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Dhisana didn't realise for how long she had been hugging Manvendra, but it didn't matter to her, he had come after so long, that she just wanted to revel in his embrace while she can. Neither did Manvendra seemed to mind it, as he gently stroked her head even after she had stopped sobbing.

A knock on the door brought Dhisana out of her stance as she broke the embrace, she looked at her husband a little embarrassed but he just smiled at her, seeing which she froze once again.

She couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. She had never seen him smile before, and the sight before her was nothing short of magical. Dhisana could swear that it was the most charming smile she had ever seen.

As she looked on, she felt a warm sensation spread throughout her body. It was as if she had been enveloped in a cozy blanket on a cold winter's night. The way his eyes crinkled at the corner and lips curved upwards, she felt fluttery in her heart.

For a moment Dhisana couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Manvendra's smile for the first time. It was as if the entire depressive room lit up with his radiating charm. She found herself speechless, completely captivated by the beauty of his smile.

Her lips parted slightly, she too felt like smiling but stopped the urge, she didn't want him to feel as if she trusted him completely and has forgiven him. But how can she stay angry at the one who smiles like so ? It was as if his whole being had transformed, and a radiant light poured out from him.

"Come in." Manvendra said, bringing Dhisana out of her lost trance. She looked at the door and saw maids entering with food.

They placed the plates and cups in front of them, and served the rotis, rice and various types of tarkaris. Seeing this Dhisana frowned.

"I cannot eat this much, please reduce it." She said.

A maid was about to carry out her request but Manvendra raised his hand up, seeing the gesture to stop the maid stood still in her tracks.

"The princess shall eat. You all may leave now." He said. The maids nodded and left.

"Raudra, I can't eat so much." Dhisana said.

"You barely have been eating." Manvendra said.

"I have been eating enough." She argued.

"Then why did you fell unconscious ?" He asked.

At that Dhisana fell silent and lowered her face, trying to hide her embarrassment from his eyes. But it didn't.

"Let's play a game." Manvendra said, with a smile.

Dhisana looked up and once again became mesmerized, caught in the moment as she stared at her husband's face as his eyes twinkled playfully.

"You know, I have not eaten anything since yesterday." Manvendra said.

"What ? Why ?" Dhisana frowned hearing it, her voice was laced with concern. Something she could never hide no matter how upset she would be at him.

"I was a little impatient to reach here." Manvendra said.

"You were ?" Dhisana asked confused.

"Yes. Now looking at me," Manvendra gestured at his tall stature, "You can imagine how hungry I must be."

Dhisana didn't say anything but just nodded.

"Now the game is that I will eat a bite, only after you eat. When you start, I start. When you stop, I'll stop as well." Manvendra said.

"Huh ?" Dhisana looked at him confused.

"So Dhisaney, it's up to you whether my hunger shall be satisfied or not." He said with a small smile, seeing which Dhisana couldn't deny him.

Her husband was hungry, and his satisfaction depends on how much she'll eat. This made her worried, not for her but for him. Knowing how much she has been eating recently, she was sure that such little food is not going to satisfy a warrior with a stature like his. He was literally godlike in his figure.

But Dhisana didn't want him to suffer with an empty-stomach. Hence she took the roti, dipping it in the curry and ate it. Manvendra followed her lead and took a bite.

Chewing her food she looked at him, he had already gulped his bite down. At that she quickly chewed her food and gulped it down, and ate another bite. After her Manvendra too ate another bite. And this went on and on until they had eaten the entire food.

"Now was it so hard ?" Manvendra asked.

His question made her realise that she had finished the entire plate, but she didn't feel as if she had over eaten. Maybe because she had falsely assumed about her appetite or maybe because it was her care for him.



Waise pehle Manvendra couldn't tell what Dhisana was feeling until she told him but look at him now ! Even detecting the feeling she is trying to hide !

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