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THE GROUP ventured until the sun began to rise and ended up on top of a hill.  Zola had planned to play thousands of games with her favoruite twins yet she ended up talking to Cedric the entire journey. Neither realised that they had talked about everything and nothing for over 2 hours. Who would've thought that the 'evil' Slytherin and the 'golden-boy' Hufflepuff would have so much in common.

At the top of the cliff stood an old hiking boot.

"Come on. Nearly there noe. Get yourself into a good position," Arthur announced to the children. Zola and Cedric stood together, next to the boot. Fred and George stood on the other side of Zola and kept sending her suggestive looks whilst nodding to the golden boy next to her.

"It's a manky old boot?" Harry asked.

"That isn't just any manky old boot," Fred announced.

"It's a Portkey," George continued.

"Time to go!" Amos declared. Everyone, bar Harry, knelt on the floor around the boot and placed their hands on the shoe. HArry continued to ask questions about the portkey yet no-one answered them. "Ready! After three. One, two..."

"Harry!" Arthur shouted to the boy. Harry quickly scrambled to the oot before Amos said 'three'. Then they were transported away, spinning in circles in the sky. Amos directed the kids to let go, yet none were confident enough to do so - even the six Gryffindors were still holding onto the boot for dear life. Harry eventually lost his grip and he flew away, followed by Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny.

Zola had travelled by Portkey before and she remembered that in order to not fall on your face, you have to stay calm and collected and to keep moving your legs as if you were walking in the air.

Arthur, Amos, Cedric and Zola gracefully let go of the boot and floated down to the cliff side. Zola snorted at the sight of Fred and George basically on top of each other on the ground. "Safe landing, boys?"

"Shut it, Z," They both groaned in pain and annoyance. Zola laughed and moved toward Hermione and Ginny, holding her hands up for the two younger girls to grab. Zola linked her arms with the girls, standing between them and the three of them walked off, following Arthur and Amos - the boys following after them.

Once at the top of the slope, they could take in the busy camp site. "Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Arthur grinned, his gaze fixed on the ever-growing mass of people at the camp site.

All around were witches and wizards all excited about the World Cup. Irish and Bulgarian team flags decorated the field for miles. A few wizards flew overhead, screaming with excitement in their voices. Arthur and Amos shook hands, indicating that the Weasley party and the Diggorys were parting ways. "See you at the match," Arthur spoke, patting Amos' shoulder then moving to Cedric to do the same.

"Bye, Cedric," Fred, George and Zola spoke in unison. Cedric smiled and waved them goodbye.

Arthur led the way to their tent. Fred and George linked their arms with each of Zola's as they followed thier father to a small, shabby cream-coloured tent - one that from the outside didn't look like it would even fit 2 people let alone the Weasley family. Arthur pulled one of the flaps open for the children to enter. The twins enterd first, pulling Zola after them. Inside was a lot larger than the inside. The tent was decorated the the famous Weasley orange colour - a sort of theme for the clan. In there was a kitchen, a living area, and several bedrooms.

Zola, Ginny and Hermione ran off to one of the bedrooms - one that had three bed in. Clearly, the one meant for the girls to be sharing.

"Ron, out of the kitchen. We're all hungry!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Out of the kitchen," Fred and George repeated from the lounge table.

"Feet off the table," Their father ordered to the twins to which they followed until Arthur turned their back and repeated his words.

Harry examined the tent with wide eyes. "I love magic."

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