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I jumped slightly as Liam let out a yell, a result of Mason shooting at his character in a video game. The same one they have been playing for over 2 hours.

Liam and I had been spending almost every day together after becoming "official", yet we had told basically no one about our relationship. I had been avoiding telling Scott, afraid he would become overprotective. After all, he had asked me to be careful around Liam. The only people who knew were Stiles and Mason. Telling Stiles wasn't by choice, he could hardly keep his mouth shut to save some ones' life. But so far he had stayed quiet. Liam had decided to tell Mason because he could trust his best friend. Unlike Liam, my best friend had a huge mouth, so telling Sophia was not currently high on my to-do list. 

"When did you get so good?!" Mason questioned as Liam won the game for what felt like the 50th time. "Have you been practicing? Or did you just suddenly just get super human reflexes?" Mason question jokingly.

I stifled a laugh as Liam's eyes widened slightly "Uh- um- practicing!" He stuttered,  "Yeah I've been practicing."

Mason didn't seem to notice Liam's horrible attempt at lying, as let out a sigh setting his controller down, "And I should be studying" he admitted. 

Liam watched him as he stood up, "Where are you going?" 

"Home...?" Mason answered as if it were obvious. 

"Come on one more game." Liam pleaded.

"Yeah you said that four games ago." Mason said standing up and turning to where I was laying watching the two on Liam's bed, "Hey Syd, you want me to walk you home?" he asked.

I pushed myself from the bed as I nodded, "Yeah, that would be awesome." I smiled, reaching for my bag. 

"Wait study here. You can stay over!" Liam exclaimed,  "Syd you too!" he added, "Come on, one more game, just one."

My worried eyes met with Liam's pleading ones. I knew something had been bothering him since that night we attempted to bait the Benefactor, but he had yet to tell me what was going on.

Mason also shared my worry, yet he knew even less about what was going on than I did, "You okay?" he asked, stopping in the doorway.

Liam nodded, "Yeah, you're right, you should go," he muttered,  glancing back up at us. "I should probably study too" he added. "See you at school,"

Mason nodded before walking into the hall. I stayed behind, giving Mason a small smile, "I'll be there in a minute," I promised, waiting until Mason made his way down the hallway before making my way back over to Liam.

I gave him an apologetic look, "I would stay, but tomorrow's my first day back and-"

"-It's okay, just go." Liam muttered, cutting me off.

I let out a sigh as I knelt down in front of him, taking his hand into mine, "Are you sure you're okay?" 

"I'm fine." He mumbled, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I released my grip on his hand, "Call me if you decide you want to tell me what's going on with you." I muttered, pushing myself onto my feet, "I'll see you tomorrow."


I woke up the next morning to the irritating noise of my alarm clock. As I managed to get myself out of bed there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I mumbled, letting out a yawn as the door opened. 

My mom poked her head in the door and gave me a small smile, "You sure you're ready to go back today?" She asked, worry in her eyes.

I nodded, "Positive. If I stay in this house any longer I'll go insane." I responded, already going through my closet trying to find something to wear.

She hovered for a moment before nodding, "If you aren't feeling well, you know to call me or your brother right?"

I gave her a comforting smile as I pulled a pair of jeans from my closet, "I'll be fine mom, don't worry."

But as it turned out, I wasn't the child she needed to worry about that day.


I walked down the stairs and made my way into the kitchen where Scott was already eating his breakfast.

"Good morning!" I chirped, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard.

"You're in a good mood?" he observed, finishing off the piece of toast on his plate. 

I grinned, "I finally get to do something during the day instead of sitting in my room all day." I explained, pouring some fruit loops in a bowl.

"I've never seen you so excited to go to school" he joked, downing the glass of juice in front of him. 

I just shrugged and shovelled some cereal into my mouth.

Scott let out a small laugh as he shook his head, "I'm out with Kira tonight" he explained as he moved to put his dishes in the sink,  "So I can't drive you home."

 "I'll ask Stiles" I said through a mouthful.

"Close your mouth" Scott teased as he walked past me.

Don't forget to comment your feed back and tell me what you think! I love getting your comments :)


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