「 03; Second Thoughts 」

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Park Sunghoon, entering the campus building as if there was a dark cloud above him. As you can see, the boy wasn't in a good mood since he woke up. Not sure why but Mondays am I right?

Opening his locker, doing his usual routine. He heard some fightings down the hallway, must be random bullies in the school.

Glancing around, he went in his classroom. It was rather a mess since some of his classmates were working on what it looks like a project. He didn't care that much, though he does get decent scores in his assignments.



Eitherway, what else could ruin his day aside from a student accidentally bumping him to the side. Causing Sunghoon to loose his balance, his body collided with someone else.


With their lips connected.



Five seconds. Their little kiss lasted for five seconds. He looked up to see the one and only Park Jongseong.


Eyes widened in disbelief, Sunghoon ran away from the classroom. Not even sharing a word between them as he was too stunned.



Let's see in Jay's point of view.


Leaning by the wall, eyes on his phone. Not paying attention to the fuss that his classmates are making.

He didn't even noticed Sunghoon's presence until he felt his lips on his, and their bodies connected.

It felt unreal to Jay. Like this was all a daydream. It felt rather comforting to him. Even if it's for a few seconds.

After seeing how his friend left, Jay looked at his classmates. Some were shocked, and some were uninterested. I mean he knew his class wasn't that homophobic.

Just that they're shocked about the two all-time bestfriends kissing each other for the first time. Yes it was unfortunately both of their first kiss.



Now back to Sunghoon.

Locked himself in one of the school's bathrooms. Trying to process what just happened. His thoughts were all messed up.



He looked at the mirror, and he laughed. Laughing like he was going crazy.

"I kissed my bestfriend" Sunghoon was staring at his reflection, tears forming in his eyes.

"I kissed my fucking bestfriend." He slammed his fist on the counter. Enraged and confused. The tears already dripping down.

He was ashamed of himself. Not only did he kiss someone who was the same gender as him, but it was also his dear friend.

"This is wrong, this is all wrong."

He continued sobbing, falling to the bathroom floor. Sunghoon wanted to bury himself. To hide away from the public world after what just happened.

'It's no big deal' they say. But it was different for Sunghoon. His first kiss, stolen just because of a mere accident.

What would Jay think of him after? What would he think of Jay now..

Class has ended and Sunghoon managed to get out of the campus before Jay sees him. You see, he started avoiding the older after getting out of the bathroom.

Walking on the sidewalks, he noticed that it started to raining. Sunghoon brought out his umbrella in his bag to shelter him from the raindrops.

He felt something wet on his cheek, but it wasn't from the sky. It was a teardrop. Soon, more tear drops fell as the boy started crying.

He sat on a nearby bench from the neighborhood park. Covering his face with the palm of his hands causing him to let go of the umbrella.

"Why am I even crying? There's nothing wrong" Sunghoon let out a small chuckle, assuring himself. While his thoughts were all full of his bestfriend.

"For fuck's sake, he's only my bestfriend. Nothing else. Nothing more."

There he had it. He plans to cut off ties with Jay until he's ready to face him again.



No matter how much the two of them would be emotionally hurt.




── damn this is going too fast but it's still the beginning

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