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- Dispossed

Freya was leaning her chin on her arms as she looked down into the water watching the waves, the red headed girl was lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice Ragnar stand up making his way over to the little girl taking a seat beside her causing her to turn her head as her bright blue eyes looked into his own, " what is your name?"

" My name is Freya" she answered him shrugging her shoulders as Ragnar frowned in confusion staring at the young girl and questioned, " Do you have a last name?" Freya nodded her head in confirmation letting out a small sigh, " JamesardΓ³ttir. All I know is that my family left home as my father wanted to travel the world but we got caught in the storm. I was lucky I even survived. Father Cuthbert told me that I probably don't have any other family and instead of getting me back home he decided to keep me and treat me like I was nothing but a slave"

Ragnar placed his hand on her shoulder with a sad smile in attempt to comfort the girl, " what about your parents? Are they still alive?" Freya shrugged her shoulders in response, " I don't know. I was brought to the monastery after Athelstan found me. I was only told that I was a bastard. A child born from Heathens. The only thing I have left that belonged to my mother is this bracelet and a letter that the monks have found on the boat" Ragnar looked down at the bracelet on her wrist before he furrowed his brows with an confused look on his face, " Heathens?"

"Pagans. People who do not believe in God" she informed sending him a look causing his eyes to widen in realization that she wasn't born in the priest beliefs that both her parents where of his people, " You're parents were Vikings?" He asked with a surprised look on his face but Freya just shrugged her shoulders as she knew nothing about her parents, " I don't know. They told me not to ask questions about them. Father Cuthbert was suppose to send me to a good home but instead he kept me around as a slave. To be honest if you and your men hadn't come. I still would of found a way to get the hell out of monastery"

Ragnar laughed in amused nudging his shoulder against his, " How old are you?" He curiously asked watching Freya as she fiddled with her bracket around her wrist looking up at the sky, " I'm eleven. What is your name?" She curiously inquired as she never asked for his name when he had took her and the monks for slaves. " My name is Ragnar Lothbrok" he introduced himself chuckling lightly as he glanced at the priests where we're paying quietly to themselves, " Your people think it is God's will that you are all here. Do you believe the same?"

"There are not my people!" Freya shook her head narrowing her eyes at Ragnar, " after everything I have been through at Lindisfarne, you know what had kept me standing though out all these years? Faith. Not in any gods. Not in myths and legends. In myself. I had faith that I will be strong enough to get out... to find out who I am. Who my parents where." Ragnar couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the red headed girl as she was smarter than most children her age, "Are you going to Kill me?"

Ragnar smile faded from his lips with an hesitant expression on his face but decided to tell the girl the truth even if he felt guilty for a child to ask such a question, " I don't know yet. It depends on what my people think of you and the priests. A little advice try not to be too snarky" Freya looked down at the ground with a small smile before looking up at Ragnar who ruffled up her hair, " I'll try but I make no promises. If there anything like the monks God help me"


A short while later, Freya looked around her surroundings with a look of awe and amazement on her face as she took in the waterfalls and the mountains with a large smile not noticing the smile on Ragnar face as he watched the red headed girl with a fond look on his face, "Ragnar Lothbrok" Athelstan called out causing him to turn his attention to the priest and asked," what is it?"

Freya turned her head to glance at Athelstan who gestured the man beside him, "Brother Cenwulf here, beside me, I think he's dead" Ragnar stood up making his way towards the Monk slapping the back off his head only for it to flop back onto Athelstan shoulder causing Freya eyes to widened as she watched Ragnar, " you're right. Leif"Β  Two men picked up Brother Cenwulf and carelessly threw his body into the ocean causing the others to sob quietly to themselves terrified of what is going to happen to them.

It wasn't long until they arrived at the Vikings homeland causing Floki to start growling loudly and once they arrived at the docks, Freya and Athelstan as well as the other priest where dragged off the board with roped still binding their wrists together. It didn't take long until everyone was dragged into the Great hall of Kattegat, where Earl Haraldson summons an audience with Ragnar where all the silver and gold that had taken from England was out on display for everyone to see, " My Lord, it was easy to take all of these things. The Priests in their temple, they had no weapons. They were like babies. They only had one slave and a mere child"

Earl Haraldson and his wife, Siggy, turned to look at the girl after listening to Ragnar words only to frown in confusion as the girl looked familiar but they couldn't place who she resembled causing her to furrow her brows at she noticed the look she was receiving from the married couple. Ragnar pulled Athelstan by the rope he was tied to forward before grabbing the back of his neck, "Here is one of their priests. We captured several of them to sell for slaves" he explained before pushing Athelstan back to his original place before he began to address his people, "It must be true that there are many more such holy places in England. And other lands to the West, likewise filled with such treasure, and to sail there will benefit us all"

The crowd began speaking quietly with one another agreeing with Ragnar when Earl Haraldson stood up from his throne narrowing his eyes at Ragnar and curiously questioned, "How did you find this place of great riches when all before you had failed?" Ragnar stayed silent for a moment as he glanced around the room and firmly stated, "My lord, we were more fortunate than others. We had Thor on our side"

Earl Haraldson snorted under his breathe nodding his head in response, " Yes, then you were indeed fortunate. But you understand that all this belongs to me, by right." The smile faded from Ragnar face as he clenched his jaw with a furious look on his face, " My Lord, me and Floki paid for the boat. Surly, we are entitled to some reward and my crew..."

"You want me to pay you when you think these things as easily as from babies" Earl Haraldson mocked causing people in the crowd to laugh in amusement while Ragnar and his men had an offended look on their faces glaring over at the Earl who turned his attention to his wife who shrugged her shoulders causing him to sigh in defeat before looking back down at Ragnar, " here's what I've decided to do" he trailed off as the door suddenly opened with the Earl's men making their way inside, "Each one of you can take one thing from this hall."

"One?" Leif questioned in a disbelief tone as he stared at Earl Haraldson as Ragnar and his men are the ones that sailed out to England and got all the silver and gold and hoped that they would of gotten a better reward than taking one thing out of the hall. " Yes, and you'll still be richer than you were before" Earl Haraldson snapped rolling his eyes at the men, "Now, all the world can see how magnanimous and generous is your lord, especially since you disobeyed me. So, Ragnar Lothbrok, what will you choose?"

Ragnar smirked, trying to contain his anger turning around as he made his way over towards where the good and silver where cursing the Earl under his breath erode he kicked up a golden bowl and decided to place it on his head hopping around causing the people to laugh loudly as he then flipped it around in his hands before turning around to face Earl Haraldson who didn't look amused as the rest of the men were.

Ragnar placed the gold bowl back down on the table before walking around sharing a look at his men who didn't seem too happy and disappointed on the outcome. He then stood behind Freya placing his hands on her shoulder, " I will take the priest and the girl for my slaves" Freya looked up at Ragnar who smiled down at the girl as Earl Haraldson eyes widened in shock and surprise looking from the red headed girl who stood in front of Ragnar and to Athelstan who was standing next to them, "The priest and the girl?" He questioned with an confused look on his face.

Ragnar nodded his head in confirmation causing Siggy to laugh loudly with everyone else joining in but it soon went quiet when they realized that Ragnar was being serious as he stared at Earl Haraldson waiting for his answer, " Granted. Even though that counts for two and not one" Ragnar smiled as he turned to look down at Freya sending her a small nod of assurance causing her eyes to widened as she didn't think he would take either her or Athelstan. She thought he would prefer one of the gold or silver items they took from England.


After Ragnar had spoken to Earl Haraldson and made arrangements for Freya and Athelstan they soon arrived at his home which was some kind of farm causing Freya to look around in fascination. As soon as they entered, the red headed girl eyes landed on girl that looked to be the same age as her only to roll her eyes in annoyance when Ragnar tied her and Athelstan's against a wooden post.

Ragnar snuck up on his daughter making chicken noises startling his daughter who turned around quickly with wide eyes only for a small to appear on her face at the sight of her father who leaned down pressing a kiss to her head, " they told me you'd come home" suddenly the door opened causing Freya to turn her attention towards the boy who had blonde hair and blue eyes much like his sister and was a little older than she was as he ran out of the house and towards his father and exclaimed, " Father! You're home!"

Ragnar stood up bringing his son into his arms as soon as he reached him running his fingers through his blonde hair, " Little man!" The boy pulled away with a large smile on his lips looking up at his father with a curious look and questioned, "Did you reach the West?" The door opened once again and Freya watched as a blonde women walked out and assumed that she was Ragnar wife and the mother of the two children when she walked over to Ragnar cupping his face and kissed him passionately.

" So..." the woman trailed off smiling as she pulled away from the kiss raising her brows at her husband, "where's all the treasure you promised?" Ragnar clenched his jaw in anger letting out a sigh and informed, " The Earl took it all for himself" causing his wife to frown in disappointment but it soon disappeared when Ragnar spoke up again, " but I found it, and it filled the boat"

Lagertha laughed as her eyes lit up looking at her husband, " I believe you" Ragnar raised his brows chuckling lightly taking a couple of steps back and replied, " You Ought to believe me" he made his way other towards Freya and Athelstan and brought them over towards his wife and children, " This is a priest from the temple to prove it. And I found this girl too, she was living with the men as a slave. From what I've learned she's never met another women or child before as she was locked away in the the walls of monastery, her name is Freya."

"Priest, Freya! This is my family. His name is Athelstan" Ragnar introduced the two to his family who looked between the beautiful girl and the priest as they made their way over to them, " Although he's a foreigner, he speaks our language. They both do. Don't you?" Athelstan nodded his head slightly as he looked at Ragnar family nervously and answered, " A little, yes " Freya frowned in confusion as Ragnar grabbed the back of Athelstan's neck bending him back before using his other hand to grab his sons, Bjorn hand lifting it up causing him to feel the bold spot on the top of Athelstan's head, " what is wrong with your head?" Bjorn curiously questioned with a look of disbelief on his face.

"When we become Monks, they cut our hair. It marks us out" Athelstan informed shrugging his shoulders as Freya rolled her eyes once again raising her brows at the priest and told him, " I think it's rather stupid. And it makes you look like an idiot" Athelstan sighed shooting her an annoyed look as he knew what the girl was like as she often got in trouble at the monastery for speaking her mind but no matter what they did or said to her it never changed who she is.

Gyda who is Ragnar daughter smiled in amusement at the red headed girl as she found her to be a breathe of fresh air before she then turned her attention to Athelstan with a curious look on her face and asked, " if you're a priest, what God do you like best?" He furrowed his brows in confusion as he looked between the two children and informed, " There is only one God"

"Don't start with this again" Freya rolled her eyes in irritation before turning her attention to Gyda with a small smile, " if I had to pick it would be Thor. I've read that he's the God of thunder but he also controls lightning, storms, strength, and protection. He carries a magically hammer that only he can lift called Mjollnir and when he threw it into the sky it would magically appear back to him"

"He's my favourite too" Gyda replied shrugging her shoulders causing the two girls to smile at one another not noticing the amused look of Ragnar face as he handed the rope that Freya and Athelstan were tied to over to Bjorn, " Here, you can touch them" Gyda moved over to Freya running her fingers through her long red hair, " are we keeping them?" Bjorn questioned his father glancing over his shoulder waiting for his answer.

Ragnar nodded his head in confirmation as Gyda smiled politely as she looked between Freya and Athelstan and greeted the two of them, " Hello. She doesn't look like a Saxon" she said as she looked atΒ  Freya up and down while Lagertha and Ragnar walked away from the children and Athelstan. Bjorn turned to look at the red headed girl as he stared at her for a moment and wouldn't admit our loud that she was beautiful but the way she was dressed he would of guessed that she was a slave, " No, she looks like a slave. I mean, look at what she's wearing"

Freya glared at Bjorn not amused by the slightest but he just smirked in amusement finding enjoyment to get a reaction from the red headed girl before turning to glance at Athelstan looking at what he was wearing and asked, " why do you wear this?" Athelstan stayed silent for a moment as she glanced between the siblings and informed, " All Monks do." Bjorn turned to Freya running his hands over her clothes causing her to narrow her eyes at him and hissed, " can you stop touching me!"

"Why should I?" Bjorn resorted letting out a scoff rolling his eyes making Freya let out a heavy sigh and said, " because I don't want you too for one and secondly your making me uncomfortable" Bjorn shrugged his shoulders not bothered in the slightest and continued touching her clothes, " Your a slave. It doesn't matter what you do and done like or if your uncomfortable with it"

Freya had enough of the blonde boy as she clenched her jaw with a look of irritation on her face having enough of him annoying when a mischievous look appeared on her face kicking him to the ground causing him to let out a startled gasp lightly surprised with the red headed girl only for Gyda to laugh in amusement freeing Freya from the rope dragging her away from her brother and the priest for the girls to get to know one another properly.


Later on that night, Freya was forced to share a room with Gyda and Bjorn not that she minded, she just found it strange as she was used to having her own room but this room was larger and had much more furniture than her old room had. Gyda had asked how Freya was brought up and couldn't help but frown with a sympathetic look on her face as she had been isolated her entire life and the only little freedom she had was when she snuck out to meet up with Simon to train.

Freya was sat on the floor in front of Gyda who was braiding her hair, the red headed girl couldn't help but smile as the blonde girl expressed how much she loved Freya red hair and was jealous of it especially since it glowed brighter when she was in the sun. Freya had never met other children or women before as she was brought up with the monks and Father Cuthbert and the only friend she did have he only came to visit now and then which is why she was happy to have Gyda around as they were the same age and the blonde had claimed Freya to be her best friend.

The red headed girl let out a heavy sigh as she took out the letter that her mother had left her as it was given to her when she was seven years old and had kept it with her ever since as it was the only thing that she has left from her mother along side her bracelet not noticing that Bjorn had walked into the room sending his sister an annoyed look seeing her happily braid Freya hair.

Dear, Freya... to my little girl.

Your father just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I never really got to know my mother so I have no idea what she must do felt when she was carrying me. So, I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy i am at this very moment. How much your father and I can't wait to meet you.

I want to make you a promise of three things that you will have that I never did, a stable home; someone to tell you that they love you every single day and someone to fight for you... no matter what. In other words, a family. So, there you go, baby girl. The rest, we're going to have to figure out together.

I love you, your Mom.

Suddenly, Bjorn snatched the letter out of Freya hand before walking over to his bed, " what's this you're reading?" He questioned causing Freya to stand up storming towards him to get her letter back but he kept moving away from her reading the letter, " Give it back! That's private! You don't see me going through your things"

Freya clenched her jaw grabbing her letter from his hands before making her back to Gyda ignoring Bjorn that frowned with an apologetic look on his face, " Your mother wrote you that?" He asked causing Freya to send him a look if he was being serious, " Well, no. Of course not it's from a women claiming to be mother. Of course it's from my mother you idiot!"

" I don't like you. You're mean. You kicked me for no reason" Bjorn complained glaring at the red headed girl before it softened and told the red headed girl, " it sounds like she really loved you, you're father too, I'm sorry that you never got to meet them" Freya shrugged her shoulders with a saddened look on her face, " You wouldn't leave me alone that's reason enough. it's fate I guess. There's no use dwelling on the past if anything it's made me stronger and someone who wants to make her parents proud of her"

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