「 07; Goodbye for Now 」

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[Sunghoonie <3]

Sunghoonie <3:
i'm leaving.

this is a joke right??

Sunghoonie <3:
no, it's not
i really am leaving


i can't handle this through text,
accept my call



Jay felt like his world is about to be crushed in a million pieces. And all he could rely on is his bestfriend's sweet and loving voice.

"Jay please listen to me, I'm leaving Korea for some time. My family is going on a business trip to Japan and they thought of taking me and my little sister with them.."

"Why didn't you tell me beforehand..?"

"I didn't to waste your time being sad and worried about me"

"But I am sad and worried" In fact, I really am miserable at the moment.

"Oh Jay.. I'll only be out for a bit. Then I'll be back here in no time. I promise."

"Will you really keep that promise, Sunghoon?"

"Sunghoon.. can you turn your camera on, just for me?"

"of course, of course"

There he was. The Park Sunghoon. He looks so pretty, even if you can't see him clearly. The boy was wearing a black bucket hat along with a black mask, and some fake specs to top it all off.

"You're already at the airport?"

"Yeah, my family is checking out the other stores in the place. While I decided to wait here"

They stayed silent for a bit. With Jay only starting at the beauty infront of him. Even if it's only through his phone screen.

"You weren't at school all week, this is the reason why?"

"Yup, speaking of school, how was it?"

"Ah just the normal stuff. You know Jungwon and Sunoo right? We became close friends now.."

"Oh the two of them, they're really cute together. But that's great news! you're having new friends now, aside from me"

Sunghoon felt kinda proud of Jay for stepping out of his little circle. The older wasn't much of a social butterfly, neither of them were. They only had each other for the past few years.

"I almost forgot you were leaving for a sec" Jay let out a nervous laugh, trying to hold all the tears that might flood his room like a whole river.

"Heyy, Jay-ah~ please don't be sad about me"

"Well it's hard to accept reality.."

"Mhm, you're right. You'll get used to it though"

A slight pause from Jay as he thought of what to say. His thoughts were all messed up and he felt so weak at the time.

"Hoon-ah, promise me one thing.."

"What is it?"

"Promise that.. that you'll come back t- for me.."

"Alright, I'll promise that I'll come back for you"

Jay saw how Sunghoon's eyes were smiling. He could see the joy in them, but also a glint of despair. He took about two screenshots of the call, just for remembrance.

"Jay, I think my family is coming back here"

"Oh.. please, always remember me"

"I will I will"

"I lov- I'll miss you, Sunghoonie.."

"..I'll miss you too, Jongseong-ah"

Call ended.

Jay let out a sigh of relief as the younger ended the call. He then let all those tears drip down.

He felt like breaking apart. His other half is gone. And he might not see him for the next few weeks.

"I love you.. I love you so much, Park Sunghoon" He whispered to himself through his sobs as he continued crying out his feelings.

Jay flinched from the loud lightning strike from outside. He didn't even notice that there was a thunderstorm tonight.

"I'm pathetic.. I don't think I can calm myself this night."

His thoughts were all full of his bestfriend. His comfortable smile, his little jokes and teasing, his oh-so pretty face.

"I never even got to tell him something.."

Jay knew he made a mistake, one that could affect his whole life.

A mistake being that he never got to confess his feelings for him.


── pain, pain, and more pain

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