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Dear James, 

It really is depressing to leave each other's company, is it not? Knowing that we won't be seeing the other for a few months dampens my mood. Especially since Siri is planning to leave next year, I'll be here, keeping Reggae company. 

These are incredibly dark times, James. Such darkness only happens once in a blue moon, and we're unfortunate to be born in those. The Purebloods Pinnacle is filled with deaths and news on the Dark Lord's uprising. You never know who might get killed.

Lucius got the Dark Mark yesterday, and tomorrow's the wedding. It was a horrible sight, to see him so vulnerable, so weak, as he came out of the hall all white-faced and shaking. It was miraculous, how the stoic, stern, rule-obeying head boy had turned into a frightened first year. Me, Reggae and Cissa stayed with him to make sure he'd be alright, and today he seemed a lot better. But he wasn't, James. 

No person, no matter the age or power, can handle that pain, that burden that comes with bearing a dark mark. It's not just a fancy tattoo, or a boy scout gang. It's a pledge, an oath, to give up every single thing- love, hate, family, friends- to do the dirty deeds of someone pure evil. To kill the most innocent soul, no matter if it's defenseless, or broken, or lost.

You haven't got the foggiest about how incredibly lucky you are James. I can guarantee that almost every pureblood teenager wants to live your life.

To be free, with no limits, to have a loving family who nurtures you at every turn. To not be born into this world to fulfil a role and image that's been made for you a long time ago. To not worry about who you associate yourself with, who you trust, who you fall in love with. We're given a path paved with gold, and its railings are electrified. Walk it, or die.

You have your whole life ahead of you James, and the best part, is you get to live it how you want.

Please live a happy and long life James.



A snort broke the solemn silence in the room. Three heads turned to look at the culprit of the untimely noise. 

"Sorry sorry, just thought that was pretty ironic, innit?"

"Oh hush you wanker, we're in a middle of a something."

"Yeah, in the middle of a new argument, thats what, you nugget!"

"Guys, please,"

"Yeah, sorry sorry, go on Harrison"

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