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โ› โฒ to the top โณ โœ

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Welcome back national producers!

Somi says, standing on an empty stage with only a single bright light shining on her

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
All the trainees on the show have worked hard and tried their best to make these performances perfect!

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
The three mentors will be judging each performance and giving criticism once again!

When Somi says this, it shows a clip of the three judges sitting in front of the stage with papers on the table, all have relatively serious expressions on their faces

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
I'm excited to see what songs and performances the trainees have chosen to perform amongst themselves! Without further wait, let's see the first performance!

The lights fade before lighting up again to show a group walking out happily, they seem confident in their performance form the way they walk on stage

โ› HEARTBEATZ โฒ group two โณ
Do you feel the rush? Hello, we are HEARTBEATZ!

The three girls all bow to the mentors, they all smile at the mentors who silently smile back at the three girls

โ› AMELIA KIM โฒ 10th โณ
We hope to show you a good performance on stage and impress you all!

The girls bow again, smiling before they all get in place and begin to start the performance

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The mentors all seem satisfied with the performance, all of them have a slight smile on their face

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
Great performance girls! I think you all performed this song well!

Hyolyn says with a smile, the other two mentors are writing on their papers as Hyolyn speaks

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
I think a cute concept fits you three pretty well! And I'd say the song choice was a good one to represent also! But, Yuki, I did see you accidentally skip a few moves in the choreography and speed up when you shouldn't have.

The three girls get slightly sad over the criticism, Yuki especially as she shyly avoids eye contact with the mentors, until suddenly BoA speaks up again

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
You're a talented girl though, Yuki, I know you'll improve! Other than that, it was a wonderful performance!

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
I agree, it was a wonderful performance! I don't have much to say as this is a more vocally talented group, but what I can say is that the performance represented your group very well!

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
I think that's all we have to say though about your performance! I'm confident others will do equally as well now that the competition has finally begun to get stressful..!

The three girls all nod, the praise they received made them leave the stage with smiles on their faces

The second group walks on to the stage, all of them happily smiling and some of the girls hold hands amongst themselves

โ› star girls โฒ group four โณ
Find us in the stars! We are star girls!

The girls all bow, all smiling though some smiling more shyly than others, before they finally get into their positions and start the performance

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The mentors all look at each other, some smiling while others crook their necks sideways in displeasure

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
Nice performance girls! I think the song choice represented your group extremely well!

The girls happily accept the compliment with smiles on their faces, though some girls nervously avoid eye contact with the mentors

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
Minji.. you're usually a good performer, but today you were off a lot in your dancing.. I could excuse some of the other's being offbeat a couple times but you were very noticeable especially due to how many lines you have in the song!

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
Hm.. I agree with BoA, your singing voice is wonderful and you've perfected your vocals, but the dancing was too noticeable that I feel like it had to be pointed out..

Boa nods in agreement, though a frown forms on her face

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
Minji, I think it's unfortunate since you're very talented and I feel as though we've been calling you out a lot.. I'm sure you'll try your best to improve soon but I hope you do put in more effort so that you can prove yourself next performance!

Minji shyly nods, Taylor silently comforts her from where she stands as they remain on stage to continue listening to what the mentors say

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
I'd also like to point out Sua though, I did notice that she almost missed her singing part but she recovered it quite well! It was almost unnoticeable, but I did catch onto it. I imagine the next time I see you on stage you'll have that fixed though, so don't stress too much about it!

Sua also nods, taking the criticism more well than Minji did and smiling at Hyolyn's more lighter criticism to her

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
I did see both Taylor and Bae mess up on some footwork during the choreography, but it was easily missable and well played off to the point it looked intentional!

The two girls mentioned nervously look at the BoA before nodding, it seemed as though she mixed a valid criticism in with a compliment

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
I think that's all we wanted to say as mentors, but I'd also like to compliment the rappers of the group! You did wonderfully with this song and I hope to see you improve more while on the show!

The girls on stage all nod before walking off stage, it seems the performance met most of the standards the mentors wanted though

The new group of girls walk out, some girls walk out confidently while others walk with their heads turned down, it doesn't seem to be a promising sight

โ› BE:U โฒ group one โณ
We'll be your favorite! Hello, we are BE:U!

The mentors nod at their introduction, watching as they all get into positions, some performers seem more nervous than others though

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The judges are relatively silent after the performance, some nodding once it ends while others seem unamused

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
Hm.. I feel as though you could've chosen better stage outfits to fit the concept as I find them more of a sillier concept than a cuter one.. but I think there is more worrying things to point out..

BoA says, her expression unamused and slightly annoyed

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
I was expecting you as a group to perform better, but I suppose to put it lightly.. my expectations weren't met..

The girls on stage all have their heads down, they seem apologetic

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
Kyungmi, Eunmi, and Eunhye, you three performed wonderfully, but I was hoping for a different song for you all to perform that'd show your skills off better..

The three girls sadly nod in response, while they did perform well in the group they can't help but feel like it's their fault for the others in the group getting criticized

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
Mihee and Koyuki.. you two girls hold a lot of talent within you.. and it hurts to see it be wasted when you perform on stage like this..

BoA says while looking at the girls disappointedly, the two girls getting criticized shyly nod and avoid eye contact with her

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
Surely you girls must understand why I point you two out already.. but I do just want you to perform better..

The two girls nod from where they're stood, their heads down and sad over the criticism, the other girls in the group silently comfort them by either patting their backs or being beside them in support

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
I hope to see you two girls improve on stage though, just take the criticism lightly and train to impress others!

Hyuna says to the two sad girls on stage, who nod in response but it barely brings back their confidence

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
I don't think I have anymore to say though.. you girls may go now..

The mentors nod in agreement and watch as the girls walk backstage, ending the criticism they were sharing

The last performing group walks onto the stage, they seem relatively confident as they walk on stage except for one girl who nervously picks at her nails as they walk onto stage

โ› golden arrow โฒ group three โณ
Like love shooting straight into your heart, we are golden arrow!

The judges smile nicely at the last performing group, it seems they hope that the group will end it all off with a good performance

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The judges smile as the performance ends, but they immediately begin to write things onto the papers they have, the girls who performed stare on nervously as they do

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
Good song choice girls! I think it fit the concept well and you fit your roles well too!

The girls all smile at the compliment as they stand on stage awaiting there criticism

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
Haneul and Eunhwa, you two performed wonderfully, you two fit this song very well as well!

Haneul and Eunhwa both happily smile, but the two other girls who didn't receive the compliment remain awkwardly standing on stage

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
Sena.. you were really close to perfection as well! I did notice you almost mess up the choreography, but I think it was a pretty minor mistake all around..

Sena shyly smiles at the compliment, but the room turns silence as BoA finally looks up from her paper and makes eye contact with LJ

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
I'd hate to point it out, but LJ, you were the girl that almost ruined the performance entirely..

BoA says as LJ stares at her with teary eyes

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
LJ, the amount of mistakes you made pained me.. it's just fortunate most weren't able to be caught on camera mostly.. I feel like I shouldn't say much more, but I do need you to practice more and improve..

The four girls on stage sadly nod, the excitement from getting complimented immediately being drowned out by the sadness of one of the people in the group getting harshly criticized

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
Well, that's our last performance though.. I'd say it was generally good honestly.. but I hope to see you all improve in time for the next mission.

BoA says, watching the four girls as they stand sadly on stage

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
You can leave the stage now girls, us mentors have nothing more to say..

The girls all walk off stage, the mentors watch them as they do before they turn to one another and talk more in-depth about the performances and promising contestants on the show

The camera zooms onto the now empty stage, Somi is shown standing on the middle of the stage with her microphone and script

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Now that the performances have finished, I think national producers should know of their favorite contestant now..!

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Each girl has shown their effort and presence on stage, so make sure to vote as your vote counts!

Somi smiles slightly at the camera before continuing to speak

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Now, national producers, it's time to vote for your favorite trainees! Each has shown their own effort on stage and it's now time to vote for your favorite!

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Eleven will be eliminated, leaving eight girls who will continue along the show and debut! Make sure to vote wisely national producers, as this voting will count towards the official final rankings once more!

Somi smiles at the camera, the stage lights slowly dim around her until the whole stage turns pitch black, marking an end of this section of the episode


โ› ??? โฒ trainee โณ
So many people will be eliminated.. I hope we have a break sometime soon..

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro