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The sun was soon to set, Manvendra was riding his stallion across the hills, cutting through winds. He was thinking about the political situation of Hastinapur with Yudhishthir 'gone'.

It was clear to him that Bhism and the ministers would give his name for the crown prince now, since he was older and quite famous among the citizens.

Manvendra knew that even Duryodhan was also aware of this, which only means that conspiracies will be now centred around him. But the son of Vidur was too familiar with tactics used by his Kaurav cousins and their companions.

For him it would only be a child's play to dodge such ploys. Duryodhan, Dushashan, Shakuni and Karn can plot against him all they want, Manvendra wasn't worried about that. He was worried about something else.

'If they can conspire to kill Kaki Kunti as well, then they won't think twice before harming Dhisana.' He thought.

Manvendra looked up, clouds were crowded in the evening sky, winds were also howling and announcing the arrival of monsoon, they carried a scent of petrichor as a proof.

Either way he has to return to Hastinapur at this time of the year. The Ashwarohis too have their families and farms that they have to tend to.

Given the decision of Pandavas and also the arrival of Monsoon, returning to Nagasaharya has become inevitable. He had no choice but to go back and take care of the political unrest, but that doesn't mean Dhisana too has to.

'It's not safe for her.' Manvendra thought.


"His cousins perished in fire ?" The eyes of Dhisana widened in shock, as she heard the words of Ashwasen.

"Yes, princess. Two nights ago this accident happened." He said heartbroken,

"First Maharaj Chitrangad and Vichitraveerya then Maharaj Pandu, now the next heir Yudhishthir along with Maharani Kunti and his brothers as well. Cursed is the fate of Hastinapur !" Bela said sadly.

"May Shambhu have mercy on their souls." Dhisana prayed, "It's truly a tragedy. I feel bad for being disheartened at Raudra, as he left hurriedly. I, now understand why he did." She said.

"No one knows how this happened. Yudh-jeevi must've gone to inspect that only." Ashwasen said.

Suddenly the sound of a thunderous neigh fell on their ears, which announced the return of Manvendra. Dhisana rushed outside her tent, followed by Ashwasen and Bela.

"Raudra ?" Dhisana called out to her husband who mounted off his horse.

"Yes ?" Manvendra looked at her.

"Are you fine ?" She asked, worry was lacing in her tone. Although she hadn't met the Pandavas, she had heard from Ashwasen how close they were to her husband.

From her question, Manvendra came to know that the news had reached her as well just like every other place in Kuru-rashtra.

"It is heartbreaking. But there is no time to lament." Manvendra said and then looked at Ashwasen, "Tell the Ashwarohis, that the ones from Varanasahrya, can return to their homes now. We too shall be leaving for Gajasaharya." He told.

"But why at Gajasaharya ?" Ashwasen asked wondering why he isn't going straight to Nagasaharya, the capital.

"There are few things that needs to be done." Manvendra said.

And saying so he left to his tent, Dhisana followed him behind. The moment they entered, she embraced him from behind making his breath hitch as he became motionless.

"It must be hard for you." She said as her voice choked slightly. Manvendra could feel her tears on his skin.

"Are you crying ?" He asked turning around and looking at her.

He suddenly felt a twist in his chest, seeing tears trickling down her face as she looked at him with sadness.

"You lost your cousins, but you don't have the opportunity to lament. It makes me heartbroken." Dhisana said wiping her tears.

"Dhisana it's because I can't-" Manvendra shut his mouth before the truth escaped his lips, she was crying and maybe now was not the right time to reveal it.

"It's because what ?" Dhisana asked.

"It's because...... Because..... The wise don't lament the ones who have gone." Manvendra told what his father had taught him.

"That doesn't make sense. Why is that ?" Dhisana asked.

"Because the body is untrue and the soul is true. That which is untrue doesn’t have an existence. That which is true has no destruction." Manvendra said.

Looking at her expressions it was clear it went over her head, as she looked at him with teared eyes, a frown and slightly parted lips, indicating her confusion.

"You didn't understand, right ?" Manvendra asked.

"No." Dhisana shook her head, "But it.... it sounded right from your mouth. So I trust that it must be correct." She said simply.

"Okay...." Manvendra was slightly bewildered at the amount of trust she has on him to deem something to be correct just because it was said by him.

"Well atleast you are not sorrowing. That is enough for me." Dhisana said with a small smile wiping the last bits of tears from her eyes. "When we reach... Um.... Where are we going ?" She asked.

"Gajasaharya." Manvendra said.

"Yes. When we reach Gajasaharya, I'll conduct a small ritual for the sake of the lineage of your cousins." Dhisana said.

"Really ?" Manvendra asked, confused that even though she didn't meet them once and probably heard about them today, she feels so sympathetic towards them.

"Yes. I'll pray to Shambhu for their well-being in the after world. After all, they were your cousins, hence equivalent to mine." Dhisana said.

"Very kind, you are." Manvendra said, and not just for the sake of it. He really meant it. He was slightly taken aback by the empathy in her, which was in stark contrast with his apathy.

Meanwhile, Dhisana blushed for it was the first time she had gotten a compliment from her husband. A silly smile appeared on her face as her mind played his words in his voice back to back in her ears.


Okay now even Manvendra is realising how innocent our cutie Dhisana is and how she needs to be protected at all costs ✨


Manvendra - Because the body is untrue and the soul is true. That which is untrue doesn’t have an existence. That which is true has no destruction.

Dhisana -

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