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Lili caught someone waving wildly in her peripheral. She turned her head slightly to see Max and Mike waving their arms around frantically.

"I'll talk to you later," Lili said to Billy. Billy only nodded before turning his attention back to the pool.

Lili eyed the kids to follow her into the pool house. She touched her ear and pulled it, a nervous tactic she picked up.

"Where's the girls?" Lili asked when Mike, Will and Lucas met her by the lobby.

"They stayed back," Mike said quickly. "Listen, if Billy is Flayed, then you are in danger. You can't go near him until we know for sure."

"I can't go near him? That's like asking me to breathe without oxygen," Lili retorted and she crossed her arms. She looked at the boy with an annoyed expression but Mike didn't care.

"Lili, we know you love him, but for your own protection you have to listen," Mike sighed. "We might have a plan to find out for sure."

"Okay," Lili shrugged. "Tell me."

"We could lock him in the sauna," Will piped up.

"Yeah, then we'll just set the thermostat to the highest degree and wait," Lucas said.

"If it's anything like last year, the Mind Flayer will show up," Mike nodded. "Then we'll know. We'll know for sure."

"Okay," Lili nodded as she chewed her bottom lip. She pulled her ear again. "We just need to do it after hours."

"Yeah, of course," Mike nodded.

"Alright," Lili nodded again and folded her arms. Her eyes were locked on Mike's. "What do we need?"

"Okay, so, we need to lock Billy in the sauna and that should activate the Mind Flayer?" asked. She and Lili were all walk-in down the corridor of the pool house to get a CPR dummy to use as a fake kid.

"Essentially, yes," Lili nodded.

"And this is gonna work?" El sucked in a breath.

"With the both of us," Lili looked at her. "Yes. It should."

"Great," El sighed and held her head in her hand.

"El," Lili said to her sister. The girl turned to look at her. "The dummy is in that gated area here. You should be able to unlock it."

"Okay," El nodded and she turned on her heel and left for it. Lili rummaged through a box next to her for a good, sturdy lock they could use for Billy. She found a LockMaster and decided that it was good enough. She couldn't help the guilty feeling of looking at the lock that was supposed to trap Billy. She never thought that she'd be in this position.

"El?" Lili called for her sister and walked over to the storage closet.

"Did you spy on me? That's totally against the rules!" She heard Mike gasp.

"I make my own rules," El snapped. She walked out and almost rammed into Lili.

"What happened?" Lili asked.

"I dumped his ass," El said to her with a straight face. Lili couldn't help the laugh that erupted from her.

"You broke up with Mike?" Lili laughed. El looked at her sister with a disgusted expression. "You broke up with Mike? Mike and you aren't together?"

"Lili," El sighed, shifted her weight from one foot to the other while grilling the dummy harder.

"I'm sorry," Lili sputtered between laughs. "I just never thought I'd see the day!"

"Lili!" El grabbed her attention. "We have bigger things to worry about."

"Right, sorry," Lili said. El walked past her to where Lucas and Will were. Mike walked out of the storage closet but stopped when he saw Lili.

Lili bursted into laughter again. "You're such a dumbass!"

Lili stumbled away, laughing her ass off leaving Mike standing alone in the hallway, rolling his eyes disapprovingly.

It was time. The pool closed and the kids were huddled behind a wall of lockers by the sauna. Lili was there, sitting next to Mike who had the walkie talkie that fed to the other one they strapped to the dummy and placed inside the sauna.

Max was looking out the door of the workout room to make sure that Billy was still showering as Lucas and Will went to lock the door of the men's locker room. The clanging and scraping of metal could be heard as the shower turned off.

"Pool's closed," Billy's words echoed eerily off the walls of the locker room.

Lucas and Will made one last loud noise.

"Hey!" Billy's voice raised. "Do you hear me? Pool's closed!"

Billy slammed his locker shut and banging on the door could be heard.

"It's almost time," Mike whispered to Lili. She nodded. She really didn't want to do this to Billy, but she had no choice.

Max turned off the lights and Lucas and Will emerged from the other corner. The three ran and hid behind the wall as well.

"Billy..." Mike spike through the walkie talkie.

"Billy!" Mike sang.

"Who's there?" Billy sang back. Mike gave a sinister laugh.

"Billy... Billy!" Mike laughed again. "Come and find me!"

"Billy," Lili whispered through the speaker. "Billy, help me."

"You want her?" Mike made and exaggerates gasp through the walkie. "Come and find me!"

"I find you, it is your funeral..." Billy's voice came closer. Goosebumps rose on Lili's skin as she took in the severity of the situation. Max got up and opened and let the door fall back as she ran back to the hiding spot.

"Come and get me. Come on!" Mike said through the speaker. "Billy!"

"Billy, help!" Lili whimpered through the walkie.

Mike gave one last laugh as the door opened to the workout room.

"Got you," Billy said. His voice gave Lili's heart a jolt and her stomach dropped about ten feet. Billy laughed and clapped his hands excitedly.

"Come and get me, you piece of shit," Mike whispered through the walkie. Lili watched as Billy walked closer and opened the door to the sauna, where the dummy was. He stopped and looked at it before charging into the sauna and grabbing the dummy.

"Hey," Lili grabbed the walkie as El walked over to the sauna room. "Behind you."

"Hi," El said nonchalantly as she jerked her head back and sent Billy flying across the sauna room.

"Now!" Mike yelled as all the kids clambered out of their hiding spot. El shut the door closed and Mike shoved the pipe through the door handle. Lili grabbed the chains along with Will and helped wrap it, locking it with the LockMaster.

They all ran back to where El and Max were standing on the balls of their feet. El stood in front, but Lili pushed her back and took her spot. She looked at Billy and watched him as he hit the door repeatedly to try and get it open.

His eyes finally traveled up and met Lili's.

"Lili..." Billy breathed.

Confusion and betrayal laced his features and Billy couldn't help but gape at her. She looked beautiful. And here he was, standing behind the metal door, banging on it like and animal.

But he had one mission. Not even Lili could get in the way of it.

Lili felt everyone's eyes on her. She looked at the way Billy's eyes were narrowed and decided that she needed to know if he was her Billy or not.

"Do it," Max said to her. Lili nodded once and walked over to the thermostat of the sauna. She turned the dial up to the highest degree.

"Max!" Billy hit the door. "Let me out of here! Lili! Let me out!"

"You kids..." Billy sniffed. "You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?"

Billy spat on the glass. "You little shits think this is funny? What is this?"

"Open the door..." Billy seethed. He banged his fist on the door which caused El to jump. "Open the door! Open... the door!"

Billy banged his fist on the door harder. "Open the goddamn door!"

Suddenly, Billy fell back and let out a pained yell. Lili flinched at the sound. Will ran up to the thermostat and read it.

"We're at 220," Will said.

"The boiling point," Lili whispered. She couldn't pull her eyes away from the door as she took slow steps towards it. She felt another presence beside her. Max peered into the sauna with Lili, watching Billy writhe in pain.

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault, Lili," Billy sonned on the floor. Lili squeezes her eyes shut to keep from watching her love cry.

"It's not my fault," Billy sat up and held his hands together in a praying position. He was begging. Lili has never seen Billy beg. It hurt her to see that he was.

"What's not your fault, Billy?" Max whispered.

"I've done things, Max, really... bad things," Billy sobbed. "Lili, I didn't mean to. He made me do it."

"Who made you do it?" Lili gulped.

"I don't know, it's like a shadow," Billy whispered in fear. Lili's breath caught in her throat. So it was true. Billy was Flayed.

"Like a giant shadow..." Billy whispered.

"Oh god..." Lili's voice wobbled in her throat.

"Please, Lili..." Billy begged. Tears slipped down Lili's face as she stood there, unable to do a thing.

"What did he make you do?" Max asked.

"It's not my fault, Max, please!" Billy wailed as he fell back and clutched the wooden bench next to him. "Please, believe me, Max!"

"I tried to stop him, I did!" Lili was crying now and Max's face was streaked with a few tears.

"Please believe me, Lili. Max, please believe me..." Billy sobbed. Max touched the window.

"It's alright, Billy," Lili whispered.

"It's gonna be okay," Max said.

"We're gonna be okay, Billy," Lili assured him. "We love you, we're gonna find a way."

"You have to trust us and talk to us," Max said. "We believe you, Billy."

"Just talk to us... please." Lili cried.

"I feel him..." Will said as he touched the goosebumps that rose on his neck.

"Max, Lili, get away from the door..." Mike whispered over at the girls as he looked at Will in fear.

"What?" Max asked.

"Get away from the door!" Mike screamed. It took a second to register what Mike said, but Lili grabbed Max's shoulders and yanked her away, shielding her with her back from the flying glass shards as Billy broke through the window.

"Let me out, you bitch!" Billy's raging eyes were set on Lili and she felt tears welling in her eyes. "Let me out!"

"Billy, please!" Lili pleaded while pushing Max out of the way.

"I'll fucking gut you!" Billy screamed, swiping a sharp piece of concrete her direction.

"No..." Lili cried. This wasn't her Billy. Billy wouldn't ever curse her out.

Billy roared as he shoved the pipe away. He pushed his body against the door, making it strain against the chains.

"Lili!" Max grabbed the girl and pulled her away from Billy. Lili stood in front of the kids, spreading her arms out to protect them. Lucas raised his slingshot as released the rock that hit Billy right in his third eye. He fell back and onto the floor.

"Lili, come on!" Lucas screamed for her as El grabbed her sister and yanked her back. They all stood in a circle and watched as the lights above them flickered. The tell-tale sign of the Mind Flayer.

Groaning and grunting and squelching could be heard from the sauna. Billy lifted himself to his feet. His chest was glistening with sweat and his hair was matted down. Lili's eyes stared at his necklace. Saint Christopher sat on his chest, shining in the dim light. Dark veins formed under it, adorning Billy's chest. He roared in pain and anger, his eyes never leaving Lili's.

Billy rammed himself into the dark blue door. The pipe that Lili wrapped the chain around bent. She shot her arms out and pushed the kids back. El pushed her arm away and stood with her sister.

"He can't get out, can he?" Max asked.

"He can't, he can't!" Lucas screamed. Lili rolled her eyes. He said the same thing about the demodogs in the bus last year. That didn't end well either.

So Lili was ready for him to burst through the door. In that moment, Billy busted through the door, breaking the pipe and shattering the rest of the metal sauna door.

Billy's back was hunched and he straightened himself to look straight at Lili. Anger, disgust and a challenging look burned behind his blue eyes.

Lili didn't waste any time to pulse him into the brick wall to the left. She held her hands out for extra support.

El stood next to her sister and with her abilities, she picked up a barbell that was on the rack on the right and rammed it into the wall, attempting to choke him. Lili was still trying to pulse Billy into the wall when he grabbed the barbell. He started to push back and Lili moved her pulse from him to the barbell.

But that was a mistake.

It gave him more strength and he grabbed the barbell and threw it towards the girls. Instantly, Lili threw El down to the ground and took the hit. The barbell bar hit Lili in the head, knocking her to the ground and making her unconscious.

El tried to crawl away when Billy grabbed her hair, yanking her head back. Lili started to regain consciousness but her sight was blurry and her head was pounding. She felt the warm blood ooze from her temple, where the bar hit her head.

Billy took one look at the group of kids, knowing he had the upper hand, then grabbed El's neck aggressively. He was choking El, effectively cutting off all oxygen to her head.

Seeing this, Lili pushed herself back up and inhaled deeply.

"No!" El hit Billy's arm. "No..."

Just when El was losing air, Mike came up behind Billy with the pipe from the busted door and hit Billy on the back with it. Hard.

"Go to hell you piece of shit!" Mike screamed. Billy rolled around on the floor to face Mike, catching the pipe when Mike tried to hit him again. He threw the pipe away and stood to meet him.

He walked towards Mike and he backed into the brick wall. Just when it seemed like Mike was going to die, Billy was suddenly lifted from his feet. He levitated in the air, pain laced his features.

Mike took a second to glance around him, seeing Lili with her hands up and blood running down her nose. El was still on the ground, gasping for air.

Lili's eyes were wet with tears and her face was contorted into one of pain. She let out a yell, crying out in pain when Billy tried to fight her. He screamed into the air, Lili was gaining the upper hand again.

But she wouldn't be able to hold him for long. El stumbled to her feet and stood next to her sister, holding her hand out to lace her abilities with Lili's. The girls felt their energy fusing together. They felt the godly power course through their veins. They both were weak and in pain but it seemed that when they lace their abilities together, they could crush a planet.

Lili slowly walked to face Billy. His eyes were set on her. He screamed down at her and she cried from the fact that she's causing his pain.

Lili let out a cry, half filled with sadness and half filled with anger. This isn't Billy, this isn't Billy, this isn't Billy, Lili kept on telling herself. It was the only thing that kept her sane.

In a flash, Lili ripped control out of El's and sent Billy crashing through the wall behind Max, Lucas and Will. They all stared out of the hole in horror as Billy groaned on the ground.

El dropped to her knees and Mike ran over to her, holding her in his arms. Lili walked over to the hole and stood in front of the kids, watching Billy wail in pain as he ran off into the darkness of the woods.

"No..." was all she could utter out. "No!"

Max hugged Lili's side. Max let out her tears onto Lili's swimsuit and Lili hugged Max's head to her body.

"No," Lili sobbed. "Not him."

The two girls clutched onto each other. They both let their tears out as they realized what this meant. They lost Billy. And there's no coming back.

and i oop-

now that's america's ass

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