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Dear James,

How many times have I told you not to pick fights with the Slytherins? A million times, I'm sure. And yet you never listen and go insult Snape and his gang of no-goods about how  their noses reach the floor like Dumbledore's beard and how they are uglier than the giant squid.

No matter how truly hilarious it was, seeing their faces change colour from their pale complexion to an angry sunset red, what did they ever do to you? And bullying Snape just because of his obsession with Lily is most certainly not a good enough reason! 

Such fights only end in trouble, and look where ended up hm? In the infirmary with a black eye, a sprained wrist and bleeding bloody knuckles. 

You are siriusly too much of a stereotypical gryffindor for your own good. Pardon the sirius joke, it's like muscle memory when you live with Sirius for a lifetime.

All jokes aside, please try and don't get into much trouble. Oh who am I kidding, you're James Fleamont Potter. Who knows, one day you might sucker punch the Dark Lord in the nose ( though I've heard he hasn't got one, bizarre ).



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