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โ› โฒ aim to be #1 โณ โœ

The camera starts on the stage with Somi standing in the center of it

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Hello national producers! Welcome back to Project Astrea! This is our second episode, technically our third, but the Valentine's special was just a special after all...

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
But this is a survival show after all, and as much as I'm sure everyone has enjoyed seeing all the participants have fun and learn to improve whilst on this show and gain valid criticism, the show can't continue that way forever...

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
It's time for the show to start considering eliminations, not only does this apply to the national producers who will be voting on who survives into the debuting lineup, but also to the CEOs themselves who will now begin to think of who they'd prefer to have in their company as well.

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
These girls signed up for the show and are participating in it knowing that they may have a chance to debut, but it is a chance that they can easily lose regardless if they can't keep up with popularity.

โ› SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
And with that, national producers, make sure you vote! Every vote counts!

The camera transitions to the training room, seven girls are currently in the room practicing a variety of skills within the room

โ› JEON YURIN โฒ A โณ
This is the fucking best.

The girl curses as she's sat in the back of the practice room, eating strawberry pocky as she slouches further down against the wall she sits against

โ› SON MIHEE โฒ C โณ
YOU CAN'T SAY THAT ON TV! You'll get yourself censored after all, or worse they'd probably cut out this whole segment from the show and we'll lose some valuable time on screen...

Mihee scolds the girl from where she's in the practice room, practicing her dancing in front of the mirror, though Yurin just shrugs at the suggestion

โ› JEON YURIN โฒ A โณ
You raise a good point, my counterargument is that it's a little bit funny though~

The conversation seems to catch the attention of Eunhye, Koyuki, and Yuki who were sat in a circle in the corner of the practice room all speaking in hushed Japanese

โ› PARK EUNHYE โฒ B โณ
What're you two talking about?

The girl questions, but Yurin gets an idea and instead of responding in Korean she responds in Japanese

โ› JEON YURIN โฒ A โณ
Oh, I just cursed whenever it was obvious that we were being filmed, so Mihee told me that I shouldn't curse since I'd probably get censored.

Eunhye acknowledges the sudden shift to Japanese, and also responds in Japanese

โ› PARK EUNYE โฒ B โณ
Why are you talking in Japanese though? If it's so Koyuki and Yuki could understand better there's no point since they would've understood what was said in Korean just fine as well.

โ› JEON YURIN โฒ A โณ
It's because I know it's making Mihee nervous wondering what I'm saying to you~

โ› YUKI OHARA โฒ A โณ
Aww... but she's always so nervous! You better make this up with her later or I'll put glitter on your bed!

Yuki! That's a fate worse than death though!

Yurin pouts at the threat but nods in agreement at what was said

โ› JEON YURIN โฒ A โณ
I'm not doing this to be mean to her! I just wanted to tease her a little bit, I'll make it up to her later I swear!

The conversation in Japanese is suddenly interrupted by a crash, they all turn to look at what the noise came from and it's obvious when they all see Mihee tripped over the ground at an uncomfortable angle

โ› JEON YURIN โฒ A โณ
WOAH! Are you alright Mihee?!

Yurin runs over to the girl, crouching down on the ground in front of Mihee's face and helping the girl get into a more comfortable sitting position from where she's on the ground

โ› SON MIHEE โฒ C โณ
Ah... Yurin I don't understand Japanese...

Yurin blushes at the realization before she repeats the same thing in Korean so Mihee understands

โ› SON MIHEE ( C โณ
I'm okay! Don't worry too much about me, I do tend to make a lot of mistakes during practices so I don't do them on stage!

The two other girls who were in the practice room that were actually practicing and not talking like the others also approach Yurin and Mihee from where they are on the ground

โ› XU EUNMI โฒ NOVA โณ
You two alright? I couldn't hear well since I was listening to music as I practiced a new dance but I did see one of you fall through my peripheral vision!

โ› BYUN BOEUN โฒ B โณ
What Eunmi said is similar to what happened with me, so are you two alright? I couldn't exactly tell who fell while practicing!

โ› SON MIHEE โฒ C โณ
Everything's alright! I just slipped while practicing, Yurin helped me up though! You can all continue practicing, I'll be up in just a minute!

As the chaos in the practice room came to an end, the camera cuts to a whole different room that is set like a meeting room, in this room, there is a long table that has the two CEOs, the national representative, and all the mentors sitting together

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
I think this person has a lot of potential! Every time I see them I hope they make it to the debuting lineup!

โ› JYP โฒ CEO โณ
They do have the interesting, yet kind personality that I look for in idols under my company...

โ› YG โฒ CEO โณ
And their talent is undeniable, it's shocking that they've never been an actual idol before...

โ› BOA โฒ d. mentor โณ
I do agree, but I can't help but have my eyes always drawn to this girl...

โ› HYOLYN โฒ v. mentor โณ
I completely agree with BoA, every time that I see that girl I can see that she enjoys the stage, it's as though she was made to be on stage!

โ› HYUNA โฒ r. mentor โณ
Hmm... I also think this girl stands out due to her personality though...

The conversations amongst those taking part in the show seem to dim out, many of them already have certain participants they have their eyes on

The camera transitions to Bae Eunhwa, who seems to be alone except for a few other participants gathered around her and the camera, though Eunhwa seems to be the one holding it due to the shakiness of the camera

โ› BAE EUNHWA โฒ A โณ
I'm so happy I was able to convince that cameraman to give me his camera! It feels like I'm filming a music video with this!

โ› JUNG JIA โฒ D โณ
I hope they don't cut this part out of the show though...

โ› TAYLOR CHOI โฒ D โณ
Well, if she was able to get her hands on a camera I can probably manage to get an editor to not edit it out...

โ› AMELIA KIM โฒ C โณ
At this point what's stopping us from taking over the show?

The girls let out small laughs at Amelia's comment, the camera shaking as well because of Eunhwa's laughing

โ› TAYLOR CHOI โฒ D โณ
I wonder what the limits of the show are if they would let us have their expensive cameras...

Beom Minji, one of the girls who was in the room with the others, seems to overhear what they're saying and comes over to them

โ› BEOM MINJI โฒ C โณ
How'd you manage to get yourself one of those cameras? Don't tell me you stole it...?

โ› BAE EUNHWA โฒ A โณ
I'd never steal! Unless it was something really good... but I'd get caught immediately if I tried to steal this thing!

The girls that Minji originally sat with seem to notice all the commotion occurring over there and begin to walk to where everyone is

โ› BAE YUNJIN โฒ F โณ
Woah... nice camera Eunhwa!

โ› BAE EUNHWA โฒ A โณ
Thanks! I made it myself!

โ› BYUN SENA โฒ C โณ
Ah, can I hold the camera? I think I'd be able to make it stand on its own without us having to hold it if you mind.

โ› BAE EUNHWA โฒ A โณ
I don't mind, here...

Eunhwa hands the camera over to Sena, Sena then begins to set the camera up at an angle against the wall that makes all 8 girls in the room visible to the camera

โ› YOON NABI โฒ C โณ
Hmm, I guess the angle of the camera finally shows me in the frame now, I thought it'd be a little funny if I wasn't caught on the camera but oh well!

โ› BAE YUNJIN โฒ F โณ
You don't wanna be on camera? Here! I'll protect you!

Bae proceeds to block Nabi's view of the camera, some of the other girls find it amusing while the rest of the girls laugh

โ› JUNG JIA โฒ D โณ
We should probably hand it back soon, I don't know if we'll get in trouble for this...

โ› AMELIA KIM โฒ C โณ
Well, if we did get in trouble it's more of the cameraman's fault for giving Eunhwa the camera, to begin with...

โ› BAE EUNHWA โฒ A โณ
That's true... I should probably hand it back now though! Oh wait, I think its battery is dying or something... uh-oh...

The camera dims out as soon as Eunhwa grabs the camera, it seems the girl was right that the camera was dying

The camera transitions to Somi standing in the center of the stage, but on the stage is a box filled with papers that stands in front of Somi and a slightly long table that the box sits on top of

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
It's come time for there to be new teams made for new performances on Project Astrea!

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
In front of me lays a box filled with each participant's name in it, I will pick each name out, upside down, and place it upside down onto the table so that I don't see the names.

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
I'll keep pulling names until I have the exact number needed for each group that will be made, I'm sure that those in front of me watching on stage are as nervous as I am about this.

The camera turns around to show that all twenty-five participants are shown seated and watching Somi as well

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
the theme for this mission will be a concept battle! Each team will be a different concept picked by the CEOs themselves based on what they feel will fit you.

The footage cuts until all the papers with names on them are laid out face down on the desk

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
I'll start with the 3 member group, and did I forget to mention that the songs you're going to be performing have already been chosen? Haha, silly me~

It can slightly be heard through the microphones some gasps from participants watching the stage, but otherwise, it's relatively silent after the reveal, Somi begins flipping papers but the participants can't see what names are seen due to the angle of the table

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Representing a hot and sunny side of project Astrea, the 3-member group who will be performing Semina by Gugudan Semina... is...

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Yuki Ohara, Haneul Park and Taylor Choi. I hope you learn to perform this song well and excel on stage, Hyolyn in particular is excited about this stage!

The three girls seem to lock eyes within the crowd and send determined looks to one another, other girls seem to get nervous about what concept they'll receive though

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Representing a confident and rebellious side of project Astrea, the 7-member group who will be performing Icons by Hot Issue... is...

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Son Mihee, Seong Kyungmi, Park Chaei, Xu Eunmi, Byun Boeun, Baek Sua, and Jung Jia. I believe you'll all do very well with this stage, Hyuna particularly was interested in seeing how you all will perform!

The girls whose names were called all had different expressions upon being chosen, some seemed excited, while some seemed nervous, but they all knew to try their best

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Representing a vibrant and happy schoolgirl side of project Astrea, the 6-member group who will be performing Too Too by HI-L... is...

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Yoon Nabi, Amelia Kim, Bae Eunhwa, Byun Sena, Beom Minji, and Jeon Yurin. I think you all will enjoy this concept, BoA is interested to see how you'll all perform this concept!

The six girls seem confident upon hearing the song they'll be performing, some smiling and others silently cheering in relief

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Now, for the final group... and the largest member group out of the other performances... Representing the elegant yet quirky side of project Astrea, the 9-member group who will be performing A Girl Like Me by GUGUDAN... is...

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
Myung Jaehyuck, Jeon Jaeeun, Park Eunhye, Yang Lihua, Bae Yunjin, Hashimoto Koyuki, Ong Nari, Lyric Huynh, and Lee LJ. I am excited to see this performance, I'll be sure to cheer you all on from the side!

The girls named all seem nervous at the song chosen, some seem disappointed, but they all don't seem scared of how they'll perform

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
With all the performances named, this will be the time for all the participants to show their most strength on stage as unfortunately, I must announce something...

The girls all seem to get more noticeably nervous, but they all remain silent and don't blurt out anything

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
This will be the first elimination round, if you don't gain enough votes and remain in the bottom six rankings then you'll, unfortunately, have to leave the show.

Some girls gasp, but mostly there is only an uncomfortable silence throughout the room

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
As much as I'd like to comfort all of you worried over possibly being eliminated, you do have to go all train and figure out portrayals so...!

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
All of you will go to your training rooms and practice, and some of the mentors will come to your rooms to assist those in need as well!

โ› JEON SOMI โฒ n. representative โณ
So without further delay, let's begin!


โ› ??? โฒ ??? โณ
I feel like I'm going to be eliminated no matter what...

โ› ??? โฒ ??? โณ
I'll tell my parents to vote for you, don't worry!

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro