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"Come on. We have to get there as soon as possible." Scott instructed as him, Liam, Stiles and I got into the back of the van that Parrish was driving.

"This is disgusting." I gagged as the smell of death hit my nostrils.

It was agreed that in order to not be caught while trying to get into Eichen, we needed real dead bodies in the back of the van along with the the four of us. Our plan was that Parrish would say that the hospital morgue was too full, therefore they needed to use Eichen's. It was pretty believable considering all the bodies that had been showing up lately.

"Okay Syd, you first." Scott said motioning to one of the body bags.

"Why do I have to go first?" I asked staring at my brother.

"Because." he responded, giving me an expectant look as he motioned to the bag. 

I gave him a worried look as I crouched down and pulled the bag apart, allowing me to get in it. Once my whole body was secure in the bag, I looked up at the boys.

"See you on the other side." And then the bag was zipped up, and all I could see was black.


Ten minutes later I clawed at the zipper on the bag, but had no luck getting a grip. I could hear the boys undoing their bags.

"A little help!" I called, hoping one of them would help me get the hell out of this bag

A few moments later, light flooded my vision as my bag was opened. I took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air and looked up at Liam who was smiling at me.

"Thanks." I panted, sitting up at looking at Scott and Stiles.

"Never again!" Stiles gasped.

"Yeah." Scott agreed, nodding his head and looking down at his phone, "Fifteen minutes starting now." he announced.

I watched in amusement as Stiles struggled to get out of his bag, which resulted in him falling from the table.

I hopped off the table and walked over to where he was lying.

"Brain dead?" I asked looking down at him with a smile.

"Ha ha, very funny. Help me up." He stuck his hand out and I took it, pulling him up from the ground.

"Okay, let's go we don't have all night." Scott pointed to the time on his phone.

As we approached the door, my brother stopped us all, pressing his ear to the door. I stood in between Stiles and Liam, Liam's hand lightly placed on the small of my back.

After a moment of listening, Scott stepped back and opened the door, ushering the 3 of us through.

"Stay close." Liam whispered in my ear, causing chills to run up my spine.

As we walked down the vacant halls of Eichen, my nerves grew. Stiles was in the lead followed by Scott, then me, and then Liam.

Suddenly Stiles stopped, causing me to run into the back of Scott. I gasped as someone gripped my arm pulling me behind a wall.

"What are they doing there?" Scott asked.

"Who?" I questioned, confused with what was going on.

"Their rounds should of ended five minutes ago." Stiles answered.

Since nobody was going to answer my question, I made an educated guess that what stopped us dead in our tracks was a couple of guards.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered, peering around the corner.

"I can take 'em"

All three of our heads turned to Liam, who was looking down the hall at the guards.

"Are you insane?" I asked, looking from the 6 foot something guards to Liam.

"No one's taking anyone." Scott shot down Liam's proposal.

"How much time?" Stiles wondered.

Scott pulled out his phone, checking the time, "3 minutes." he sighed.

"Just knock em out, hide the bodies." Liam suggested.

"Stop it." Stiles hissed, for once he was not condoning violence. 

I jumped back, running into Liam's chest as a guy banged on the glass in one of the cells across from us. "Have you seen the doctor?" he asked.

"What?" Liam whispered, his eyes wide. 

"Did you take the doctor?" the guy questioned again,  "I haven't had my medication yet. I need 10 milligrams of 8am, 15 milligrams of 1pm and no more than 20 at dinner."

"We'll get the doctor." Scott promised.

The patient then started saying some doctors name, and then he started to cry, repeatedly banging on the glass. "I haven't had my medication. I need to see the doctor."

"Somebody shut him up!" Stiles pleaded.

Scott let out a sigh as he put his head down for a moment, when he looked back up his eyes were red and fangs had replaced his teeth. The kid finally shut up and shrank back to the other side of his cell.

I let out a sigh of relief as we heard a door close from the other end of the corridor, the guards had left. The four of us took off down the hall, and as we did the lights dimmed.

"She did it. Kira did it." Liam quietly cheered. I smiled as we reached the door. But my smile soon fell as Stiles turned back to us, a confused look on his face.

"Where's the card reader? It should be here, it has to be here." he whispered. 

"They must have taken it out when the Dread Doctors got through." Scott concluded.

"Are you telling me we came all the way down here just to get stuck by an ordinary key? Are you kidding me?" Stiles snapped

"Well what do we do?" I asked, worry lacing my voice.

"We don't need a key." Liam announced.

I looked over at him in confusion, "We can break it down." he explained.

Scott nodded as the two of the took ahold of the door. Stiles grabbed my arm, lightly pulling me back.

After minutes of trying, the door hadn't budged.

"We're running out of time!" Stiles pointed out.

Scott and Liam stepped back, struggling to catch their breath. "It's not working, the mountain ash is too much." Scott announced, his voice  defeated.

My eyes fell on Liam who was staring at the ground, suddenly he lifted his head, his back to us, "Hit me." he demanded.

Scott, Stiles and I looked over at him in surprise, "What?" Scott asked.

"Hit me." Liam replied turning to face us. "I'll get angry, then I'll get strong.

"Hit him, hit him!" Stiles encouraged causing Scott to shake his head.

"I tried to take your powers, I wanted to kill you, hit me!" Liam taunted, trying to make my brother made. 

"He also left you for dead." Stiles added.

"I wanted you dead!" Liam spat. I felt myself cringe at the memory. It wasn't long ago that all of this had happened, but I had done my best to forget that awful night. 

Just as Scott was about to hit Liam I stepped in between them. "Sydney what the hell!?" Liam snapped.

"Let me do it." I offered.

"What?" Scott's face scrunched up in confusion, probably lost as to why I wanted to punch Liam, when I had claimed I forgave him.

"You said you weren't mad anymore." Liam stated quietly from behind me.

"I'm not- really-," I explained, turning to face him, "But if Scott punches you it's gonna hurt like hell. If I do it, it'll make you mad but it will hurt less- much less. 

"She's gotta point." Stiles pointed out.

"Okay," Liam breathed with a node,  "Well then hit me."

So I listened, pulling my arm back and punching Liam in the face. Now when I imagined punching my ex boyfriend in the face, I imagined a lot more anger on my part, a lot more pain on his part, oh and I also didn't imagine breaking my hand.

"Son of a-" I cut myself off, quickly grabbing a hold of my hand, cradling it against my chest.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, from the exact spot he was standing before, he hadn't even swayed when I hit him.

"Yeah, great." I winced as Stiles pulled me towards him.

"Scott, you have to hit me." Liam demanded.

After one moment of hesitation, Scott did as he said and hit his beta in the face.

Liam let out a small gasp of pain, but he wasn't angry yet. "Hit me again!"

Scott hit Liam once more, causing Liam to fall to the ground, but he still wasn't angry enough.

"It's gotta be harder than that." Stiles called from where the two of us stood. 

I grimaced as Scott hit Liam twice more. Finally Liam's eyes flashed the golden colour that made chills run down my spine.

"You angry?" Scott yelled.

Liam nodded, his breathing heavy.

"Me too!" Scott shouted as he and Liam began pushing the door.

"Yeah!" Stiles cheered from beside me. I sent him an amused look at his excitement before focusing back on the task at hand. 

When the door fell, I felt Stiles grab my arm.

"Stiles, Sydney, go!" Scott yelled, resting up against the door frame in exhaustion. 

Stiles nodded as he pulled me off down the hall, "We only have a couple of minutes!"

I held my hand, which was throbbing in pain, close to my chest as I followed Stiles down the corridor.

"Here!" he panted, stopping at a door and running the key card through the holder.

The door opened and we ran through, stopping at a room just down the hall. As we rushed into the room, I gasped at the sight of a drill covered in blood sitting on a table beside a bed. In the bed was Lydia, her pillow covered in the same blood.

"Stiles? Sydney?" she croaked. Her face was pale and covered in sweat, causing her hair to stick to her neck. What were they doing to her?

Stiles dropped down so he was kneeling beside her. Softly running his hand over her forehead. "We're going to get you out of here."

Stiles and I looked into the large hole in Lydia's head in shock and then we looked at the restraints holding her down. "No." I whispered quietly, this was going to be harder than we thought.

"You're going to die if you stay." Lydia whispered. "All of you."

"Lydia, we're not leaving." I said sternly as I started pulling on the restraints with my good hand.

"Stiles he's coming." Lydia cried, her eyes filling with fear.

"We're not leaving you here." Stiles repeated my earlier statement.

"You have to." she ordered, "Both of you go, now"

Stiles and I ignored her as we continued to work on the restraints. It was then that we heard the buzzing of the door being unlocked.

I looked over to Stiles in fear. "Go!" Lydia instructed, "Please."

With one final look of hesitation, Stiles grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the room and into the hall. He pulled me behind a wall, putting me behind him.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered in fear.

"I don't know." He admitted.

guys I am so sorry :( I know it's been so long since I updated. I'm not even going to make up excuses, I've honestly just been exhausted and had little motivation. I can't guarantee how often I can update, but when I can, I will. You guys are honestly amazing and its one of the only things that make me wanna keep writing. SO please just stick with me, I owe you guys and will make sure you get the story you deserve.

don't forget to vote/ comment

i love you guys!!


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