low. From the attempted bombing to Peter being involved.

Tony had made it his personal mission to drive Peter around wherever he went. He didn't even let Happy do it anymore.

(Tony had nothing against him, but was simply worried for his health. Happy was currently on vacation for who knows how long, courtesy of Tony Stark himself, of course.)

And now, as Peter got out of his car, Tony called him back.

"Stay safe, Spidey." He simply warned, before he drove away.

Peter turned around and looked at the front gates. Groaning, Peter put his phone in his pocket and trudged up the steps to the front doors. He was not in the mood.


Tony didn't go back to the compound. Instead he took a U-Turn and made his way to the precinct.

Tony put his shades on and walked into the building.

He looked around the busy room momentarily before loudly clearing his throat. The once bustling room hushed into a deep silence.

"I'm looking for Detective Jake Peralta."

"Tony Stark!?!" A voice shouted as they jumped up in surprise.

"Ah! There you are."

"Uh, sir, it's an honor, but what are you doing here?" Jake whispered.

"What do you mean?" Tony loudly exclaimed. "I'm here to visit you, one of my many many good friends!"

Every jaw in the whole precinct dropped.

Jake looked around sheepishly and politely dragged Tony into one of the interrogation rooms.

"What do you need, sir?"

Tony scoffed. "That's my dad, call me Tony."

"Alright, Tony... What are you doing here?' Jake politely asked.

"Oh it's no big deal, I just need you to steal some evidence for me."

Jake laughed out loud. "Nice one, Tony!" He said before laughing again. It was obvious how fake it was.

Jake gestured to the cameras with a slight flick of his head and played it off as he ran a hand through his hair.

Tony chuckled and played along.

"I know. I'm hilarious. But I want some updates on the case." Tony said, quickly changing the subject.

"You could've just called me!"

"I'm Tony Stark, I can do whatever the hell I want."

Jake stuttered. "Yes, of course!" He exclaimed before finger gunning Tony out of nervousness.

Tony looked at Jake's outstretched fingers and slowly moved it out of his face.

Jake cleared his throat and began to speak, "Well, forensics is working the bomb and basically anything that could have Samael's DNA on it. We're working on having the SWAT swarm Samael's shop and contain him."

"Do you even know Samael will still be there?"

"We don't," Jake replied. "But we don't have any other leads."

Tony got up and just when he was about to leave, turned around to say, "Thanks for telling me what a sh*t job the police are doing."

As Tony left Jake muttered a small no problem, but it sounded more like a question than genuine response.


"Finally! I can leave this hell!" Peter exclaimed.

Ned turned to him, confused.

He raised his eyebrows, "Wow, first time you've ever said that..."

Peter smiled. "I gotta go Ned, I've got the Stark Internship!" He shouted with a subtle wink.

Peter ran out the other way and into an alley close to the school. He quickly changed into his suit and as he put his mask on he heard a small gasp. Peter whipped his head around and looked up. He couldn't quite see who it was because of the sun, so he put a hand over his eyes.

Then, he cursed.

"Flash!?! What the hell are you doing there? Get down!"

Flash choked on his sandwich before quickly swallowing it and replying, "Peter? Is that actually you?"

"Obviously, head*ss! What are you even doing up there?"

"I'm just having an Arby's. I skipped last period and I like the view up here."

Peter recoiled in disgust. "Why would you eat at Arby's?" Peter quickly climbed up the wall and sat next to Flash on the fire escape.

"So, you do realize that this needs to be kept a secret?"

"Yeah, of course." Flash stuttered.
He paused. "I've been kind of waiting for the right moment to apologize." Flash said just as he was about to take another bite of his sandwich.

Peter grabbed his sandwich and threw it into the dumpster below them.

"Apologize for eating that crap?"

"No! For bullying you..."

Peter laughed out loud.

"Bullying? You call that bullying? All you did was call me a male genital!" Peter exclaimed between laughs.

Flash looked at him, flabbergasted.

Peter sighed. "Trust me, I wasn't offended. I actually thought you were gay, for the first few months we knew each other. Then, I realized it was just a joke. But now," Peter chuckled. "you're saying it's bullying?"

Flash laughed a hearty laugh. "Well, I'm sorry anyways, dude."

Peter sighed after chuckling along with Flash. "It's alright, man."

They stayed in silence for a few moments, just watching the clouds slowly move. It was quite serene.

Flash took a sip of his Pepsi and spoke up, "Everyone thinks those bruises, you come to school with are from me. I was the only who was genuinely worried about your home life."

Peter chuckled. "I'm sorry I never denied it. I used it as a cover, and plus you're parents basically fund the school. So they wouldn't dare expell you."

Flash hummed in agreement. "I think that's what ruined my reputation even more."

Peter looked down in guilt. "I can tell everyone that it's not from you."

Flash immediately refused. "No! Then CPS will investigate your aunt. What if they take her away? She's all you have left..." Flash muttered the last part, but Peter's super-hearing picked it up.

Peter looked at him in surprise. "You remem-?" Karen interrupted him, however, to inform him of a robbery only a few blocks away.

"Woah!" Flash jumped up in surprise. "That AI sounds so realistic!"

Peter smiled. "Her name's Karen. She can track you down in a matter of seconds if you decide to spill."

Peter didn't wait for a response before putting his mask on and swinging away.

Flash watched his retreating figure and sighed as he sipped his soda.

"I would never." He muttered before tossing the cup into the dumpster below him and climbing down.


2334 words.


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