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I stared at Mason in shocked as he looked at the three of us, clearly confused.

"It's you." Scott's voice came out as barely a whisper.

"What?" Mason questioned. When Scott didn't reply he turned to Liam and I, "Liam? Syd? What is he talking about?"

"I-" I cut myself off, not sure how to tell one of my best friends that he was the rabid beast going around killing people.

"Liam." Mason urged, worried in his voice as he took a step closer to his best friend.

Just as Liam was about to say something, Corey appeared, revealing himself from where he was camouflaged against a car.

"Corey, No!" But Scott's warning was ignored as Corey placed his hand on Mason's shoulder before they both disappeared. Scott and Liam attempted to chase after them, but it was too late, he was gone.

Silence filled the air as the only thing you could hear was our deep breathing. The only thing covering Liam's face was hurt and confusion. I grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze. He turned to face me giving me the best smile he could muster up at that time.

"We've got to go." Scott instructed.

"Where?" I questioned.

"To find Mason, or home, I don't- we just need to get out of here." He said stumbling over his words.

Liam and I nodded as we grabbed the stuff we had dropped when we reached the car. My hand found itself in Liam's as we walked towards our car. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling right now. I was upset beyond belief, and I known Mason only a fraction of the time that Liam had. 


Once we got home that night, it was decided that Liam was going to stay the night. It was easier that we were all together.

"How did I not know it was him?" Liam was sitting at the end of my bed, his head in his hands.

"No one knew." I said softly, trying to make him realize that it wasn't his fault.

"What's going to happen to him now?" he wondered, his expression inked in worry over what was going to happen to his best friend. 

I let out a sigh as I moved so I was beside him, "Scott will figure it out, he always does."

Liam nodded as he looked up at me, "Syd."


"I just want you to know that-" Before he could finish, my door was thrown open and Stiles ran in.

"Where's your brother?" he demanded, clearly out of breath.

"He's in his room." The minute the words left my mouth Stiles started off down the hall, quickly stopping and then turning back around.

"You know the rules: door open." He said pointedly looking at Liam and I.

I rolled my eyes as he took off down the hall, "What were you saying?" I asked looking over to Liam.

"Nothing," he whispered, "I'll tell you later."

"Okay." I said unconvinced as I laid down, my hand and head throbbing. Just as I started to drift off I heard hushed voices from the hallway. Liam looked to me and we both stood up and approached my door that Stiles had left open.

"What, what'd I do now?" I recognized Stiles' voice instantly.

"Tell him." That was Braeden.

"You know how my mother wants to kill me?" It was Malia speaking now, that was for sure. "I think she might want to kill you too." she said bluntly.

"Okay, uh, yeah that's concerning." Stiles regarded,  "I should probably have a gun."

I let out a laugh at the thought of Stiles having a gun, he could barely figure out how to work a pen.

"Sydney!" he shouted after hearing my laughs, "Get out here."

I stalked into the hall still holding in a laugh, causing Stiles to glare at me. He now looked to Braeden, "I'm not giving you a gun." She said as if it was obvious.

"You have a gun, she had a gun." he said pointing to me, "The Desert Wolf that is trying to kill me has a gun, I think I should probably have a gun."

Braeden looked unamused as she pulled a gun from her waistband, removing the clip and then tossing the gun to Stiles, which he missed, almost causing it to hit me in the face.

"Point has been proven." I mumbled bending over to pick up the gun.

"I wasn't ready." Stiles argued.

"Sure." I sighed, handing the gun back to Braeden before I turned to the boy who never failed to make me smile.  "Don't worry Stiles, I'll protect you."

"Go to your room." He ordered, pointing towards my door.

I laughed as I left the scene in the hallway, rejoining Liam in my room. When I walked in, Liam was on my bed, fast asleep. I smiled as I crawled in beside, not having the heart to wake him, I decided it would be okay if we shared a bed, no harm done, right?


It was early morning when yells ripped through my bedroom. "GET UP!"

I shot out of bed at the yelling. My eyes were wide as I glanced around the room in shock, Liam who had also been awoken had the same expression on his face.

"What are you two doing?" One of the voices demanded. 

"Oh God." I whined.

Scott and Stiles were standing at the end of my bed, both of their hands on their hips.

"Sleeping, we were just sleeping." Liam promised. 

"In the same bed?" Stiles interrogated, his narrow eyes landing on Liam.

"Yes, obviously." I sassed.

Scott gawked at us, "That is inappropriate!" 

"You two do it!" I argued.

Scott and Stiles shared a look.

"Not together you idiots!"

"We're not-"

"Get out of my room!" I yelled pushing the two of them towards the door.

"Just be down in the kitchen in ten minutes!" Stiles yelled as I slammed the door.

I turned to Liam, my face turning red. "Sorry." I apologized.

Liam smiled as he shook his head, "i'm used to it by now."

I let out a small laugh as I began to take my hair out of the braid it was in the night before, "I'm gonna go take a shower, you can use the other shower if you want."

Liam nodded saying a quiet 'thanks' as he left the room. I couldn't help but smile as I turned on the water for my shower.


"My dad's got an ABP out." Stiles explained to Lydia, Malia, Kira, Liam and I, who were all gathered in the kitchen.

"For a 5 foot 8 16 year old?" Kira wondered. 

"I recommended a 9 foot rampaging werewolf." Stiles corrected.

"It still might not be him." Liam said optimistically, causing all four of us to give him a sympathetic look.

He sighed as he looked down at his hands, "Hayden's at the school looking."

I felt jealousy overcome my body even at the mention of her name.

"I can keep checking the woods?" Malia suggested.

"Our mom can check all the hospitals in the county." Scott, who had been showering upstairs, said entering the kitchen, "We can find him."

"What happens then?"Liam asked.

"We figure out a way to save him."

guess who's finally on summer break?? this gal!!! which will hopefully mean more updates!!

don't forget to vote/comment/ follow

ily guys

-maddy xoxo

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