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I took a deep breath as Derek opened the doors to the van. My hands slightly shook at my sides as I thought about what we were about to face.

Any confidence that any of us had was destroyed the minute Derek opened the back door of the van. He had barely opened them before a loud growl filled the air. I watched in horror as Berserker grabbed a hold of Derek, ripping him from the vehicle. 

I let out a cry as Liam all but threw me to the back of the van, positioning himself in front of me as he, Stiles and I helpless watched. 

The Berserker threw Derek onto the ground, instantly, and repeatedly stabbing him with some sort of claw spike. 

A sob escaped my lips as I watch the man who I looked at like another brother getting attacked.

It was only when Braeden began to fire at the Berserker that it stopped its attack, the several bullets that were being fired causing it to flee. The minute the Berserker was gone, Braeden rushed to Derek. 

My eyes were wide and teary as I jumped from the van, following after Liam and Stiles who were already making their way to Derek. 

"No, no, no." I cried, my eyes locking on Derek who was struggling to take a breath, blood beginning to seep from his mouth. Liam lightly wrapped his arm around me in attempts to comfort me, but it was no use.

"How bad is it?" Peter questioned,  breaking the silence as he and Malia rushed from their own car. 

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" Derek lied, wincing in pain. "Get to Scott. Just find him, we'll be right behind you."

Everyone looked around at the rest of the group, we knew we had to find Scott, but we were all afraid that if we left Derek wouldn't be here when we got back.

"Go!" Derek breathed, but when no one moved an inch he spoke again, GO!" he yelled, making our minds up for us, we had to go.

After another moment of hesitation, Peter ran in first, followed by Malia and Liam. But while the others left, Stiles and I stood frozen in place, our worried eyes on Derek.

"Hey," Derek called, his eyes locked on Stiles,  "Save him." 

With one final glance toward Derek, Stiles nodded before taking off into the church. But even with him gone, I felt like I couldn't move. In the year that I had known about Scott and his friends, and even before, Derek had always protected me. That's what made leaving him so much harder.

"Syd," Derek panted, his pained eyes meeting my teary ones, "Go." He instructed, letting out a wince as he moved slightly,  "Go find your brother."

I shook my head, biting down on my lip to stop myself from sobbing, "I can't just leave you." I argued. 

Braeden turned from where she had been putting pressure on Derek's wound, giving me a small nod, "I've got him." she promised, "Go."

I brought my eyes back to Derek who gave me a small smile, "I'll catch up." he promised one again.

But, as I turned and rushed into the church, tears still fresh in my eyes, I knew that Derek wasn't going to catch up with us...he was dying. 


By the time I had caught up to the group, they hadn't made it very far. But now, ten minutes later as we all ran through the decrepit building, we had made barely any progress. 

My hand was gripped tightly in Liam's as we followed after Peter, Malia and Stiles, none of us truly knowing where we were going. 

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Peter instructed, his voice echoing through the old church, causing shivers to run down my spine.

As Peter abruptly stopped, the rest of us ended up running into the back of each other as a result. "What?" Stiles panted, as we all attempted to get our bearings. 

"We got to figure out where we are first," Peter explained,  "And then we'll find Scott and Kira."

Before anyone else had a chance to speak, Stiles' ringtone echoed off of the walls, causing me to jump slightly. He pulled it out of his pocket, mumbling about how he even had service before breaking from the group, "Hi dad." he answered,.

Peter look turned to the rest of us, throwing his hands up in confusion. I just shrugged, shaking my head as I watched Stiles. From the end of the conversation I could hear, Sheriff was pissed.  However, toward the end of the call, it seemed like he had shifted his attitude, instead offering to help instead of tearing a strip off his son. Stiles had sent him to the school to look for Lydia, along with Mason and Sophia, neither of which were getting back to us now. 

Finally, Stiles hung up and joined the rest of us who were still unsure of our next move. "What do we do now?" Liam inquired.

Malia turned to look at Liam, but as she did her eyes grew wide. "Duck!" she yelled, pulling his head down. I let out a scream as a Berserker swung at Liam, just missing both of our heads.

Pandemonium broke out as we all scrambled to get away from the Berserker, "Get down! Get back! Go, go, go!" Peter yelled a series of commands at us, leaving us all running like chickens with out heads cut off. 

Stiles grab a hold of me, pulling me toward him as all of us broke into a run. My heart was pounding in my chest as I turned my head slightly, ensuring Liam and Malia were behind us before gaging how close the Berserker was. I felt my heart drop at its proximity. 

"Hurry up!" I screamed, at this point I was basically on top of Stiles. 

"We're trying!" Peter snapped.

We soon emerged into a large room, breaking free from the tight corridors we had been in. All of us rushed through the room, looking for some kind of cover. Malia, Liam, Stiles and I ran to one side of the room, Peter taking the other. 

We all came to a halt, Malia turning to Stiles and I,  "Go find Kira and Scott! Sydney go with him" she ordered, throwing Stiles Kira's sword. 

Stiles' eyes grew wide as he looked between the sword and Malia, but she simply gave him a small nod, "Go!" she prodded. 

My breathing was rapid as I looked to Liam, ensuring he would be okay taking on the Berserker. He nodded, similar to Malia, "I'll be okay." he promised. 

With Liam's reassurance, I turned, grabbing a hold of Stiles and he and I took off into the halls in search of my brother and Kira. 

I could still hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears as we ran through the winding corridors, hoping for any sign of them. "Where could they be?" I panted, my eyes scanning the church.

"They have to be close." Stiles muttered, more to himself than me.

I held a flashlight in my shaky hands, pointing it at every wall as we passed. "Scott?" Stiles yelled, his voice booming through the tunnels, "Kira?"

"Scott!" I echoed, my voice full of fear, "Kira?"

As I shone my light on one of the far walls in front of us, Stiles came to a stop. I halted, almost running into the back of him as I peaked over his shoulder. I felt myself let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Kira. 

Stiles did the same, making his way toward her, "Are you okay?" he questioned, his eyes scanning the wounds on her face. 

Kira stumbled toward us, her eyes wide, "It's Scott, Stiles" she breathed, her voice panicked, "It's Scott." she repeated.

I moved so I was beside Stiles, my eyes meeting with Kira's, "What's Scott?" I questioned, my fear instantly growing. 

"The Berserker," Kira explained, her tone becoming increasingly distressed,  "It's him. Kate did it."

Stiles' face fell, "What are you talking about?"

Kira was still struggling to catch her breath,  "She made him into one of them, I don't know how, but it's him. If they don't know it, they could kill him."

My heart dropped into my chest. Liam, Malia and Peter could be killing my brother as we speak...or vice versa.

"That's why Lydia's not here," Stiles acknowledged,  "So they wont know they're killing Scott." 

"Stiles," I breathed, my wide eyes meeting with his, "We have to go!" I pleaded afraid for everyone's lives in that moment.

Stiles didn't hesitate, handing Kira her sword before the three of us took off back toward where we had left our friends. 

I ran faster than I ever had, knowing that my brother's life was on the line. Luckily, we arrived just in time, seconds later and my brother would have been dead. 

Malia was in motion to drive a sharp claw threw the Berserker's skull...Scott's skull. 

"No! Malia wait!" Stiles screamed, the three of us bursting into the room.

Malia either didn't hear Stiles, or chose to ignore him as she didn't drop the claw. It felt like slow motion as she got closer and closer to Scott. I thank God that we found Kira, because she ended up being the one to stop Malia, slashing her sword and knocking the weapon in Malia's hand. 

Malia spun to look at us, anger and confusion in her eyes. I understood her shock, the goal was to survive, find Scott and Kira and kill the Berserkers who got in our way.

I was still trying to catch my breath as I spoke, "It's my brother," I panted, "It's Scott." I repeated, pointing to the Berserker that was currently being held down my Liam and Peter. 

Liam's face fell as he turned back to Scott, his grip slowly relaxing. But despite our revelation that this was my brother, it didn't change the fact that Berserkers were meant to kill, and that's what Scott wanted to do to all of us right now.

He let out a loud growl as he threw Peter and Liam off of him, sending them both tumbling to the ground before making his way toward the rest of us. He harshly hit Malia across the face, temporarily disabling her as well. 

His attention seemed to me locked on Liam as he stomped toward him, angry growls coming from behind the bear skull.

"Scott, Scott don't!" Kira pleaded, as he advanced towards Liam.

"Scott, it's me-" Stiles tried to explain, but he too was cut off by Scott's fist.

"Scott, look at me!" I demanded, stepping in between him and Liam, "It's me, it's Sydney, okay? Just listen to me please-" my pleas were ignored as Scott grabbed a hold of me, launching me into a nearby wall. 

I let out a cry of pain as I attempted to push myself back to my feet, barely making it to my knees. Tears blurred my vision as Scott stopped in front of Liam, towering over him as he yanked him up from the ground before driving him into one of the pillars. 

"STOP IT!" I screamed, my voice breaking as my throat became thick from the tears, "Scott!" I roared, hoping deep down he could hear me.

But my cried fell on deaf ears as Scott wrapped his hand around Liam's throat, slowly lifting him so his feet were dangling off the floor. "Scott-" Liam gasped, trying to loosen Scott's hold on his throat.

Stiles rushed toward me, pulling me up off of the floor and into his side, a protective arm securing around me. 

"We have to do something!" I cried, watching in complete and utter horror as my brother attempted to kill my boyfriend. Stiles held onto me tighter, his way of saying that there nothing that could be done.

"Scott! Scott, listen, listen, listen!" Liam pleaded as Scott raised his arm, preparing to kill him. "You're not a monster!" he cried, his terrified eyes looking into Scott's, "You're a werewolf. Like me."

It seemed like those words had resonated with my brother, as slowly he lowered his raised arm before returning Liam back to the ground, releasing his grip around his neck. The minute Liam was free from my brother's hold, I rushed toward him. 

I cupped his face in my hands as my wild eyes examine his face, not for wounds, but rather the emotional toll. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, my lip quivering over the fact that I had almost lost him. 

Liam raised his hand, covering mine that was cupped on his cheek, "You're hurt." he observed nodding to the gash on my head which causing warm blood to spill down the side of my face. 

I shook my head, "I'll be fine." I promised, quickly pulling him toward me with a kiss. 

However, we instantly pulled apart as both of our eyes were pulled to Scott who began pulling at the bones and leather, ripping them from his body.  Liam pulled me up from the ground, both of us slowly backing up as Scott dismantled the Berserker attire. 

Stiles grabbed a hold of the two of us, pulling us back so we were next to him. All of us watched with wide eyes as Scott let out a powerful scream as he tore the skull from his face. It was clear that some spell or ritual had been broken with the removal of the skull, as a bright light seemed to break as Scott ripped it from his face. 

The minute he was free of the skull, my brother's red eyes landed on Peter, his face darkening. "You." he spat, quickly marching  toward him. "The only one who knew as much about Berserkers as Argent....about the Naugal. You helped Kate. You taught her. All for power."

The rest of us were shifting our glances between Scott and Peter, every pair of eyes in the room was wide as we digested the information. Peter had set all of this us, he had tried to kill my brother and he didn't care who else died along the way.

"For my family's power, to be rightfully inherited by me!" Peter's voice boomed, "Not to be usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible he wouldn't shed the blood of his enemy even when justified. You don't deserve your power. Not power like this." he snipped. 

My eyes grew wide as Peter morphed into his werewolf form, his eyes taking the blue colour as fangs replaced his teeth and claws replaced his finger nails. I felt like I was going to be sick as I stumbled backward, trying to create as much distance between him and me as I could. I knew this wouldn't be good. 

Liam pushed me behind him, locking his hand with mine as Peter let out a growl, causing Malia to growl right back at him. He turned to her, throwing his own daughter into a wall.

"Sorry sweetheart," he sneered,  "We'll talk about this later." 

Kira stepped up next, swinging her sword as she readied to take on Peter, but Scott stopped he . Instead, he began making his way toward the evil Hale, his red, angry eyes holding so much emotion and anger I almost couldn't recognize him. 

"You were my beta first Scott." Peter taunted "It was my bite that changed your life...and my bite that can end it."

Scott didn't back down, still making his way toward Peter, "Then end it Peter," he advised,  "Cause you won't get another chance."

And then it began, both let out a vicious growl and ran at the other. I clamped my eyes shut, solving my face into the back Liam's shoulder as I attempted to block out what was happening. 

When I finally opened my eyes, I could feel myself wincing at each and every hit that was delivered. So far, there was no clear advantage, each of them sending a series of good hits against the other. The whole time, Peter continuously taunted Scott, egging him on.

"Come on Scott." I whispered, watching as Peter threw him towards a wall. 

It was in that moment that Liam stepped forward, releasing his grip on my hand as he made his way toward Peter as if he were about to step in. But he didn't have a chance, as in a matter of seconds, Peter picked up a church pew, sending it hurtling in our direction. Liam's eyes widened as he jumped back, throwing his body over mine to protect me from the flying debris. Luckily, nothing hit us, and as we got up, we both stared wide eyed at Peter who sent us a smirk.  

It was then that something changed in Scott's eyes as he looked from Liam and I back over to Peter. His eyes flashed in anger as he pushed himself back onto his feet, letting out a deafening roar before laughing himself at Peter.

And then it was over...Scott had defeated Peter.


We all stood outside of the church getting ready to go home. As it turned out, Derek didn't die (luckily), instead he had been evolving into a full wolf. Besides the fact that it looked like a gruesome battled had occurred outside of La Iglesia, everyone was okay. 

And although I should have been happy that everyone was safe, there was a feeling that wouldn't leave me alone, a feeling that settled over me while we were in the church. And as much as it killed me to do it, I knew I had to for the greater good

"Liam, can I talk to you?" I questioned nervously, ignoring the questioning looks I received from the rest of the group.

Liam nodded, joining me as we walked away from the rest of our friends "You okay?" he questioned, his eyes filling with concern.

I looked down at my hands. "I don't think I can do this." I whispered tears welling up in my eyes.

"Can't do what?" he asked in confusion, worry starting to rise in his voice.

I looked up at him, a tear escaping from my eye, "Us." I whispered, "I can't do us."

"Syd, what are you talking about?" Liam questioned, his own eyes becoming glassy. 

I took a shaky breath, "I mean I'm breaking up with you."

ahhhhh! Okay please don't hate me. If you have been watching season 5 you will understand why I had to do this. I hate it as much as you do :( BUT do not worry Lidney is not gone forever, there is still hope.

I love you guys all so much. Thank you for the support this far! :)


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