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"He's not going to let us come." I announced, my fingers absentmindedly playing with the centrepiece that sat in the middle of our dining room table. 

 I had been informed that my brother had been taken to Mexico by none other than Kate Argent, and in order to ensure his survival, that's where we needed to go too.

That's exactly why Liam and I sat at the dining room table, awaiting Stiles and Malia who were upstairs trying to find something with Scott's scent on it.

"We need as many people as we can get." Liam answered, nervously biting his nails. 

"Okay, let me rephrase that," I sighed, "He's not going to let me come."

Liam turned to me, giving me a small shrug, "Well maybe he's right."

My head shot toward him, an incredulous look covering my face. "You're kidding right?" I demanded,  "You expect me to stay home while you guys go to Mexico to rescue my brother? I mean Stiles is going, so why can't I?" 

He let out a small sigh, "Syd, you were shot barely a month ago. And," he added "Who knows what we're even walking into."

"Oh give it up," I muttered, sending him a scowl,  "That was so long ago. I'm totally fine." I groaned.

The thumps of footsteps on the stairs caused us both to stand up and end our little argument. At the sight of us, Stiles let out a groan,  Liam go home." he ordered,  "And Syd, go to your room or something, you're not coming." he announced as he and Malia entered the dining room. 

I shot Liam the 'I told you so look" as he turned to Stiles, "Why not!?" he demanded, watching as Stiles and Malia walked past us.

"Cause It's a full moon," Stiles explained,  "And I don't feel like driving all the way to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." 

"Can't you just chain me down or something?" Liam wondered. "Chain me down to the back seat or something?" he suggested.

"You tore through the last chains. Remember?" Malia pointed out.

"She's got a point." I murmured.

"Yeah, we'd have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there." Stiles added.

"Okay, well then where do we get .carbonite?" Liam asked in confusion

Stiles groaned. "You haven't seen it either?" he scolded turning to the door.

"Wait!" Liam called leaving my side so he was in front of Stiles. "What if we put me in the trunk?" he suggested.

"You'd get out of that too." Malia announced, instantly crushing his idea.

"Liam, you've been a werewolf for all of 5 minutes, you don't have to do this." Stiles sighed, turning to look at the younger boy. 

"I know I don't, but I want to." Liam confirmed.

"There's got to be bigger chains, a bigger trunk something there has to be!" Liam claimed.

"Maybe there is." Stiles mumbled, finally giving in as an idea seemed to come to him.

A smile spread onto Liam's face just as Malia ushered everyone toward the door, "Don't want to rush you guys or anything but we need to go."

Stiles nodded and pulled open the door, the three of us following behind him. The minute he realized I was following, he spun around and looked at me. "Okay what the hell are you doing?" he questioned.

"I'm coming," I answered as though it were obvious as I went to open the Jeep door.

"Uh, no you're not." Stiles shot back before closing the door.

"Yes I am." I insisted.

"Liam," Stiles called, turning toward him, "Tell her she's not coming." 

"Why me?" Liam asked.

"Because you're her boyfriend, she'll listen to you." Stiles answered, raising his brows in expectation. 

Liam let out a small laugh,  "No she won't" he mumbled before getting into the jeep.

"Stiles," I sighed, grabbing a hold of his arm, "He's my brother, I need to come."

Stiles locked eyes with me, trying to resist the puppy dog look I was currently delivering. "How are you going to protect yourself in there?" he questioned. I could tell he was breaking. 

"I could ask you the same question?" I shot back,  a smug smile on my face.

Stiles glared at me as Malia spoke from the passenger seat, "She's got you there." 

"That's what I thought." I muttered in triumph as I pulled myself into the seat beside Liam.  

"Scott is going to kill me when he finds out I let you come." Stiles mumbled as he started the car.


The four of us stood waiting in an empty garage of some sorts, awaiting the arrival of Derek and Braeden. I nervous tapped my foot as I watched the entrance, increasing becoming more and more anxious. Liam reached down, taking a hold of my hand as he gave me a small smile. "We'll be alright." he promised. As much as I wanted to believe him, I wasn't so sure I could. 

Finally, a black van came flying into the garage, halting in front of us, the tires screeching against the ground. Seconds later, Derek's car followed.

I watched as Braeden hopped out of the van, making her way toward us.

"How'd you get a prison transport van?" Stiles questioned, beginning to approach her. 

"I'm a US Marshall, remember?" Braeden reminded, holding up the badge that hung around her neck. 

"Yeah," Stiles muttered, "I thought that was just a cover." 

Braeden didn't say anything, just smiled as Derek and Peter emerged from his car.

As Derek made his way toward our group, his eyes immediately landed on Liam and I,  "Are we really bringing them?" He questioned, pointing toward us. 

I sent him a glare as Stiles defensively stepped closer to Liam and I, averting his attention to Peter, "Are we really bringing him?" he shot back. 

"We're brining everyone we can," Peter announced, "And considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going." he nagged.

All of us stared at him, slightly confused. "What's that mean?" Malia questioned, glaring at him through narrowed eyes. 

Peter let out an agitated sigh, "If Kate brought Scott back to the same temple she brought Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter explained. 

"She wants to make him younger?" I asked, remembering the day a teenage version Derek showed up at my house.

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf." Derek concluded.

"A werewolf can't steal a true alpha's powers," Peter explained, "But maybe a werejaguar, with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her, maybe she can." I felt my heart drop at his words...what was Kate going to do to my brother?

"So," Peter announced, giving us all expectant looks,  "With everyone sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going." 

"We can't." Stiles interceded,  "Not without Lydia."


"What was she doing at the school anyways?" Derek questioned as Stiles nervously paced back and forth trying to get a hold of Lydia. Another ten minutes had passed, and no one had heard a work from her. If we didn't get on the road soon, my brother could be dead. 

"We have Kira's sword, but we need a stronger scent." Malia explained,  "She went to get a jacket out of Kira's locker." 

"Nothing." Stiles announced, rejoining the group with a frustrated look on his face. 

"If she has a car. She can catch up to us." Braeden pointed out.

"That's a good point. We can call from the road." Peter added, jumping right on board with this plan.

"No, what if something happened? What if she's in trouble?" Stiles argued.

"Fine, you stay, you find her, we're going to go on without you." Peter shot back.

"I could call Mason, he has a study group at school maybe he could look for her." Liam suggested.

"Soph's there too" I added, already pulling my phone from my pocket,  "I can ask her too."

Derek nodded, and after a few moments of hesitation, Stiles agreed too, "Alright, fine." 

Liam and I split apart, each of us dialling our best friends' numbers. Once Sophia picked up, I handed her the task, one in which she happily obliged to carry out.

"Awesome," I mumbled, my eyes meeting with Stiles' nervous ones, "Thanks, Soph. Text me if you find her."

Liam ended his call around the same time as me, both of us reconvening with the rest of the group. It was go time.

"Remember what we're dealing with here!" Peter announced,  "It's not just Kate, it's the Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls. Do not assume there is any humanity left in them." He advised, pulling his on his jacket. 

I felt Liam shift uncomfortably beside me and I reached down to grab his hand. He turned his head and smiled at me , giving my hand a squeeze.

"This little one is terrified of them aren't you?" Peter pointed out, looking at Liam.

"Who wouldn't be?" I snapped in defense. It was then, with Peter's words that it all clicked. It was the Berserkers that had had Liam so keyed up for the past few weeks. Ever since that night they attacked the hospital, Liam had been on edge. 

I stole a quick glance at Liam, my heart instantly breaking at the thought of how terrified he must have been.

"Ah, don't worry my friend, it is that fear that will keep you alive." Peter promised, giving Liam a small nod before looking to the rest of us, "Reminder to everyone; you do not fight Berserkers to survive, you fight to kill." Peter yelled.

With Peter's delightful final words, we all split ways. Liam, Derek, Stiles Braeden and I in the van, Malia and Peter in Derek's car . 

I kept my hand locked in Liam's as I followed him to the back of the van. I was just about ready to climb in when I hand looped around my waist, pulling me back. I spun around to see Stiles, a disapproving look on his face.

"What?" I demanded, defensively crossing my arms over my chest.

"Do you really think we're going to let you sit back here?" Stiles questioned, an almost amused look on his face.

"Why can't I?" I challenged.

"Maybe due to the fact that there's a chance he might rip your throat out." Derek pointed out, pulling himself into the back of the van.

"But she's my anchor." Liam stuttered nervously, his worried eyes meeting with mine.

"Aw that's cute," Stiles mocked, "But she can be your anchor from the passenger seat." he announced, dragging me to the front of the van. 

I plopped down in the seat beside Braeden, and angry look on my face as Stiles slammed the door, effectively locking me in.

"Trust me," Braeden whispered, leaning toward me, "It's better up here."she promised with a small wink.

"Alright we're good!" Stiles yelled smacking the side of the van.

"Let's go to Mexico folks." Braeden mumbled as she pulled onto the road.

We're onto the season 4 finale! Shit is about to go down. I'm so excited for you guys to read the next few chapters!

Don't forget to keep voting, commenting and following. I really appreciate it :)


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