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"How many fingers am I holding up?"

Raise your hand if you're someone with glasses and have been asked this question one too many times.

I'm a short-sighted person, and I wear glasses of 1.75 power to be able to see certain things clearly. And that, fellow person-who-doesn't-wear-glasses, doesn't mean I'm completely blind.

If you wave three fingers infront of me, you can't just expect me to say that it's six fingers BECAUSE I AM NOT BLIND

For fuck's sake I'm short-sighted, not "only sees darkness"kind of blind. And what's the point of asking me the number of fingers that are continuously waving in front of my eyes if I'm unable to see things from a distance?

Then there's the "You have Glasses? That means you have too much technology"

Okay, the last two years form me have been online classes. The definition of online classes are:

(n.) classes or sessions which are part of an educational center that take place through the Internet

(I don't know the actual definition, this is mine-)

So online classes mean I have to stare at a computer for four hours of my life. And since all my notes and reader printouts are in my computer, I have to stare at that for another five hours.

The four hours I spend on my classes are enough to strain my eyes and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Which is exactly why I got glasses with ultraviolet protection inbuilt in their lenses.

So if you prefer for me to not attend my classes and drop out, then I'll be more than happy to oblige.

Then there are the people who are downright obsessed with your glasses.

Now my glasses are really dust-prone. Meaning they get dusty too easily. Like, when you touch the lenses it immediately shows a finger impression etched on the lenses.

So when people take my glasses and act all careless around It, my anxiety levels shoot up to the sky like a goddamn rocket-

Like, why do you always gotta take my Glasses? I spend hours obsessively cleaning that shit and I did not do it for you to leave your hand marks all over it.

I am not Sherlock homes. I don't need your finger prints. And I sure as fuck don't need it on my glasses.

And for all of you fuckers who make fun of people with Glasses, not everyone wears it to catch up with fashion trends. Some of us have shitty eyesight and if you can't make it any better, then fuck off.

You don't have to comment on our face when we take off our glasses. You don't need to tell us that we are ugly with/without glasses. Because no one gives a shit about your opinions unless they are good ones.

So moral of the rant: Don't be an asshole to people with Glasses (or anyone for that matter) unless you want your skin to be burned off your body.



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