twentynine | the three words

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I was the worst person in the mornings; a grumpy asshole who took forever to actually get out of bed. Oh shoot days, I had five alarms to wake me up if I didn't have Y/N next to me to drag me to work.

Weekends were nice though, I could sleep in and wake up naturally - and now I had Y/N back next to me. London without her was just miserable. She knew I was a nightmare when I was grumpy so if she ever woke up before me she would stay in bed with me and go on her phone to not wake me up.

I groaned and pulled her closer to me, spooning for warmth under the covers. She giggled softly when she realised I was awake, putting her phone on the bedside table.

"Now that it's morning can I say I love you yet?" I smiled, my voice all croaky and deep from still being half asleep.

She whined and rolled over, looking up at me as our noses touched gently.

"You're half asleep and delirious Tom," she giggled, making me throw my head back and groan.

"First you don't believe me after sex, then you don't believe me when we wake up together... They're like the best two things about love," I joked, looking at the door as Jackson knocked and opened it a tiny bit.

"Can I please come in please?" A small voice said from the other side. I quickly put tracksuit pants on and a t-shirt, as did Y/N before we said for Jackson to come in.

He smiled and ran from the door holding his bunny Spider-Man and leapt onto the bed, swinging his leg up to help him up as I pulled him.

"Can we watch a movie before Daddy comes to get me?" He asked Y/N, still too scared to talk to me. He was cute but fuck last night made me realise I don't want kids for ages. They're stressful.

I reached down to get my laptop off the ground and put it on Jackson's lap who had crawled in the middle of us and snuggled under the covers. I had suggested to watch Avengers since he liked Spider-Man so much but it turned out he thought Captain America was scary and didn't want to watch. I don't know why but we ended up just watching the first of the Spider-Man movies. Thank god he picked mine and not Andrew or Tobey's renditions.

We heard Sam's voice downstairs after I had texted him that the door was open and could let himself in. He smiled at all three of us in bed together as Jackson squealed and waved.

"Hey bud, how was your sleepover?" Sam asked, sitting on the end of the bed. It's kind of weird thinking about babysitting our directors kid but Sam was a legend, Jackson was cute and we were promised free coffee on Sam before work every day for a month if we agreed.

"It was fun and we had pizza and we got to watch movies and the bed was really big but they clap super loud," Jackson shrugged, getting out of bed and sitting with his dad.

"Clapping?" Sam asked, furrowing his brows at his son before looking at Y/N and I in realisation.

"Yeah it was like dis," Jackson said clapping his hands together frantically.

"Oh my god," Y/N said looking at the child stunned.

"Ah buddy, you know that's the same as when me and Mummy watch a really good movie, we clap at the end of it so the actors know they did a good job," Sam said laughing, shaking his head at me.

Sam was cool. He was forty something but he acted like a kid, you could tell he was still getting used to the 'parent lifestyle' - he still dabbled in coke on nights out with Timmy though.

Jackson nodded, Sam telling him to go get his backpack. He glared at us both when the kid left, shaking his head and laughing.

"Keep it in your pants Holland, it's taken me five years to learn kids hear everything, and as they get older they'll start figuring out what's happening," he said chuckling and meeting his son at the door.

"What do you say to Tom and Y/N?" Sam asked, Jackson running and hugging Y/N.

"I love you," he said quietly.

"No, no.. The other thing you say," Sam sighed.

"Thank you," he corrected, smiling and looking up at me. I stuck my arms out hoping he would hug me.

And he did.
Jackson hugged my legs and I picked him up.

"You didn't ignore me! Aw thankyou little man!" I said enthusiastically, smiling and putting him down.

"Bye Spider-Tom," he giggled, Sam and his son eventually leaving.

I fell back on the bed groaning with my hands over my face. Y/N laughed and kicked my leg lightly, telling me she knew the kid would hear us.

"Shut up, you were the loud one anyway," I said pulling her by her arm onto me and laughing.

"I was only loud because you made me," she huffed, trying to wriggle out of my grip.

"Fuck yeah I did," I laughed, squeezing her tighter. Now that I was awake properly, there wasn't any kids, we weren't post-orgasm, she couldn't reject me.

"Can I tell you I love you now?" I groaned.

"I'm listening," she said leaning her chin on my chest and looking at me smiling.

"Y/N, I love you." I smiled, looking at the beautiful girl on my chest who I was finally back together with.

"Now I believe you," she laughed, wriggling up to kiss me softly and rest her head on me.

"Are you going to say anything back?" I asked, "Cos you know, normally people say something back..." I cooed, hoping she would respond how I wanted her to.

"Oh, you mean thank you?" She joked, making me roll my eyes, flip us so I was on top of her and holding her arms down.

"Okay then say you don't love me back and it will give me piece of mind," I laughed, both us us playing around and joking. Yet, I was starting to get nervous she was avoiding the question.

"Thomas Stanley Holland, listen to me when I say, I love you. I loved you for months, and I loved you even when I thought you were leaving me forever. Happy now?" She said grabbing my face and laughing.

I didn't think we'd say it like this, but it was so much better than those cliche movie scenes where they were in some romantic ballroom or some bullshit. It suited the way Y/N and I were together, sporadic and spontaneous. Never taking things too seriously. I'd only ever told one other girl I loved them and that was with Zendaya. And it felt forced. It was weird.

"Ecstatic," I smiled.

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