thirtysix | the avocado toast

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Sam called a wrap on season two and Tom has already been preparing for an audition for the past two weeks. He got me to run lines with him in our spare time, but it's hard for me to take it seriously when I'm supposed to be an old man in the scene with him.

He hears back any day now, they told him they'd call on Monday but it's Friday now. He's always so nervous during these periods, he's shy and reserved around everyone. He obsessed over it, he doesn't focus on anything other than nailing the audition. We've barely even kissed longer than a peck this week, he just wants to cuddle in bed and be a sook. I don't mind though, i know it's always nerve wracking wanting a part so badly and waiting for the dreaded call.

His phone rang as we were laying on the couch watching Big Mouth on Netflix, a personal favourite of ours, with Arlo asleep curled up in the crook of Tom's elbow. He got up in a rush, making his way upstairs to the rooftop for privacy.

I stroked the now awake and worried dog to try and relax him after Tom startled him, letting him drift back to sleep as I cradled him in my arms. He's grown so much since we got him but he's still so small.

Tom came downstairs and I looked up at him waiting for a response. He shook his head and shrugged, saying they cast someone else in the role. I pouted and put my arm out to hug him, the other still holding the puppy.

Tom knelt on the couch and fell into my chest, nuzzling his head against me and groaning loudly. I chuckled and leant my head against the top of his.

"What's meant to be is meant to be, you probably need a break anyway it's been months of filming," I said gently, kind of wanting to relax and not work for a little while with him.

"Yeah you're probably right... I just hate not working because I don't know what to do each day," he chuckled, sitting up and putting out little grabby hands towards the puppy. I passed Arlo to him, as he kissed the top of the babies head.

"Our working visas are going to expire anyway so we need to leave America for a bit before coming back... Have you thought about what you'll do?" I asked.

"I just assumed I'd go wherever you went considering you came to the UK last year," Tom said casually, despite us never actually discussing anything of the like.

"O-Oh, I was going to fly home to see my parents," I said surprised by his response. I mean I don't mind if he comes with me, I just haven't really brought a guy home to meet my parents since Josh and that was years ago now.

"Your mum loves me whenever we FaceTime, she always begs us to visit and you can show me where you grew up. It'll be nice, being a tourist and taking dorky photos in a place I've never been," he said smiling. God I love him. He was depressed two seconds ago and now he's planning a holiday to meet my family.

"I'm not planning in staying in a hotel, I'm like.. staying in my teenage bedroom in my old bed and stuff..." I said warning him, trying to make sure he didn't expect it to be some extravagant trip.

"See? That's even better than when you came to London because we only visited my family a few times but this time we're living with them," he said excitedly.

I looked at him confusingly, trying to figure out if he was being sarcastic or he was actually looking forward to a trip I slightly dreaded.

"Fine, but I'm booking a hotel for majority now that you're coming, we'll just spend a week with my family and that's it. No sex in my parents house either," I warned, pointing a finger at him.

"Okay yeah, book a hotel then," he chuckled, knowing he would probably get to a point where sex was a must. We really didn't have sex excessively, no more or less than the average couple; ours was just better.

Maybe I'm biased.

But it definitely the best I've ever had.

Tom got off the couch and ran to our bedroom, making me laugh at his sudden change of mood and his dramatic exit. He came back with his laptop, flipping onto the couch and immediately researching things to do and places to visit where I used to live.

"Tom, it's really not that fascinating of a place," I smiled, looking over at what he was searching.

"Have you been here?" He asked pointing to the screen of basically the most famous landmark of my city.

"You're joking right? Of course I have..." I said laughing.

"Well I wanna see it, so you need to take me," he smiled, saving it to a new folder he'd now created. He was such a dork. Jesus.

"You're not even reading anything about the city you're just saving other peoples Instagram photos," I mocked, judging his style of travel planning.

"We'd be here forever if I had to read all this bullshit about where to go and when to do it and what colour fucking tie matches the colour of the bricks. Dyslexia is a bitch Y/N, trust me when I say photos are so much better," Tom laughed, scrolling through more photos and pointing to them.

"Have you been here?" He asked, pointing to a photo of someone's avocado toast and an aesthetically pleasing juice.

"Tom that's a plate of food, I have no clue where that could possibly be," I scoffed, laughing at his excitement taking over his logic.

"What does smashed avocado toast taste like where you're from?" He asked smiling like an idiot. Surely he was just winding me up at this point, these questions were too stupid.

I sighed.

"Like anyone else's Tom, like every other avocado toast from a cafe."

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