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Dear James,

I joined the order of the phoenix earlier this year, and i'll be an official member soon after after I turn of age. Then i'll have to atend their meetings too. According to Dumbledore, I'm the youngest member at seventeen years of age but am quite useful, considering my connections with the dark side.

Regulus is to get the mark this summer, but he's only fifteen! Every day that goes by only reminds me of the darkness that lies ahead. For me, for Reg, for all of us.

The dark lord wishes for all the power in the world and nothing, and by that I mean absolutely nothing, can stop him.

Aside from such talk, there was something else that i wish to tell you. This morning, in Divination, I saw something quite peculiar in the crystal ball and I think it has something to do with you.

It was all a blur, to be quite honest, but I do remember seeing a stag and a doe, a flash of acidic green light, a bolt of lightning and a prophecy ball. I think the stag and doe refer to you and lily, because of your patronuses, the green light seems to be a killing curse, the prophecy ball speaks for itself.

It was the bolt of lightning that made me curious. It usually represents new beginnings, end of war and change of fate. I wonder what it has to do with you. I really hope that the killing curse doesn't relate to you in some way.

It'd kill me to see you get killed. It has got me really worried. All of this has. This war has brought terrible things to the fate of the wizarding and muggle worlds. 

Ted's muggle family was found murdered in Berkshire a few days ago. He was in hysterics. Thank god he's got Dromeda and Dora to make him feel better. Dora's been growing so fast, just three years old and clumsy as hell. May the darkness never reach her pure heart.



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