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Shocked and bewildered by the raw display of violence a moment ago, Dhisana's heart raced with a whirlwind of emotions.

"Raudra ?" She stopped walking, causing him to halt and look back at her.

"Why did you do this ? They were your cousins." Dhisana said.

"So ?" Manvendra asked.

"You didn't have to resort to violence against your own kin for me." She said.

"I understand your concern. However, there are certain boundaries that even family members should not cross. They are my cousins, yes. But you are my wife." He said.

Dhisana remained silent as she looked at him apprehensively. A smile appeared on Manvendra's face looking at her, as he kept a hand over her shoulder.

"Dhisaney, understand that when they insulted you, it was an affront to my honor and our marriage. There are times when words fail to convey the severity of the matter at hand. In defending you, I sought to protect not just your dignity but also the sanctity of our bond." Manvendra said.

"You went to such an extent for my honour...." She muttered looking down, feeling guilty that he raised his hand on his own cousins for her. Manvendra sighed as he came to know of the guilt that seemed to be consuming her.

"Don't blame yourself. I don't regret anything." He said.

Dhisana looked up at him and raised a brow in curiosity, "You don't ?" She asked.

"I'm actually grateful for this opportunity." Manvendra said, a mischievous smile gracing his lips, "You don't know the history of their transgressions and treachery. I always wanted to thrash them." He said, his tone showing a childlike excitement.

Dhisana stared at him dumbfounded, such excitement was felt odd coming from him. His usually reserved and composed countenance was melting away, replaced by a twinkle in his eyes and a permanent smile gracing his lips.

"Oh their scared faces ! Especially that of Angraj !" He chuckled.

His laughter resonated through the air, a sound so pure and infectious, it made Dhisana's heart dance in response. The sheer delight on his face was contagious, she could hardly contain her joy.

It was a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss. Sook tears welled up in Dhisana's eyes as the realization struck her with overwhelming force that she finally had was longing for. The solace of her husband's company.

Manvendra's eyes fell over her, he could see her eyes holding back tears. His smile got punctuated with a tinge of sadness, as he got hold of his hands while she just stared at him. For him this was the perfect opportunity to talk with her, where they are alone and together.

"Dhisaney, I never wanted to burden you with the knowledge of my curse. I thought I could spare you from my pain. I didn't want you to suffer." He said.

"But I am your wife Raudra. I needed to be there for you, to support you. And all this time, I had no clue that you were struggling." Dhisana said, her voice getting heavy due to the tears she was holding.

"I know, and that burden weighs heavily on my heart. But believe me when I say that your love has broken the curse. When I met you, my heart was empty, dead. I couldn't feel happiness, sadness, or any of life's joys or sorrows. I had every characteristics of a human, flesh, blood, skin, hair, but not a single emotion." Manvendra said.

A shaky sigh escaped his lips as he diverted his gaze, Dhisana stared at him, listening intently as he continued, "I waged wars, I killed, I was surrounded by death, all I could hear was screams and cries, yet nothing seemed to stir in me. The battlefield was my attempt to break free from the shackles of this curse, to escape the emptiness that gnawed at my soul. But even amidst the carnage, amidst the bloodshed, I couldn't feel a thing. It was as if I was a mere spectator of my own actions."

Manvendra looked back at her, tears were rolling down her cheeks. Dhisana didn't realise it until her husband wiped it away gently.

"But then you came in life like a ray of light. A ray of hope. The redemption of my seemingly eternal damnation. Your love became my boon. Being with you, experiencing your love, something changed within me. Your love cracked the shell of emptiness that surrounded my emotions." Manvendra said with a smile.

Dhisana's vision got blurred by the tears, she shut her eyes and fell straight into his arms, hugging him tightly. All her anger, all her upsetness, all her resentment flowed away in that vulnerable moment.

Manvendra's arms enveloped her tenderly, providing solace and shelter from the storm brewing within her. As Dhisana found refuge in her husband's embrace, her tears flowed freely, soaking the fabric of his garment.

In that shared vulnerability, the walls between them crumbled, and forgiveness took root in the fertile soil of their devotion. Time seemed to stand still as they held each other.

Once drowning in her sorrow, Dhisana began to feel a glimmer of hope rekindle within her. She could feel her husband's remorse, his commitment to mend the errors of his ways, and perhaps, their love story could emerge even stronger than before.


Waise..... The end of this book is near 🌝✨

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