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━━━━━━━━┛ ♱ ┗━━━━━━━━

𝙑𝙊𝙇𝙐𝙈𝙀 𝑰.  ──────────  RUIN!

❛ dirt blankets the      crest's sins. . .
─── chapter zero!

000.  ╱    ❝ 𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖉 shall be the fruit of
your womb and the fruit of your 𝖌𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉.


﹙ 𝖄EAR ━ 𝕬PRIL 2015

     A SUFFOCATING DARKNESS PAINTED THE NIGHT. It seemed to close in with each passing second, a living entity hungry for flesh and fear. The forest stood as a dark cathedral with thick, towering trees that blocked out what little moonlight struggled through the cloudy sky. The branches reached down like gnarled, skeletal fingers, eager to ensnare any unfortunate soul who wandered too close. The air hung heavy with the scent of petrichor and despair as if the very earth mourned alongside Carson Crest.

     Only ragged breaths and sobs punctuated the eerie silence. The forest offered no comfort or hope, only malevolent whispers that danced just at the edge of hearing.

     The once-pristine light pink suit jacket hung in tatters, streaked with mud and sweat—a fitting metaphor for how quickly her life turned to ash. Long brown hair, matted and wild, clung to her face as she dug with a feverish intensity. The beam from a nearby flashlight cast grotesque shadows, transforming the trees into monstrous, grasping figures.

     "Hold on, hold on," Carson pleaded, her voice a broken hymn. "I'm coming. I'm here."

     The words echoed in the emptiness, mocking her. Every second passed was another moment she might be suffocating, trapped beneath the soil. The thought sent a fresh wave of panic through Carson, and she redoubled her efforts, ignoring the sharp sting as her nails bent and broke against unseen rocks. With each handful of dirt she removed, she could swear she felt something squirming against her skin, burrowing into the cuts on her hands.

     A discarded shovel lay nearby, abandoned for the desperate hope that her bare hands could move faster, dig deeper. But Mother Nature fought back, each handful revealing only more dirt, more roots, more nothingness. The ground itself seemed alive, malicious, trying to swallow her efforts and hope.

     "PARKS!" she screamed, the nickname tearing from her throat.

     The forest swallowed her cry, offering no response save the rustling of leaves in a chill wind. It was almost offensive. The world and heavens had nothing to offer.

     Ignoring the burning in her muscles and the sharp sting of her torn skin—corporeal penances for the events that led up to this and the part she played—Carson pushed forward. She couldn't stop. Time stretched and warped, each second an eternity as she imagined her stuck, struggling for air and inhaling dirt and bugs.

     "Please," she whimpered, unsure if she was addressing her, fate, God, or Satan. "Please, please, please."

     The hole grew deeper, wider, but still, there was no sign of what and who she sought. Doubt began to gnaw at the dirt and blood-covered corners of her brain. The edges of her vision darkened. There was a creeping dread that threatened to overwhelm her.

     What if she was too late? What if she was wrong? What if she wasn't here at all? What if this was all for nothing?

     Carson shook her head violently, dismissing the thought. To doubt now would be to surrender, to accept a loss too great to bear. She couldn't afford doubt, not now. Not when every second could mean the difference between life and—

     No. She wouldn't even think the word. She couldn't.

     Finally, her hands struck something solid. For a moment, a painful hope flared like divine light in her chest and burned her ribcage. But it was just a rock, another cruel trick. When her fingers brushed against something else, it felt slimy and cold like decaying flesh. She jerked her hand back with a gasp but quickly saw that it was a normal rock.

     "Goddammit," she cursed at God through the tears, choking out a sob of desperation. "Goddammit!"

     A sound. Faint, barely perceptible.

     A twig snapped somewhere in the forest beyond her small circle of light. Carson's head jerked up, eyes wide and searching. Was someone there? Was it the person responsible for this entire fucked up scavenger hunt?

     It was a risk and would give away where she was—if the flashlight hadn't already—but she called out, "Hello?" Her voice trembled. "Is someone there?" Part of her felt like a moron for saying anything; she had to try, though.

     As expected, there wasn't a response. But in the silence that followed, Carson could swear she heard heavy breathing, too close for comfort. A chill ran down her spine.

     False alarm, she supposed. Perhaps it was a rabbit or another creature of the night.

     Silence fell once more, broken only by her ragged breathing and the frantic pounding of her heart. She was alone. Alone with her fear, grief, and the rotten, gnawing certainty that she was running out of time.

     Then—there it was again. A muffled thump coming from beneath the ground.

     Carson's heart leaped in her throat. Her fingers scrabbled at the forest's skin, carelessly tearing at its flesh. Adrenaline surged through her veins.

     The sound grew louder, more insistent. It was real. It had to be real. Just a little more... She had to keep going. She had to find her. She had to—

     Suddenly, harsh light flooded the clearing and blinded Carson. She threw up an arm, squinting against the glare. A voice boomed out, shattering the air:

     "This is the police! Stay where you are!"

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⁰¹ 𝕽𝖀𝕴𝕹. . . RUIN !
━━━━━━ ♱ ━━━━━━
written by CARDIIAC © 2024.
破滅 . ݃♱ .


     i am so excited to have this book published finally and to share what i've been working on! this is my favorite plot, and i can't wait for people to read the story of carson crest. (i've also wanted to write a aaron hotchner fic for literal years. my obsession with hotch is humbling.)

     BTW: this chapter acts as a makeshift prologue whereas the next one will take place in 1984.

     i hope you enjoyed chapter zero! i can't wait for what's to come!

     thank you for reading <3

     ps... what are you excited to see? i'm curious to know your thoughts!


˒⠀𝑹𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹. . . ▬⠀⤸

Thank you all for taking the time out of your day to comment on this story. It means a lot and helps the story be spread to a broader audience &&& allows me to grow as an author. All I ask is that people vote on each chapter, please. As a creator, it takes time to write and develop stories. So please, vote on every chapter. It means a lot more than I could ever express.

Don't forget to vote & comment!


˒⠀𝑪𝑶𝑷𝒀𝑹𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻. . . ▬⠀⤸

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