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I had spent the ambulance ride to the hospital staring at my "dead" brother, my eyes wide and teary as the paramedics worked on him. They had asked me what happened, and I relayed the story Stiles had gone over with me. 

I came home from a friends, called out for Scott, and entered his room to find him like that. I told them that he has suffered from asthma in the past, leading them to believe that maybe an asthma attack had taken place. 

Upon our arrival to the hospital, Scott had been whisked away to the room, Liam's stepdad soon rushing in after. 

I had been ushered out to the waiting room, waiting until someone would inevitably come out and tell my my brother was dead. 

Tears fell from my eyes, and I couldn't really tell whether it was part of the act, or if I was crying for real. I wiped my face as I texted Stiles, letting him know that we were here, and things the plan was in motion. 

Minutes after my brother had disappeared from my sight, my mother came bolting down the hall, coming to a halt outside of Scott's room. She was stopped as Dr. Geyer walked out, giving her a sad look as he explained what had happened. Her son was dead.

My mother let out a heart wrenching wail as she fell to the ground, crying over the "death" of her son. I truly hadn't known my mother was that good of an actress. 

I felt my own heart break at the sight of her, and for a moment I forgot that none of this was real. But, we had to pretend it was. And so, I jumped to my feet, rushing down the hall to my mom. 

Dr. Geyer had her up on her feet by the time I reached her. He looked over to me with sympathetic eyes as my mom crashed into me, pulling me close to her chest as she cried. Tears, this time 100% real, fell from my eyes as I buried my head in her chest. 

If losing Scott for real was going to hurt more than this, then I really didn't think I ever wanted to go through that. People had stopped what they were doing, watching as my mother embraced me in the hallway. Too many people.

How were we going to explain it to everyone when Scott miraculously showed up at the next staff family picnic, alive and well?

"Mom," I whispered, so quiet only she could hear, "We need to go."

She nodded, pulling me back from her chest, instead wrapping an arm tightly around my waist. As she pulled me away from the room, I looked inside to see that Scott's body had already been taken down to the morgue- they worked fast. 

That meant that by the time my mom and I got down there, everyone else was already gathered around my brother's body. 

Before we entered, my mom stopped for a moment, composing herself as she wiped the tears from her face, "Are you okay?" she asked softly, reaching to wipe my face.

I nodded, "I just really don't like this." I admitted as we turned toward the entrance.

My mom took my hand, giving it a quick squeeze as she pulled open the door, "We better get in there," she announced.

Letting out a final shaky breath, I followed her in watching as everyone turned to look at us. They were all gathered around Scott's body which had been placed in a body bag. Liam turned to me upon my arrival, whispering a small, "Hey."

I forced the best smile I could, pushing my hair from my face as I looked down at Scott, he looked more dead than before.

"I hate this plan," My mom muttered, sniffling as she stared down at Scott. 

Mrs. Yukimura gave her a soft smile, reaching her hand out, "Here," she whispered. 

My mom looked to Stiles, hesitant to reach out and do whatever Mrs. Yukimura was requesting of her. 

Stiles gave her a small nod, "It's okay," he promised, giving her a reassuring look.

My mom placed her hand in Mrs. Yukimura's, jumping slightly as her hand was placed over Scott's chest. "Feel that?"  

My mom let out a choked breath, "That's enough to keep a werewolf alive?" she asked nervously, pulling her hand away slowly.

Mrs. Yukimura gave her a small nod, "Enough for an alpha."

With her eyes locked on Scott, my mother spoke again, "How long do we have?"

"Forty five minutes"

A low sigh left her lips, "What happens after that?"

Kira spoke up for the first time since we had arrived, "I bring him back the same way." she answered, her voice soft. 

My mom finally tore her eyes away from Scott, letting them dart around the group, "No I mean what happens after forty five minutes?" she corrected.

Everyone fell silent as we shared nervous look. Liam shifted next to me as my mom's gaze fell on him, before shifting to me. 

Mrs. Yukimura's demeanour remained calm as she spoke, "No one's told her?" she questioned slowly.

The look on my mom's face intensified, "Tell me what?" She demanded, "What happens after forty five minutes?"

Silence filled the room once again, no one wanting to break the news to her.

"Sydney," she ordered, looking over to me with wild eyes, "Tell me what happens."

My lip quivered as I look at my mom's worried eyes, "He dies, mom."


Stiles, Liam, Kira and I stood in one of the unoccupied hospital rooms, three laptops set on the bed in front of us. 

"Try it now," Chris Argent's voice came through the phone that was pressed to Stiles' ear. With a single press of a button on one of the laptops, all three screens lit up, revealing various locations of the hospital, all on a live feed.

Surprised looks covered all of our faces as we looked down at the screens.  Argent had pulled it off. 

We spent the next 10 minutes with our eyes glued to the screens, none of us willing to chance taking our eyes off the feed, even for a second.

"Hey," Liam spoke for the first time in minutes, drawing all of our attention to his screen, "Is it supposed to look like that?"

My eyes landed on the screen her was referring to, we had lost the signal, the screen now only showing darkness. 

"No," Stiles sighed, his concerned eyes locked on the screen, "No, it's not."

"Where is that?" Kira asked, her voice laced with slight fear.

Stiles still had his eyes on the screen, "The roof" he answered quickly, "Someone's gonna have to check it out."

Not wasting any time, Kira piped up, "I'll go."

"Woah, woah" Stiles breathed finally looking up from the laptop,  "This might not just be some kind of malfunction." he pointed out, weariness present in his words

Kira nodded, reaching to grab her sword, "That's why I'm bringing this." she announced. 

I went to move past Stiles as I spoke, "I'll go with her."

Stiles' hand shot out to stop me, "What, you have a samurai sword too now?"

"No," I answered, reaching into my waistband to reveal a hand gun, "But I have this."

Stiles stumbled back dramatically as he looked at the gun in my hand, "Where in the hell did you get that?" he snapped, his eyes wide as he looked up at me.

I stared back it him"...My bedroom?"

He glared at me as he shook his head, "No, I mean who in their right mind gave you, a fifteen year old child,  a freaking gun?"

Liam and Kira were watching our argument, their eyes showing slight signs of amusement. Liam even let out a small snicker. 

I let out an exasperated sigh as I threw my hands up, waving the gun in the process. Stiles jumped back, completely over exaggerating.

I scowled at him as I dropped my hand to my side, "The safety is on, idiot." I promised, earning another laugh from Liam, "Argent gave it to me. It's licensed don't worry."

"It doesn't matter if it's licensed!" he argued, running a hand over his face, "Sydney, you can't even drive a car, yet you have a gun."

I scoffed as I looked back at him, "I know how to use it!" I assured. 

Stiles just shook his head before turning back to Kira, "Kira, you go." He approved, "Sydney, you're not going anywhere." he ordered, causing me to send a glare in his direction.

As Kira took off out of the room, Liam followed after her, "I'm coming with you!" he yelled, already in pursuit of her. 

"And you're both coming right back!" Stiles yelled after them before shaking his head, "Kids." he muttered under his breath.

I watched him with a raised brow, crossing my arms over my chest, "Oh, but he can go?"

Stiles shot me dirty look as he turned, challenging me, "Last I check, he is a teenage werewolf. You, on the other hand, have absolutely zero supernatural powers."

"Neither do you!" I shot back, fighting with him like we were eight years old. 

Stiles glanced down at the laptop briefly before looking back up at me, "Cut the attitude." he ordered.

"Sorry, dad" I snickered, earning  a stern stare from Stiles. 


"Do you think they're okay?" I asked nervously, my eyes still locked on the computer screens. Kira and Liam hadn't been gone very long, but that didn't mean I wasn't worried. 

Suddenly, the power flickered in all of the rooms, the screens on the laptop instantly going dark. "What happened?" I questioned, worry building in my chest.

Stiles shook his head, his eyes flickering up from the screens in confusion, "I don't know." he admitted, hitting a few buttons. When nothing happened, he let out a small curse. "Come on." he ordered, grabbing a hold of my arm and pulling me with him. 

We marched through the halls of the hospital, likely in search of Argent. Luckily, it didn't take too much searching. As we turned one of the corners and  Argent began to pass us, Stiles quickly reached out to stop him.

Argent seemed alarmed as he instantly had his gun pointed at Stiles and I. My eyes widened as Stiles put his hands up in surrender, a startled look on his face.

Chris let out a small sigh of relief as he looked between the two of us. Stiles cut to the chase, explaining our problem, "The power's out to the whole building. We lost all of the cameras."

"Stay with Scott," Argent ordered, "Text or call me if you see anything," he instructed, then holding out his arm to reveal the timer on his wrist. 

Eighteen minutes.

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