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Mariah had met her father at the police station. He waited outside for her to arrive. When she got out of her car he smiled. "You cut your hair," he said, noticing the obviously shortened hair. "Yup," she said, moving past him and to the police station's door. She opened it and went inside.

Jughead was already waiting inside for them. He stood when they arrived. "Mar, thank you so much for doing this," he thanked. "You owe me big time Jones," she muttered. Her father turned to Jughead and held out a hand. "Patrick Coleman," he said. Jughead looked him in the eye. "I know who you are. I'm Jughead," he said, ignoring his hand.

Patrick dropped it to his side. "Right, the Jones boy. I remember you," he said awkwardly. "Let's just get this done with, okay?" Mariah suggested. The two nodded and Patrick walked over to the front desk. "I'd like to speak with Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy, if she's here," he began.

"What's this about?" The deputy behind the desk asked as he looked the man over. "About the teenagers I believe you're wrongly holding in this station. Accused of crimes I'm told, you can't prove," Patrick said. Sheriff Keller stepped out of his office then, eyes on Patrick. "Mr. Coleman," he greeted. "Sheriff," Patrick replied. "What's this all about?" Keller questioned.

"Let's talk in your office, shall we?" Patrick said, moving around the desk and to where Sheriff Keller stood. The sheriff looked at Mariah and Jughead before following after Patrick. "You cut your hair," Jughead noted. "Yeah," she muttered. "Looks good," he said. "Thanks." The two teens sat down and waited, hoping that Patrick could convince Sheriff Keller to let the Serpents go.

Luckily for them, he did. Maybe ten minutes later, the two had exited Sheriff Keller's office. The men shook hands and Sheriff Keller went to the back where the cells were. Mr. Coleman walked back over to them holding a thumbs up. Jughead sighed when he saw the Serpents filing out from the back and into the front of the station.

"I knew you'd get us out of this, Jones," was the first thing Sweet Pea said when he saw Jughead. "Not me," Jughead said, "her." He pointed at Mariah. "Northside princess helped us out?" Fangs questioned with a playful smile. "She had help," Patrick spoke up and Mariah rolled her eyes. "Patrick Coleman, I'm her father," he said. The blonde rolled her eyes again.

"Why did you help us?" Sweet Pea asked him. "You have her to thank for that," Patrick said. He turned to Mariah, "I'll be in touch." The blonde only frowned when he smiled. He turned back to the teens. "Stay out of trouble, all of you," he said. "Thanks for your help," Mariah said awkwardly. Patrick smiled again, "You're welcome." And with that, he walked out of the station.

Mariah looked back over at Jughead when he touched her arm. "Seriously, Mar, thank you. I know how hard that must have been for you," he said. "Yeah well, what're friends for," she replied. "You really helped us out?" Sweet Pea asked, still not believing that a Northsider would help them. "I really did," she replied.

"Thanks, I guess," he said after a moment. "Don't mention it," she replied. "Believe me, I won't," he said and Mariah rolled her eyes. Sweet Pea was looking at her differently. She wasn't at all who he thought she was. He wouldn't admit it, but he was very appreciative. The Serpents began filing out of the station along with Jughead. Toni stopped to stand next to Mariah. "You cut your hair," she noted. Mariah sighed, "Yes I did. It was very impulsive and stupid and I fucked it up and Cheryl fixed it to the best of her abilities and I hate it."

"Why? You look good," Toni complimented. Mariah looked at her, "Really?" Toni nodded, "Yeah, short hair totally suits you. Did you still wanna dye it or?" Mariah shrugged, "To be determined. Cheryl told me not to make anymore rash decisions. I think if I dyed it she'd kill me."

"Well I think you should do whatever you want," Toni said. "I'll let you know," Mariah said before walking to the door. "Hey." She turned back to Toni. "Thanks for, getting us out of there," the girl said and Mariah nodded. "Do you need a ride home?" She then asked. Toni nodded, "Yeah, that'd be great."

Mariah motioned for her to follow her and the two walked out to Mariah's car. The blonde ended up taking as many Serpents that could fit into her small vehicle home.

She dropped Toni and Fangs off first and then Jughead and two other Serpents. The last person that she dropped off was Sweet Pea. She pulled up in front of his trailer and put her car in park. "Thanks for the ride," he said. "No problem." He looked at her for a moment before opening the door.

He turned back to her. "Thanks again, for what you did," he said. "You're welcome," she said, sending him a smile. He exited the car, closing the door and walking to his trailer. Mariah's eyes followed him until he was out of her sight. "Damn he's hot." She put her car in drive and began driving home.


After that night, Mariah and the Serpents had a sort of understanding. She wouldn't say they were her friends, except for maybe Toni and, surprisingly Fangs, both of whom she had gotten closer to after getting him out of jail. Sweet Pea was more cordial, and welcoming the few times she had gone to the Southside.

Her dad had texted her a few days after that night, asking when she was free to meet up. She made excuses as to why she was busy that week and would continue to do so until he got the hint that she wasn't interested in meeting up. It's not like she promised to do so anyway. But something told her that he wouldn't get the hint.

Jughead and Archie had planned a street race, Serpents versus Ghoulies. Why? Mariah wasn't entirely sure. Jughead wasn't very clear on that. She would have to be in attendance to make sure he didn't get himself into even more trouble. She'd probably regret it.

The doorbell rang and Mariah bounded down the stairs to answer it. There stood Cheryl Blossom in a pretty white crop top and high waisted red shorts, sporting thick black heels that made her taller by a few inches. Her sunglasses were perched on her head and a red silky scarf was around her neck. Mariah looked at her expectantly.

"Don't tell me that's what you're wearing to a street race," the redhead said, looking over Mariah's jeans and t-shirt clad body in distaste. "How did you know about that?" Mariah asked and Cheryl scoffed, pushing past the blonde and entering her home. "Please, everyone knows about it."

She eyed Mariah again. "So were you just about to get ready or?" Mariah pursed her lips and nodded, "Mhm." She was not in the mood to have Cheryl berate her about her choice of attire to a street race. "Then I came just in time. Come on, we need to find you a rebound," the redhead said, charging up the stairs.

"Rebound? I don't want a rebound," Mariah said as she followed after her. "Well you gotta move on from Archie sometime," Cheryl said as she entered the blonde's room. "I am over Archie," she retorted. "Mhm, don't think I didn't see that picture of you two from your locker in your backpack," she said. "You were going through my backpack?" Mariah asked incredulously.

"I was looking for that red lipstick that I let you borrow forever ago that you never returned. Got it back, by the way." Mariah rolled her eyes as Cheryl went through her closet. "So, how are you? You haven't really talked about the whole thing with Nick," Mariah said carefully. Cheryl threw a jean skirt at Mariah's head. The blonde pulled it off of her head and glared. "I'm dealing. Stop worrying about that," Cheryl replied. Next she threw a yellow crop top, Mariah catching it before it hit her.

"This isn't something that you can just be fine with, Cher. What he did-" The redhead cut her off, "He didn't do anything." Mariah sighed, "What he almost did. He hurt you. And just because he didn't hurt you physically doesn't mean he didn't do it mentally. What happened that night, is something that can be traumatic for anyone, even you." Cheryl stepped out of the closet and looked at the blonde. "I already told you, I'm fine. I'm dealing with it, okay? I'm okay, Mar. Promise," she said.

Mariah sighed and Cheryl went back into the closet. "I'm thinking heeled boots to go with that outfit, what do you think?" She proposed. "Do I have a choice?" Mariah asked tiredly. Cheryl smiled, "Hmm, no." She pulled said boots out of the closet and handed them to Mariah. "Get dressed, I'll be downstairs." Mariah stared after her as she exited the room before complying and putting on the outfit. She looked herself over once, putting on a necklace and a few rings before walking it of the room.

Cheryl looked up from her phone when she heard her friend descend the stairs. A frown came onto her features. "Did you even do anything with your hair?" She asked. "We're gonna be outside, the wind will just mess it up anyway," Mariah replied. Cheryl gave her another look of displeasure before standing up and walking to the door. "Come on, don't wanna be late."

The two got into Cheryl's car and drove to where the race would be. Cheryl had been thinking over the short conversation she had with Mariah about Nick earlier and during the ride, she finally filled her in on what her mother did, taking money from the St. Clair's to buy Cheryl's silence. It made Mariah sick. Penelope Blossom was a garbage human being who deserved to rot in the deepest depths of hell.

When they got to the racing site, they spotted Kevin, Betty, Reggie, and, unfortunately, Veronica. Mariah looked around until she spotted Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs. "I'll be right back," Mariah said to Cheryl. Before she could walk away, Cheryl had grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Where are you going?" She questioned. Mariah sighed, "To say hi to a few friends."

"I see you were about to walk over to where those, miscreants are. Care to explain?" The redhead said. "Cheryl, they're not miscreants, they're my friends. Sort of. And they're cool. So, I'll be back," Mariah said. "Fine, but I'm keeping my eye on you to make sure they don't do anything." Mariah rolled her eyes and made her way over to the trio.

Fangs was the first of the three to notice her, wolf whistling at the site of her. "Damn, girl," he said. Mariah did a little twirl as the other two's attention was now on her as well. "I know I know, I look good," she said. "You look hot," Fangs corrected. "Shut up," Mariah said, pushing his shoulder. "I'm serious. I might have to rethink us just being friends because damn," he continued.

Mariah couldn't help but blush at the compliment. "Well, this is all courtesy to Cheryl," she said. "Remind me to thank her," Sweet Pea finally spoke up, giving her a once over for the fifth time. "Me too," Toni said, her eyes traveling up and down Mariah's body. "All right guys, cut it out," she said, a deeper blush forming on her face.

"Look at that, we're making her blush," Sweet Pea said, a smirk forming on his face. "Aw, how cute," Fangs said, poking her cheeks. Mariah slapped his hand away. "Stop embarrassing her," Toni said, pushing the two boys who just laughed. "Thank you, at least somebody has my back," Mariah said. "Although, I do think it's cute that we're making you blush," Toni added. The three burst into laughter.

"I hate all of you," Mariah deadpanned. Her eyes scanned the area. The race would probably be starting soon. "Well, I just came over here to say hi. So hi," she said. "Hey," the three chorused. "I should probably head back over there before Cheryl has my head," Mariah continued. "Is she the one glaring at us?" Fangs asked.

Mariah turned her head and sure enough, the redhead was glaring daggers at the three Serpents. "Yeah, that's her." Mariah turned back to the three and smiled. "Catch you guys later." She then turned and began walking back to where Cheryl was. "Looks even better from behind," Fangs jokingly called. Mariah flipped him off, hearing his laughter afterwards.

Cheryl was now with Kevin, Reggie, and Betty. Mariah greeted the three before returning her attention to the scene in front of them. She had managed to catch a glimpse of Veronica and Archie kissing because that's just her luck. Her smile fell and she looked around the area again. "I can't believe those two are together now. I mean, didn't you guys just break up?" Reggie said, his eyes on Mariah.

"Guess there's actually feelings between them to go along with his infidelity," she said bitterly. The mood around them shifted quickly. "Whoa, Andrews cheated on you?" Reggie asked in disbelief. "Keep up, Reggie," Cheryl snapped. "Damn, what a dumbass," Reggie muttered.

Mariah turned to Betty, ready to change the subject. "So, have you talked to Jughead yet?" She asked. The other blonde shook her head. "No, not yet, but I will." She then looked to where Jughead was stood next to the car he was getting ready to race. "Excuse me," she said before making her way over to Jughead. "Guess they'll have that talk now," Mariah muttered.

"So, now that you're single, you looking to upgrade?" Reggie said, sliding over to where Mariah was leaned against the truck. Mariah pushed him away from her. "In your dreams, Mantle," she retorted. "You got that right," he said with a wink. Mariah rolled her eyes and turned to Kevin, starting up a conversation with him. "I love your hair. It looks so good short," Kevin complimented.

"Are you gonna tell me that every time you see me?" She questioned with a laugh. "Maybe I will. You just look so good!" Mariah smiled, "Thanks Kev."

"You should thank me. I'm the one who fixed that hack job you did. Her beautiful hair is courtesy of moi," Cheryl said. "Is there anything you can't do?" Kevin asked. "Nope," Cheryl replied. "Let's do it!" Tall Boy yelled, grabbing their attention. Cheers erupted afterwards. Jughead got into the car.

The two opponents drove their cars to road and everyone followed the cars. Mariah waited patiently for it to begin. Jughead was telling the Ghoulie leader the terms, the two shaking hands as Mariah walked closer to where the cars were. Toni was stood next to the cars. Cheryl moved past Mariah, slipping off her scarf and walking to where the two cars were.

"Uh, I usually do the honors," Toni told the redhead as she walked toward the cars. Cheryl barely spared her a glance as she replied. "Not today, Cha Cha, I was born for this moment." Toni looked very annoyed. "Uh oh, Topaz looks like she's about to murder your friend," Fangs said as he walked up to Mariah.

"Cheryl has that affect on people," she replied with a joking smile. "Is she as big of a bitch as she looks?" He asked. "Watch it. That's my best friend you're talking about," she replied, giving him a look. He held up his hands in surrender.

Mariah's eyes were trained on the cars up ahead. Cheryl put on her sunglasses and raised her arms into the air. Engines revved harshly. She threw her arms downward and the cars sped off, the rowdy crowd cheering and running forward as the cars drove off. Mariah watched intently until she could no longer see the cars.

Everyone began walking back to where they originally were, talking amongst each other. They were all waiting for the cars to come back around. Mariah took a sip of the soda Sweet Pea had given her. A teen boy with long hair suddenly came running over. "Everyone scatter, the cops are rounding up Ghoulies!" He exclaimed. People around them began running. "This isn't good," Mariah muttered.

Jughead and Archie drove up then. Veronica launched herself into Archie as soon as she saw him. The sight made the blonde want to throw up. She couldn't believe this. "Come on. Come on come on. We gotta go right now," Jughead said. "You called the cops!" Tall Boy shouted at Jughead. "You won't throw it with the Ghoulies but you will with the cops? Where's the honor in that?" The man was seething.

"Calm down, Tall Boy. You think I knew Keller was gonna be there?" Jughead shouted back. "I called Keller," Archie spoke up. Jughead's angry eyes turned to Archie. "What the hell, Archie? Did my dad tell you about this too?" He yelled. "No, this was my idea. To get rid of the Ghoulies and it worked."

Mariah was pulled backwards by Cheryl. "It's time to go. Unless you wanna get arrested too," the redhead said. Mariah followed the girl back to her car. Cheryl started the vehicle and began driving away.


I know it's been a while since I've updated but here's chapter fourteen. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also, not sure if you noticed but I changed Amara's face claim to Reese Witherspoon because I felt like she matched the image that I have in my head for Amara better than Paige Turco did. Please be sure to vote. And remember, DO NOT COMMENT FOR ME TO UPDATE!

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