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Peter shifted uncomfortably beside me as the four of us stared at the long, dark tunnels. 

"You didn't see it did you?" The boy asked Stiles, a condescending manner to his tone.

"I saw it." Stiles muttered.

"Well then why did you spend so much time running through the doors?" when Stiles didn't answer he continued, "I'll tell you why. It's because it's all part of the illusion. You're afraid, and they want you to be afraid."

I looked down at my feet as Peter spoke up, "I'm not afraid." With that he turned and began walking towards the tunnels, the other three of us following.

As we stood in front of the darkness, I felt myself shudder, "I'm afraid." I whispered honestly.

"You can't do it." the boy taunted Peter, "He can't do it." he said again, turning to Stiles and I.

"We really should kill him." Peter snarled, causing the boy's face to pale.

"Or," Stiles began, "We could just walk through." he suggested.

Peter mumbled something that none of the 3 of us could understand, "What did you say?" Stiles asked, stepping forward towards Peter.

"Push me!" Peter repeated, louder this time.

Stiles looked at me and I gave him a small nod, prodding him to do what Peter had told him. As he turned back to Peter, Stiles placed his hands onto the older man's back and gave him a hard shove which sent Peter into the dark tunnel.

I held my breath. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until the boy walked past us as Peter called mine and Stiles' name, causing me to exhale sharply.

I looked over at Stiles nervously. The last thing I wanted to do right now was walk into that tunnel, but I knew we had no choice. Stiles knew it to, and so, he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the tunnel alongside himself.

"I'm right beside you." he promised, as we followed Peter into the darkness.

A few minutes later we emerged on the other side of the tunnel, only to reveal more train tracks.

"Congratulations," Peter taunted, "You found another area of the train station."

"Is this the way out?" I asked, as I glanced around our surroundings.

"If it was, we'd be leaving." Peter retorted.

"You might want to stay off the tracks," the boy warned, causing me to look down the long stretch of tracks, " Cause that's the way in and out." As soon as the words left his mouth a loud clap of thunder and the sound of horses filled my ears.

"They're coming." he announced, which resulted in my heart dropping. He didn't hesitate as he rushed towards the platform, hopping up onto it,  the remaining three of us following suit.

We crouched behind one of the pillars, watching in awe as three Ghost Riders appeared to break through some sort of portal, coming into our view.

I held my breath and pushed myself further up against the pillar as they went galloping past us, luckily not seeing us.

"That's the way out?" Peter asked with aggression, "How in the hell are we supposed to do that?"

"We jump." the boy answered.

"Jump?" I gasped.

"On the back of the riders as they go through."

"Is that all?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"I've been timing it!" the boy defended his plan, "We can jump from here just before they go out.

"I think you're confusing your pronouns. We are not going to do anything but you should absolutely give that a shot." Peter sniped back.

"Do you not wanna get out of here?"

"We want to get out alive okay? How do you know this works, a lot could go wrong." Stiles answered. 

"And besides what are you going to do if you get to the other side." I added.

The boy's face fell slightly, "Look, I don't know but I need to get out of here, I'm losing my mind in this place.

"I think you have an excellent grasp of the situation, I say go for it." Peter said, clearly mocking the boy.

"Peter." Stiles chastised as the sound of the Ghost Riders filled the air once again.

"Hey, they're coming back!" the boy announced. He took this as he cue to move into position, meanwhile Stiles, Peter and myself moved away from him, hiding behind another pillar.

My heart was about to beat out of my chest as they sound of the Ghost Riders came closer and closer.

"We can't let him do this right?" Stiles asked Peter and I.

"What if he's right?" Peter questioned.

"But what if he's wrong?" I fired back. I was afraid I was about to watch this boy die, and I wasn't sure if I could handle that.

Stiles agreed with my concern and called out to the boy, "There's got to be another way out! We'll figure something out okay?"

"There isn't!" the boy shot back, "I've been looking for months. Are you coming or not?"

"It's all you." Peter encourage, letting the boy know we weren't tagging along.

As the Ghost Riders went flying past us, Stiles attempted to run after the boy but had no luck as Peter grabbed him and held him back, "Let him try." Peter ordered.

I wish we had of stopped him. As the Ghost Riders past the boy, he jumped onto the back of one of the horses. The rider attempted to shake him off but when he couldn't, the boy remained on the horse. As they approached the portal I was starting to believe this might work, maybe we could get out of here. I could see Scott again, and Liam. My hopes were shattered however, when the boy hit the forcefield, his body flying back harshly. He hit the ground with a loud thud and then began to convulse as green fog consumed his body.

His screams echoed throughout the tunnel and then he was gone. His body disappeared right before our eyes.

"Somehow, I don't think that that went they way he was hoping." Peter announced, breaking the silence.

With my mouth still agape, I looked over to the older man, "Are you kidding me." I snapped, "He's dead, don't be so heartless."

Peter just shrugged as he turned and began walking back to the station. I was frozen in place as Stiles wrapped his arm around me, "It's okay Syd, we're going to find a way out. I promise."

hi loves! I just want to explain some things that are going on in my life right now.

so they reason updates have been so slow is because I have been working so much this summer and have been tight on time! I wish I could say that updates will get more routine but I am off to university next week and will obviously be busy settling in and dealing with school. 

that being said, my schedule is pretty chill so hopefully I will be able to update on my time off if school isnt kicking my butt!

i hope you guys stick with this story as I am excited to finish it off with a bang.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

ily all so much

-maddy xoxo

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