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[ Sexual ! Assault ! Is ! Not ! Okay ! ]

Lili sat ok the edge of Billy's bed. It was 2:56 exactly. Lili knee that because she was staring right at Billy's alarm clock that glowed red. It seemed like it was taunting her.

With every second that passed, flashes of what happened that night plagued her mind. Flashes of her drowning in the pool with a hand that felt like a ten-ton weight on her head. Flashes of Zach's body on hers that wasn't invited. Flashes of his touch on every exposed skin of hers. Flashes of finally getting saved by Billy who managed to knock the shit out of him.

Billy strapped Lili into his car after that. He took her to his place and she called Hopper from his phone, trying to sound as calm as possible. If anything, she sounded like a monotone zombie.

Many times throughout the evening, Billy tried to get Lili to sleep. He tried everything from coaxing to demanding. She wouldn't budge from her position on the edge of the bed.

She didn't move because that's where she'd sit every time something like this happened to her. This wasn't the first time, no, it wasn't even the second.

While she was growing up in Philadelphia, she liked to call Chuck her friend. In reality, he was just a horny 13 year-old who liked to 'pick on' a 12 year-old Lili. She'd sit on the edge of the bed every time it happened. Just like now.

That's all she knew. Fight it then rest. Wait until the morning. The bruises will show up. Your muscles will scream. You'll want to feel like you want to die. And Lili did. She hasn't had this feeling since Chuck. She thought she was safe. She thought that this summer was supposed to be the time to collect her earnings for college.

But it occurred to her that it wasn't.

So she wanted to beat the morning sun. With Chuck, she'd sit on the edge and cry. But then she'd eventually sleep.

But Lili wasn't her old self. Not since Hawkins. She was stronger and more resilient. And she had more control of her abilities. She wanted to beat that motherfucking sun. She wanted to beat that feeling of death. She was going to stay up and watch the glow of the sun pour into Billy's room even if it would kill her.

A shiver went through her body. Lili rubbed her arms which were now covered in goosebumps. She accidentally moved the bed. Billy turned and sighed.

Shit, Lili thought.

"Babe?" Billy's groggy voice pierced the silent darkness. "What are you still doing up?"

"I was just thinking," Lili said quickly.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Billy asked.

"No," Lili lied. It wasn't really a lie. You can't have a nightmare without sleeping. But you can have traumatic experiences. That's different.

"Come here," Billy slurred. Lili turned slightly to face Billy. He could see that her face was streaked with tears. The trails of the tears were highlighted by the setting moon.

Billy stroked Lili's back lazily with his hand. Lili learned into his touch.

I get to decide what I want, Lili thought. I want his touch.

"You're not okay, are you?" Billy asked. Lili didn't say anything, but that only confirmed Billy's suspicions. He sat up, letting the covers fall. He was wearing some sweatpants and that it since it was summer and crazy hot. He wrapped his arms around Lili's waist and settled his chin on her shoulder.

"I love you," He murmured. "I'll never let him near you again."

"I know," Lili whispered. But there will always be another one. "I love you too."

Billy's fingers intertwined with themselves, locking Lili in his hold. The ring from her necklace tickled his fingers.

"My mother was a blonde," Billy said. "Like you. Though she started dying it when she got a little older and it turned darker. She was beautiful. The prettiest woman I had ever seen. Until I met you. She told me once that time heals the pain. And it does, but it takes a long time. You'll be okay again."

"I know..." Lili sighed. "Trust me."

Billy's grip tightened at that. He hated that she was not treated right. If he knew her in California, he'd treat her like the queen she is. If he knew her before Hawkins, he'd protect her from Molly and Chuck and Zach and god knows who else who has hurt her.

"I love you," she whispered. That was all it took for Billy to loosen his grip on her. That was all it took to take his heart beat down a notch. That was all it took for the anger to fade from his eyes and to replace it with love.

"I love you too." Billy kisses her neck. "I'm gonna take you to California. We could even live there. I'll show you the best beaches and there are good schools there for you to study business. We don't even need a big house, we could even just live in a mobile home. I just want to be back in California with you."

Lili turned to face him. "When are we going?"

"You choose," Billy said as he got up to take the calendar from his dresser. "You choose the date."

"Me? I'm pretty much open," Lili giggled. She looked at the calendar and flipped to July.

"Well, I still want to be here for fourth. Hopper is a grilling genius. And you know what?" Lili turned to Billy.

"What?" Billy asked with a small smile.

"We could even have some fun," Lili smirked.

"I like that," Billy grinned. Lili turned back to the calendar.

"July seventeenth," Lili pointed to the date. "Not too early and not too late."

"Sounds perfect," Billy kisses Lili's cheeks. He grabbed the calendar and took a red sharpie and circled the date.

"You promise we'll go?" Lili raised her brow.

"Of course," Billy wrapped her into a hug and pulled her down into the bed.

"Good," Lili's voice was muffled by the sheets.

Billy eventually fell asleep again with Lili in his arms. She stayed up, though. She wanted to see the sun. All she thought about was California. She has seen pictures before, but she'd never actually been to California. Billy talked about Los Angeles, but she doesn't know exactly where he's from. He made it sound like either Santa Cruz or maybe Venice.

As she thought about California and the ocean, the room slowly began to lighten. She felt a warm sliver of sunlight on her arm. She turned and a small ray of sun hit her eye. She squinted for a second but then smiled.

Her eyes trailed to the boy sleeping right next to her. She turned carefully in his arms and looked at him. With Chuck, he didn't look younger or peaceful, he still looked like a jackass.

But she found that what they said was true. Billy did look younger. His long hair and five o'clock shadow gave him away, but he seemed peaceful.

Then, Billy opened his eyes.

"Fuck, Lils, you didn't sleep?" Billy asked.

"I couldn't," Lili said.

"What do you mean 'you couldn't'?"

"I just couldn't," Lili said. Billy didn't say anything. After a while, he started to get up.

"Where are you going?" Lili asked.

"Work," Billy said. He hated that he needed to see Zach and Cory and their smug faces. Billy should just drown both of them in the pool.

"No," Lili mumbled sleepily. She clawed the air for Billy who was grabbing his swim trunks.

"I have to, I can't miss a day," Billy said. He just started this job so he'll be fired if he doesn't show up. Lili sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you," she mumbled.

"Me too," Billy said as he leaned down and pecked her pouted lips. "I gotta go, but you can stay. Just don't make a sound when my dad comes home."

"Okay," Lili said, half asleep as Billy walked out the door.

Billy left the house and made his way to the pool. When he showed up, there was no sign of Cory or Zach. He honestly was glad since he really didn't need that shit right now. He went into the locker room and changed into his lifeguard suit and walked out.

"Hey, Billy," Heather winked at him. He wore a straight face, nodding to her once.

"Where's the lily pad?" Heather snickered.

"The what?" Billy asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"That blonde," Heather rolled her eyes as if it was obvious. And it kinda was. She didn't understand what Billy saw in that girl. She was boring and everything seemed uneventful when she was around.

"Her name is Lili. Learn it before I make you," Billy spat.

"How 'bout you make me?" Heather grinned as she chewed on her gum. Billy didn't say anything as he pushed past her and to the lifeguard chair.

"Hi, Billy," all of the housewives greeted Billy as he walked by. He only glanced at them and gave them a tight smile. He climbed onto the lifeguard chair and looked out onto the pool. A figure who was walking quickly into the pool house caught his eye. It was Zach. He was holding his hand to his eye. Billy smirked as he got down.

He followed Zach into the locker room and grabbed his polo shirt when they were in a secluded area.

"Hey! What the hell, man?" Zach cried out.

"Yeah, 'What the hell'?" Billy grabbed his collar and rammed him into the lockers.

"Dude, let go," Zach struggled.

"Here is what's going to happen," Billy said, ignoring him. "You are going to quit. You are going to burn that piece of string that you almost killed Lili to wear. You are going to do that today. Otherwise, I'll give you a matching black eye."

"You can't tell me what to do," Zach attempted to push Billy off of him. He tightened his grip on Zach's polo.

"You are not going to disobey me. You don't want to know what happens when you disobey me," Billy seethed.

"I'm not gonna quit," Zach said. Billy pulled his fist back and it met Zach's right eye. His only good eye left.

"Fuck, man!" Zach started to whine and sob.

"You want another one? How about on that nose of yours? Huh?" Billy growled.

"Fine! Fine! I'll do it!" Zach sobbed. Billy let him go and Zach bolted out of the locker room. The boy with the dirty blonde mullet smiled. He hoped he never had to see his face ever again.

Lili slept the rest of the day since she didn't at night. She called Hopper again and told him that she'd be home later that night. She also called Robin and Sue since they were supposed to hang out and Lili really didn't feel up for it. Lastly, she called Cory to let him know that she's sick.

"It's the middle of summer," Cory stayed blandly.

"I-I know," Lili stuttered, mimicking a stuffy nose. "I honestly have no idea. Must be one of those kids that's always sneezing."

"Yeah, those are allergies," Cory said in a monotone voice. What was up with him?

"I know," Lili rolled her eyes. "I'm just feeling under the weather and-"

"What?" Cory cut her off. Only this time, he wasn't talking to her. He was talking to someone on the other line.

"What do you mean, 'you quit'?" Cory asked again. There was mumbling in the other line and some whining.

"You really gonna let him get to you?" Cory asked the person on the other line.

"C-Cory?" Lili tried to get his attention.

"That's stupi- Yeah?"

"Um, can I go rest?" There was a long pause.

"Yeah, bye."

"Okay," Lili whispered as she hung the phone up. She looked at it for a second. What the hell is up with Cory today? She shook her head. Better not dwell on that meathead.

She walked over to Billy's stereo and turned it ok. Rock music blasted through the speakers and she smiled.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC came on and Lili flipped through a Cosmo she left the last time she was in Billy's room. Bopping her head to the music and read some of the articles and circled some beauty products in the magazine.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Billy? Open up!" Neil's voice boomed. In a panic, Lili shot her hand out and sent a pulse to lock the door.

"Hey! Billy!" Neil's fist pounded on the door. Lili shot up out of the bed to get under it. Just in case Neil broke through. She didn't bother to turn off the music.

"Dad," Billy's voice could be heard. "What's going on?"

"Oh," Neil said. "Nothing. Your door's locked."

"Probably one of Max's pranks or something," Billy explained. After that, there was a second of silence before the door unlocked.

"Lili?" Billy asked as he closed the door. She peeled her head out from underneath the bed.


"Jesus fucking Christ-" Billy jumped.

"Sorry," Lili whispered. Billy just smiled and grabbed her hands to help her out.

"What were you doing under there?"

"I was scared that Neil was gonna knock the door down."

"Well, I'm here so he won't..." Billy's smile faltered playfully. "I think."

Lili laughed. She laid her head on Billy's chest and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I can't wait until July 17," she sighed.

"Me too," Billy mumbled.


thanks for reading i love you all ✌🏼

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