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My eyes shot open, bright lights rendering it hard to see for a moment.  I tried to talk but found I couldn't as something was down my throat. Panic ripped through me as I fought against the object.

"Sydney," a woman's voice from beside me soothed, gently placing her hand on my arm, "Sweetheart, don't try to talk." she advised, moving closer so I could see her face, "You have a tube down your throat. I'll bring the doctor in and he can take it out for you alright?" 

It took me a moment, but eventually I forced myself to nod, my bearings slowly coming to me. I was in a hospital, I had gathered that much by the wires, IV and machines beeping around me. 

Within a matter of minutes, the door open and a doctor walked in, a warm smile on his face "Okay Sydney," he announced,  "Let me get this thing out of your throat."

Once the incubation tube was pulled from my throat, a coarse cough ripped through my body. The nurse handed me a cup of water and I gratefully accepted it, quickly allowing the cool water to soothe my throat.

"You're probably wondering what happened." the doctor assumed.

When I gave him a small nod, he continued, "You were shot," he explained,  "You had to undergo two surgeries. You're a tough little girl" he said smiling.

I gave him a small smile. I remember everything now, where I was, why I had gotten shot. I now only hoped that everything with the deadpool had ended that night like Scott said it had.

As my brother popped into my head, I felt my eyes travelling to the door, hoping for my mom and Scott to enter.

"I'll go get your mom" the nurse announced after noticing my searching.

"Thank you" I croaked my throat dry and sore.

Moments later my mom and Scott walked in, relieved smiles on their faces.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again" my mom said lightly wrapping her arms around me.

"You're staying home from now on" Scott joked grabbing my hand and squeezing it.


My mom and Scott had left to go get something for breakfast and promised to bring me something back, if I could even hold it down.

The nurse from before was in my room once again, ensuring I was okay. "You know," she began, a smile on her face as she adjusted my blankets,  "Your boyfriend has been here since you came in" 

I looked up at her in confusion...what did I miss? "My boyfriend?" I questioned, my confusion evident.

"Yeah," she grinned,  "That cute one with blue eyes."



After verifying that Liam was my "boyfriend" that she was referring to, I had asked the nurse to tell him he was allowed to come into the room. I wasn't really sure why he hadn't come in sooner, I had been awake for hours at this point. 

Minutes after the nurse had left, the door slowly creaked open to reveal Liam, a tentative smile on his face as he shuffled in.I grinned at him as he took a seat at the end of my bed.

"Hey," he whispered, his eyes locking on mine, "I'm so glad you're okay." he announced.

I nodded, "You know that nurse thinks you're my boyfriend?" I asked, cutting right to the chase as a teasing smile spread across my face. 

Liam's face went red and he looked down at his hands, away from my gaze,  "I may have told them I was" he mumbled sheepishly. 

I let s small laugh escape through my lips.

"I'm sorry," he apologized as he looked up to meet my gaze, "I only said it so I could stay with you" he quickly added, trying to defend himself.

I kept my gaze locked on him, "I never said it was a bad thing"  I admitted, my heart skipping a beat when his eyes widened slightly.

Liam nervously pulled on his fingers, "Listen Sydney, I'm sorry everything." he breathed,  "I've been a real ass these past few days"

"I'm not mad" I whispered, reaching out to take a hold of his hand. 

Silence filled the room as Liam locked his fingers with me, moving closer. Slowly, his spare hand reached up to cup the side of my face. Before I could say anything else his lips were on mine. 

Warmth flooded through my entire body as I leaned into him. I had never felt this way about anyone before-ever. For the first time in months, I felt truly happy.

 My happiness was cut short however as the sound of the door caused both of us to quickly pull apart, only to see Stiles standing there with an amused look on his face."Well, it looks like you're feeling better" he grinned, stifling a laugh.

My eyes were wide as I looked between Liam and Stiles, "Stiles," I gasped, my cheeks already covering in a blush. 

Stiles still wore an amused smile as he stepped further into the room, "I knew it." he grinned, moving to clap Liam on the back, "Remember when I tried to set you guys up on that night we took Liam to the hospital?" he reminisced, "I always know."

I narrowed my eyes as I brought my hands up to my face, shaking my head, "You can't tell Scott." I pleaded. 

Stiles' face fell, "What do you mean don't tell Scott?" he questioned, shocked at the prospect that he had to keep a secret from his best friend. 

I gave Liam and apologetic look for Stiles' intrusion, "There's nothing for him to know," I breathed, looking to Stiles with warning eyes, "So keep your big fat mouth shut."

Stiles glared at me,  just as the door opened to reveal my brother, an oblivious smile on his face. I mentally kicked myself as Stiles turned to look at him, his eyes wide.

"What's going on?" Scott questioned, noting the looks on all of our faces. 

"Nothing" I promised, interjecting before Stiles could say anything. 

Okay so I just gave you guys like 4 updates because they were all very short, and I felt like I owed you guys more since you are great :). and ps Lidney finally kissed, who's excited! :)))

-maddy xx

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