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 I sat at the dining room table, trying to complete my homework. However, I found myself distracted.  Something was bothering me, something wasn't right. Beside the fact that Theo was building a Chimera army, something else was wrong.

"Scott?" I called as my brother came thumping down the stairs, his bike helmet in hand. "I need to talk to you." I announced.

Scott turned to look at me, his face conflicted, "Can it wait?" he pleaded,  "I've got to get over to the hospital."

"Tell me what's going on." I demanded standing up from my chair. "Ever since that thing with Theo happened I've seen you for all of five minutes, and now I want to know what's going on."

He shook his head, letting out a low sigh, "Syd-"

"Scott," I begged, taking a step closer to him, "Don't hide things from me, please."

My brother let out another sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before finally deciding to tell me what had been going on.  "It's not over."

"What's not over?" I questioned, already becoming intrigued.

"The last Chimera wasn't actually the last one." he explained, giving me a slightly worried look. 

I furrowed my brows as I looked at my brother. "I mean I know what Theo did but-"

"It wasn't Theo." Scott interrupted, "He's just building off of what they created. The Doctors, they made one final experiment, one that wasn't a failure."

I digested the information given to me before speaking, "So Theo was telling the truth." I whispered, more intended for myself than my brother. 

Despite how quietly I spoke, Scott heard me and stared at me inquisitively. "When were you talking to Theo?" he demanded, his voice already angered.

I clenched my jaw at the thought, "He cornered me the other day at school." I explained, "Told me that he wasn't the real enemy here."

My brother let out a small grunt. "I hate to say it, but he's right." Scott explained, "There's something bigger out there, literally and figuratively."

I scrunched up my face in confusion. What was out there. "What is it then?" I inquired, leaning up against the side of the couch. 

Scott readjusted the grip on the helmet that he was holding, "Did you hear about that maintenance guy that was killed over at the water plant?" he questioned, waiting for me to nod before he continued,  "It killed him."

"Scott," I whispered,  "What is it."

"It  is the beast." 

And then he left, leaving me standing in the living room feeling like I was apart of some dramatic mystery novel.


As I walked through the halls of school the next day everything felt different. After what Scott had told me I felt more on edge than ever. The pack had fought many things; The Kanima, The Darach, a Pack of Alpha Werewolves, and let's not forget the Benefactor and Deadpool battle, but "The Beast"  sounded scary enough to have me terrified for my life.

Scott seemed to sense my worry as he looked down at me, "It's going to be okay." He promised.

No it's not.

An announcement sounding over the PA system seemed to verify my worries. "By order of the Sheriff, a county wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after school activities are cancelled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day."

As the announcement finished two officers holding rifles walked past us. I spun on my heel to double check that what I just saw was real. "Scott." I whispered fear lacing my voice.

"Just a precaution." My older brother said faking a smile before pulling me over to where Stiles was standing talking to another officer.

"You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower...for a high school?" Stiles inquired pointing to the gun.

"Your dad's the one who issued us these things, and he wouldn't officially say why." The officer, who I now recognized as Deputy Strauss answered, holding the gun up a little higher.

"Please put that thing down." I pleaded, anxious about this whole thing. Strauss gave me a comforting smile as he lowered the gun, turning back to Scott. 

"Did he say anything unofficially?" Scott pressed, gripping onto the straps of his bag.

Strauss shook his head. "No, but everyone's got a theory."

"What's yours?" I asked, curious to see what he would say.

"Look, I shouldn't even be talking to you guys." He announced, "Don't you have class?"

"Come on Strauss, what's your theory?" Stiles pressured.

Strauss looked down the hall to verify that no one was listening before turning back to the three of us, leaning in ever so slightly. "Do you guys believe in the supernatural?"

I almost laughed as the three of us exchanged glances, Strauss still awaiting our answer. "I got to get to class." I mumbled, stifling a laugh as I left my brother and Stiles still unsure of how to answer the question.

If only you knew Strauss, if only you knew.


"Hey." Liam greeted, joining me at my locker between periods. 

"What's up?" I asked grabbing the work I would need for my next class before turning and looking at him.

"I need you to come somewhere with me after school." Liam explained.

I raised a brow,"Did you not hear the announcement? There's a curfew."

He nodded, the look on his face urgent. "I know, but I really need to do this." I could tell by the look on his face that this was important to him, whatever it was.

"Fine, but you need to tell me where we are going." I bargained, leaning up against my locker.

Liam let out a small sigh before leaning closer to me, "I need to go to the tunnels, Malia mentioned something about them. She told me to tell Scott that he was right, and I want to figure out what she was talking about."

"Liam," I started, shaking my head,  "I don't know if that's the best idea considering everything that's been going on."

"You mean the Beast?" He questioned, rocking back onto his heals.

"You know about that too?" I almost shouted.

He shrugged as if it were obvious, "Everyone knows about it."

"Yeah apparently." I muttered.

"Are you coming with me or not?"He asked, raising his brows.

I pursed my lips before nodding . "Fine. I'll come."

A grin spread across his face, "Great. I'll pick you up at 7:00."

"Stop trying to make it sound like it's a date Liam. We're going to investigate creepy tunnels while there's a serial killer dog on the loose."

Liam just laughed as he turned and walked down the hall.


"Okay, tell me again why the hell we are down here?" I mumbled looking around the dark tunnels.

"Because, I need to figure something out." Liam replied, his stare fixed ahead, hoping to see some sign-any sign of what we were looking for.

"And why am I here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself to stop the chronic shivering that I was currently experiencing.

"Because I asked you to come and you are too nice to say no- and too curious." Liam turned to look at me, a small grin playing on his lips.

Before I could reply something went running past my feet, causing a loud shriek to come from my lips.

"What!?" Liam yelled rushing to my side.

I pointed to a large rat which was scurrying off down the corridor, my heart beating a thousand beats a minute.

"Sydney" Liam said giving me an unimpressed look,  "It's a rat."

"A huge rat that just about attacked me." I exclaimed, still shaking in fear.

"Okay so you can deal with werewolves, Dread Doctors and who the hell knows what else, but you can't handle a little rat?" He questioned, turning and leaving me behind.

"It wasn't little!" I argued, rushing to catch up to him.

He abruptly stopped, causing me to run into the back of him. "What?" I asked looking past him.

"We were already here." He mumbled, "We're lost."

"Maybe, If we knew what we were looking for this would be easier." I suggested.

"Just come on." He grumbled leading us down yet another dark corridor. As we turned the corner we came face to face with a dark figure.

"You lost?" 


I hid behind Liam, fully knowing that I was about to be in a whole lot of trouble. For a) sneaking out past curfew and b) being with Liam.

"Completely." Liam admitted, answering Scott's question "How'd you know we were down here?"

"I followed Sydney out of the house." Scott answered, walking closer to us. 

"I though you said no one saw you leave?" Liam hissed, turning to face me.

"Okay, well sorry I have a brother who can hear me from across the house. Not my fault!" I shot back.

"Why are you two down here?" Scott asked, ignoring the little argument Liam and I were having.

"I was trying to figure out if this is where they took us, me and Hayden. Malia said she was down here too, that the scent was the same, she said you were right." Liam explained. 

"Is that what we're doing here?" I asked, raising my brows at Liam. "To figure out if this is where you and the girl who you may or may not love were taken."

"I told you I don't love Hayden!" Liam snapped.

"Stop! Both of you, you can argue about your love lives some other time, but right now we're going to find whatever you're looking for." Scott snapped, breaking the two of us up like little kids.

"There's a turn you keep missing." He pointed in the direction we had just come from, "It's easy to miss."

"How many times did you watch us pass?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Scott shrugged sheepishly "Five." He admitted. After a pause he spoke again, "Come on, let's see if we can find it together."

"Then can we go home?" I questioned hopefully, looking around the tunnels, a shiver running down my spine.

"Yes Syd, then we can go home." Scott promised, cracking a small smile.


After walking around for another five minutes or so, Scott stopped, putting his hands out in front of him. "Do you feel that?" He asked turning to face us.

"Somethings vibrating." Liam confirmed.

"I can't tell where it's coming from." Scott mumbled.

I looked at the two boys before crouching down and holding my hand above the ground, "It's coming from everywhere." 

Silence settled over the three of us, all of our eyes travelling around the dark tunnels. 

"I was just trying to do something right." Liam spoke, breaking the silence. He was no longer on the topic of the tunnels. 

"You do a lot right." Scott replied, looking over at his beta.

"Yeah, but I did one thing really wrong." he pointed out. 

"None of that matter anymore." Scott promised.

"It should!" Liam argued, "I feel like I have to do more than just say sorry. I screwed up big time, with both of you. Sydney forgave me and she shouldn't have, and I just feel like sorry isn't enough."

I was about to speak when Scott cut me off, "Actually you still haven't done that."

"Back at my old school." Liam paused, letting out a shaky breath, "at Devenford, I got into a fight with this kid, knocked two of his teeth out. They made me write a letter of apology, we both knew it meant nothing, we both knew that sooner or later we were going to get into another fight." he recalled the story, his eyes full of guilt. "I can't just say I'm sorry, I feel like I have to do something, like somehow I have to save your life." Liam trailed off, now focusing his gaze on me, "I've made a lot of mistakes, and I beat myself up over it everyday, but you two mean a lot to me, more than you know and- and I just don't wanna mess that up."

I felt my heartbreak as I looked at Liam's face which was showing pure pain and apology. Scott stepped towards Liam, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to."

"Not down here, we've been walking in circles for hours, and all we've been able to find is some stupid snake on the wall." Liam grumbled, motioning to a snake mural that was plastered to the nearby wall.

Scott turned to look at it, his eyes growing wide.

"Do you think it's important?" Liam asked, moving to Scott's side.

My brother didn't say anything, but instead moved towards the mural, softly running his fingers along it. With one soft push the mural moved. Scott turned to look at us, his eyes wide. Liam's hand found mine as Scott turned the mural fully, the buzzing sound around us immediately ceasing. I turned my head to see a door moving to the side, revealing another door.

My grip on Liam's hand tightened as Scott opened the door, the three of us rushed in, only to be met with the scene of Chris Argent holding a gun to our heads. As Chris realized it was us he pocketed his gun, allowing us to advance further.

"You didn't." Scott whispered.

I looked to him in confusion, but Scott didn't need to explain. A gasp escaped my lips as he walked around the corner. Chris had recruited his father. Gerard was back.

"Hello Scott." Gerard greeted as Scott's eyes flashed red. "I haven't seen that colour on you." Gerard stated, "It suits you."

"Who's the old guy?" Liam asked from beside me.

Gerard wore a tiny smile, "At the moment they would call me a necessary evil, but you can call me Gerard."

"What were you thinking?" Scott exclaimed, his eyes wide as he looked over at Chris. 

"I was thinking that we need him." Chris replied. 

"He's right, if you want to catch a werewolf like the Beast of Gevaudan you need more than one Argent." Gerard piped in causing me to shoot him a glare.

"There has to be someone else, anyone else." I pleaded looking at the man that had tormented my brother only years before.

Chris moved towards us, "He knows all the stories, all the folklore, everything written and everything passed down."

"Are you sure about this?" Scott queried.

"Take a look." Chris nodded towards the back, signalling for the three of us to follow, so we did. "The one of the right is the Beast of Gevaudan." he pointed to a large werewolf on a mural, it looked like two beasts going up against each other, battle of the beasts. "You know what the other one is?" he asked.

Scott shook his head, causing Gerard to speak up. "The Hellhound. The guardian of the supernatural places. They're both creatures of the night but you may know them as ordinary people during the day."

"It's likely neither of them know what they are." Chris added.

Scott turned to look at Liam and I. Liam shook his head trying to prevent Scott from giving away the information.

"What is it?" Chris demanded.

"We found a message in Latin Demnatio Memoriae." Scott revealed, causing Gerard and Chris to share nervous looks. 

"It wants to remember itself." Gerard observed. 

"That might give us time." Chris announced.

"Give us time for what?" Liam asked.

"Time to prevent this." And then Chris moved forward and began kicking away at the remaining wall around the mural to produce the full picture. Bodies, hundreds of bodies were painted underneath the beast and Hellhound.

"Who are they?" Liam questioned, his hand now deathly gripping mine.

"Us." Scott breathed, "It's all of us."

HEY GUYS!! sorry this is so late but like I said before I've been really busy! I just had my march break a few weeks ago, and then we got a big storm so we had a snowday and then easter break so I had time off and wanted to update! I hope you all had a fabulous easter and enjoyed this update ily all.

ps does anyone here watch hockey!!!????? i want a friend to talk about hockey with lol, if so who's your fav team and player. my fav player is connor mcdavid, so if anyone else shares the love of hockey with me, let me know (sorry this is so off topic lol)

SO ANYWAYS! let me know what you thought of this chapter and syd and liam spending more time together. comment and let me know your thoughts 


-maddy xoxox

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