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"Almost there Liam" Stiles promised, quickly looking over to Liam. Seconds later, we pulled up to the hospital, Scott right behind us. 

Stiles stopped the Jeep, turning to look at me, "Syd, run in and try to find a wheelchair or something" he ordered, already in the process of getting himself out of the car to go help Liam.

I nodded and struggled to climb over the seats to get out, once I had succeeded I ran into the hospital, stopping at the front desk. I looked around for a wheelchair and couldn't spot one, which left me in the middle of searching for one when the boys came rushing in. 

Once they had managed to get Liam through the doors, they met me at the front desk and checked him in. His jaw was clenched in pain while he awaited the process to be finish. I felt a pang of guilt course through my body. This was my brother's fault after all.  While the boys were speaking to the nurse at the desk, I saw my mom rounding the corner.

"Oh no." I muttered as I tried to turn as quickly as possible, in order to avoid her seeing us. Unfortunately, I had no luck. The minute she laid eyes on me she knew who it was. 

I nudged Scott as she came marching over to us, a mixture of worry and anger present on her face. 

"Hey mom" Scott said sheepishly. She shook her head in disappointment, "What-"

Before she could finish, Liam turned around, pain dripping from his every feature. My mom's eyes grew wide before she rushed around the corner, quickly returning with a wheel chair.

Stiles look at me with a glare, "Was it really so hard to find one?" he questioned.

I threw my arms up, "I looked as hard as I could okay!"

My mom ignored us as she instructed Liam to sit down in the chair, "Don't worry Liam we're going to take good are of you" She promised before shooting the remaining three of us a disapproving glare as she wheeled him down the hall. 

As I watched Liam and my mom disappear down the corridor, I could hear my brother and Stiles talking about something, before they turned and approached me, "Sydney, Stiles is going to take you home alright" Scott explained, his eyes drifting back to where Liam had been taken.

I looked in between the two boys, "What about you?" I asked.

"I'm just going to stick around and make sure that Liam is okay. I'll be home soon, okay?" he said giving me a reassuring look.

I nodded, bidding a quick farewell to my brother before following Stiles out to his Jeep. The car ride back to my house was mostly silent aside from Stiles telling me that he had this theory that Liam was supernatural, apparently he was too good to be human.

"If he was supernatural he would have healed by now," I pointed out, turning to Stiles as we stopped outside my house.

Stiles sighed, "Yeah, I've accepted I was wrong. I guess the kid's just good."

"Well he was." I corrected, reaching down to grab my backpack, "Who knows what this injury will do to his season."

Stiles pursed his lips, "Alright, well maybe just don't mention that to your brother. He already feels bad enough."  

We fell into silence for a moment as I glanced toward my empty, dark house. With all the stuff going on, staying home alone was one of my fears. Before Allison had died she taught me some things about hunting, but I still was uncomfortable enough being alone.

"Do you want me to stay" Stiles asked, clearly catching onto my anxiety.

I shook my head, as I turned to him with a forced smile,  "No, I'll be fine".

"You sure" He asked giving me a worried look as I stepped out of the Jeep.

I nodded, glancing toward the house quickly, "Yeah, Scott said he'd be home soon."

And I hoped that soon actually meant soon. 

Stiles gave me a final look before giving in, "Okay, Syd. Call me if you need me."

"Bye! Thanks for the ride." I called, giving a small wave as I made my way up the front pathway.

I unlocked the front door and kicked my shoes off, before running upstairs to my room, turning on every light in the process. Dumping my back onto my bed, I reached for my English homework, knowing that if I didn't get it done tonight, which was a rather tame night as compared to usual, I would never get it down.  I shoved my headphones into my ear and turned on my music.

About an hour later I saw Scott walk past my bedroom. I hadn't even heard him come home thanks to the music that I had had blasting. 

"Hey!" I called, leaning back in my chair as I pulled the headphones out of my ears.

Scott stopped, turning to me with a surprised look, "Uh- hey" he greeted nervously.

I gave him an odd look, "What are you doing?" I asked as my eyes travelled to the roll of duct tape he had in his hands.

Scott glanced down at the tape and then back at me, giving me a nervous smile, "Taping stuff..." he said wearily.

A confused look covered my face as I shook my head. I had no clue what he was up to, and I had learned to stop really asking. "Okay then" I muttered, closing my books. "I'm gonna go take a shower" I said standing up.

Scott seemed relieved that I had let up on the interrogating, as I could see him visibly relax, "Okay, have fun with that!" my brother called, already rushing back down the stairs. 

I shook my head and laughed slightly as I walked into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I stripped down and stepped in. Letting the warm water wash away the day and all my worries. My mind was playing over the events of this evening as I went to wash my hair. But, I was stopped abruptly when I realized I was out of shampoo.  I groaned and turned off the water, my body instantly becoming enveloped in chills as  I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. My soaking wet hair clung to my body as I held the towel tighter, trying to preserve some warmth. 

Cautiously, I looked out into the hall. Once I had ensured that Scott was not in the hallway, nor his bedroom, I quietly tiptoed across the hall. I carefully made my way into Scott's bathroom with the plan of stealing some of his shampoo.

As I pulled open the shower curtain to grab the bottle, I almost dropped my towel. A scream tore through my throat as I jumped back, my eyes locked on someone duct taped in my brother's bathtub. Seconds later I realized it wasn't just someone, it was Liam.

He looked up at me with wide eyes, attempting to talk through the duct tape. I spun around, rushing from the bathroom as the sound of Liam screaming through the tape followed me.

Once into the hall, I turned toward the stairs, "SCOTT!" I screamed.

Moments later, I heard him and another pair of footsteps, who I assumed were Stiles, come scrambling up the stairs.

I stood, impatiently tapping my foot against the ground as I awaited their arrival. Once they were both up the stairs, they stopped, Stiles running into the back of Scott. 

"Oh god." they both muttered, reaching up to  cover their eyes when they saw what I was wearing.

"Syd ," Scott asked, his hand still over his eyes, "Wanna maybe put on some clothes?" 

"No!" I snapped, reaching forward to pull both of their hands down so they could see me,  "I'm a little preoccupied with the fact that there is a freaking person duct taped in your bathroom!"

"What?" Stiles gawked, looking over Scott in surprise.

Scott sigh as he pursed his lips, turning me toward my bedroom, "Sydney just go get dressed." he ordered,  "I'll explain it in a minute"

I glared at my brother for a moment before turning back to my room. Desperate to hear my brother's explanation, I quickly changed into a pair of pajamas before making my way back across the hall.

Sighing, I made my way into Scott's room, freezing just inside the doorway when the sight of Liam, now duct taped to a chair, met my eyes.

I looked over to Scott in shock, shaking my head, "Okay now enlighten me with your explanation as to why Liam is taped to a chair! What the hell did you do?"

Scott and Stiles shared nervous glances, and I could tell that they were wrestling with whether or not they could tell me. 

An agitated sigh escaped my lips, "Tell me, now." I ordered, "Or I could just let Liam go and I'm sure he could tell me what happened." I threatened, taking a small step toward the younger boy. 

Stiles was the first to break, as expected, "Scott bit him!" he blurted, causing Scott to groan.

I looked over to my brother with wide eyes, "You bit him!" I almost shrieked.

"I didn't know what else to do." Scott snapped in defense. 

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked over the Liam, a look of sympathy clouding my face at the look of him. He looked terrified, "What are you going to do with him?" I whispered

Scott shook his head, running his hand through his hair, "I don't know yet." he admitted before walking over to Liam, bending down in front of him. Stiles looked over at me and shrugged, neither of us really knowing what Scott was planning. 

I sighed in disapproval and walked into the bathroom, reaching into the shower and grabbing the shampoo. I guess I had to make the best of the situation..

As I walked back out, Stiles glanced over at me, "Seriously Sydney?" he said furrowing his brows.

I looked down at the shampoo in my hand before shrugging, "What? I needed shampoo."

Stiles ignored me, as he was focused on something else, "Is he crying?" he asked, his eyes locked on Liam who had his head down, quiet sobs coming from his lips.

"Okay yeah, this is the time that I leave" I muttered, giving a final look toward the three boys before I escaped back to my room. 

I sat down on my bed and rubbed my face with my hands. I really didn't know what Scott was going to do with Liam. Technically, he was Scott's first beta, but that didn't mean he wanted anything to do with us.  

My thoughts were cut off when a commotion sounded off from Scott's room. I shot up from my bed, rushing to my bedroom door. "Scott, what's-" I was cut off when Liam went running past me, shooting me a warning look as he rushed down the hall.

"GET HIM!" Stiles screamed as he and Scott came barrelling out of the room, in pursuit of Liam. 

"I give up." I muttered turning to walk back into my bedroom.

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