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Kat rushed to my best friend's, Samantha, house, completely forgetting about the errands her father gave her. She raced down the street, receiving many odd glances and disapproving glares from the high-class men and women who were gliding down the sidewalks.

Once Samantha's house came into my view, she sprinted.

She skidded to a stop before Samantha's house that she shared with her parents and her 5 brothers. She was the only daughter. Kat composed her appearance before carefully walking up to the large, mahogany door.

The brunette rang the doorbell and impatiently anticipated to hear the familiar click of Lilian's, Samantha's mother, high heeled shoes rushing to open the door.

When she finally heard the click, Kat smiled when I saw Lilian in her best weekday dress and her slightly greying fawn hair. "Oh hello Katherine, I wasn't expecting to see you today, how can I help you?"

"Hello, Mrs Harrison, I am sorry to intrude so abruptly, but is Samantha in today, I have some news to inform her on?" Kat spoke as formally as could.

She grinned, "Of course, come right in, she's in her bedroom, you know where it is I believe?"

"Thank you, Mrs Harrison,"

Kat walked in and passed Lilian on the way as she rushed back to the living room to accompany her husband, Robert.

Once the girl was out of their sight, she quickened her pace up the stairs and to her best friend's room. She knocked on the door, her hand already settled on the doorknob.

"Come in!! A voice called from behind the door. Kat threw open her door and revealed herself.

"Sammy!" Kat greeted with a grin.

Sam looked shocked for a second but soon grinned a toothy smile. The curly-haired girl leapt up from her soft, silky bed and jumped into Kat's arms for a bone-crushing hug. "What are you doing here, we're not supposed to meet up until this weekend!" She squealed.

"I have news," Kat bluntly stated with a massive flash of her pearl white teeth. Sam reflected Kat's actions, as she too grinned like a Cheshire cat. She squealed yet again and dragged the fawn-haired girl to her bed. As she bounced onto her satin sheets, her long dark brown curls swam in the air and soon relaxed back down her shoulders. Although her hair at the moment looked like a mop, she still appeared stunning with her carved cheekbones and large brown eyes.

"So... tell me about it" She giggled. Kat explained what happened today with Ace and Eyeball and the two younger boys. After she finished reciting everything, Sam had the biggest smirk on her face. She squealed and opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by a gagging sound - as if someone was disgusted with what they've heard - from behind the door.

"Be quiet you idiot, you're going to get us caught," the two girls faintly heard from behind the door. Samantha quietly tiptoed to the door after telling Kat to keep laughing, as if they had heard nothing. In an instant, she slammed open the door and five boys fell through her doorway. Johnny, David, Steven, Lewis and Louis - the twins. They scrambled up from the floor with guilty but amused expressions.

Johnny was the eldest of the siblings, he is 27 and was inheriting Robert's business when he passes. Then it was Steven, he's 18 and just finished high school. The twins are next and they're 14. Lewis is 4 minutes older than Louis. And finally David, who prefers to be called Davey, he is 6 years old.

"What do you think you're doing snooping in on our very serious conversation?" accused Samantha.

"Oh please, Katy's obsession and magical encounter with the Ace Merrill is not serious," Steven sasses back, using the nickname he uses for Kat. Each boy has a different nickname for the girl, it gets incredibly confusing on her behalf but she loved them all.

"Oh no, Ace was all over me, I could hardly bear it!" Lewis and Louis playfully mock the girl, in a high pitched voice to mimic her own. Kat stuck her tongue out at them and they returned it with a laugh.

"You know, Ace is a bad guy, Kathy, we don't want you getting hurt," Johnny informed. Johnny always treated Kat differently compared to the other Harrisons. Johnny had always been fond of Kat. 

"Yeah, I know, Johnno, but there's just something about him," Kat tried to stifle a laugh as she looked at all of her friends' surprised expressions. Samantha erupted in giggles as she flopped back onto her bed, her blue full-skirted dress fanning out around her along with her the mop of curls. The boys followed after her actions and burst into shrieks of laughter. Kat sighed with happiness, flopping down with all of them.

Kat took a glance at the clock by Samantha's bedside. '4:45.' 

Her eyes widened. 'I'll pick you up here at 6', Ace's voice rang through her head. She quickly rose from her position and gave a pleading look at Samantha. She sat up concerned. "Guys, I don't know if I should go. I mean, it's almost 5, I don't have enough time to get ready," Kat rose from the bed, looking at the six siblings.

"Well, that's not the attitude, Kate," Lewis and Louis said in unison. 

"Yeah, Kitty, not the attitude," Davey added, pointing his short finger at the girl.

"You're right, boys, that is definitely not the attitude," Sam stood up, walking over to her closet, throwing the wooden doors open, revealing her colourful frocks. "Boys, out. Kat and I have some business to do,"

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