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Packing the last few things into the two suitcases laying on her bed, Ashley Sato zipped them up before double checking that she had everything she needed during the flight in her backpack.

Just then her mother knocked on the already open door that led into her bedroom.

"You packed and ready?"


Lifting and putting her suitcases on her floor so she could easily roll them out of her room and to the car, taking her backpack and putting one of her arms through one of the straps so it would hang on one side of her back.

Rolling the two bag to closer to her desk so she could pick up her digital camera and put the strap around her neck, to finally walk out of her room and outside, but she stopped at her door to the hallway when she caught sight of her polaroid camera standing on dresser.

Standing there and staring at the camera for a few second as she hesitated to take it, but in the end she did, putting it in the small case she had for it, taking off her backpack and placing it on one of her suitcases to put it inside along with her digital camera.

Zipping it up once again she placed it back on her shoulder and began pushing her two bags out of her room and into the hallway and all the way to the front door, where her dog was already laying down by the open door next to the shoe rack and his cage just waited on her.

And as soon as he heard her footsteps approaching he stood up and began wagging his tail, he waited till she was close enough before jumping up on her leg begging to get some sort of attention from his owner.

Which Ashley complied to, crouching down so she could reach him and began petting him on his head before running her hands through the fur on his back, and when he was satisfied he got down from her and walked to the door and continued to wait while his owner put on her shoes.

Fully sitting herself down on the floor to put on a pair of shoes that she hadn't packet, which was a pair of very used converse, tying up the shoe laces before standing up again, readjusting the bag on her shoulder before picking up the empty cage and placed it on her suitcase.

Finally walking through the already open door, and the average size Pomeranian followed her steps, opening the trunk of her mothers car to get her bags.

And while she lifted the cage, the two suitcases and her backpack into the car, Rocky quickly ran inside the house through the front door before coming out again with his leach in his small mouth as the rest of it dragged behind him.

The Sato girl let out a small chuckle when she looked down to see him sitting by her feet just waiting on her, still with the leach in his mouth, taking a step back to close the trunk, and then she crouched down again to be low enough so she could take the leach from his mouth, and finally attach it to the collar around his small neck.

Taking a hold of the back of the back of the collar to locate the small metal loop, that was covered with all the fur, and then she hocked it on, letting the leather leach run though her hand till it reached the small lop at the end which had a small trash bag tied to it, and just then her mom come out of the house and locked it up.

"Alright, you ready to head to the airport?"

"Yep,ย  just gonna take a him on a quick walk, you know, the normal route."

"Alright sweetheart, I will start and cool down the car then."

Throwing up a quick thumbs up to her mom, because of the hot weather that day the AC was really needed, especially in a car that's been standing outside in the sun for hours.

But the walk didn't take that long, letting the dog do his business before they walked back to her house so they could finally leave, getting into her mom's car after throwing away the small trash bag into their bins.

Now sitting in the back seat with Rocky curled up in her lap, the only thing she could think about was how excited she was finally able to see her dad again after almost seven months apart.

The only thing Ashley had before her father moved was the brown and black Pomeranian laying on her thighs, and he was the only thing that kept her sane.

Not having any friend in school or outside, Rocky was the only thing the Sato girl could look forward to after a long day of school, or during weekends she would always take him on long walks, which was good for both of them.

And in almost fourteen hours she was finally be able to do the things she have wanted to do with her dad for half a year, and visit the places she has seen online when searching and searching around all the different stores in Tokyo and Chiba.

She could only image the look on his face when seeing both her and Rocky again, with both of them growing, well Rocky had obviously grown more then her during the seven months, with him being a small puppy that would perfectly fit in his hand before he left, and now he was three or four times bigger.

Finally arriving at the airport after a twenty minute car ride, parking in front of the entrance to the big building, Ash opened her door to get out and picked up the small dog in her left hand, and then put him down on the ground, also letting go off his leach.

He immediately walked to where Ava Brown, Ashley's mother, was standing by the now open trunk, he sat down and just watched first his owner close the car door and then he shifted his eyes to the older woman who took the three bags and his cage out of the car, putting the backpack on one of the other two and still had the cage in grip.

Just as the Sato girl got to the trunk of her mothers car, the woman closed it and leaned her left hand on it so she could watch her daughter take her bag and put her arms through the straps of it.

"Gosh, I can't believe you're gonna be with him all summer."

"Yeah, I'm really excited Mum." she could hear the clear annoyance in her mothers voice when she spoke and the look she had on her face, but she just ignored it and put a smile herself.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Sweetheart."

I'm gonna miss you too, Mum."


Milo's Small Note:


I'm so grateful for the people who are taking the time to read this chapter of my book, and waiting for the next one to come out!

I hope you guys still like it enough to read it and wait for the next chapter to come out! <3

Don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment <3

Have an amazing day or night wherever you guys are in the world <3

Don't forget to eat, drink water, and take care of yourself and your mental health before anyone else's <3

Remember that none of this is real and it is all based of my imagination :)

Love you guys <3


Words - 1285

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