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chapter forty five
"do you like girls?"


      Lynn's eyes were dry — she could quite literally feel how dry they were every single time she blinked. She had shed so many tears the past few days that she felt as if she didn't have anything left in her.

Entwined up in quite literally one of the softest blankets she had ever graced her fingertips upon, was Lynn. She was in a king bed, not as big as Rafe's but it was nearly there. The bedsheets were a lovely shade of sage green, with that matching comforter she was so snugly wrapped in. Her back was against the cold dark wooden bedframe, knees curled to her chest as she rested her left cheek in the blanket.

Replacing her uncomfortable pair of skinny jeans and mesh top, were a complementing set of silk-like pajamas in a crisp grey color. It was a solid crop top that would expose some abdomen, with a long pair of pants to surprisingly cover her entire leg — they were almost never long enough.

She had been staring at this beautiful painting hanging on the wall — it was a woman standing in a field of grass, a delightful spray of colors in the flowers. The sun was bright, not a single cloud could be found in the sky. However, the woman wasn't smiling or seemed to be enjoying herself. Lynn wondered who painted it, did they feel that even though they are surrounded by beauty, they still can't be happy?

"Here you go, Lynnie."

Lynn slowly peeled her eyes from staring at the painting, not actually knowing how long she had been so painfully distracted with her thoughts about it.

Sarah had just waltzed back into her bedroom, two mugs full of a burning hot chocolate with scattered marshmallows was brought to Lynn's attention. She warmly cracked a smile while peeling one of the drinks from Sarah's grasp, blowing on it softly as she returned to he recoiled position.

"Thanks," Lynn murmured softly, as if her voice wouldn't be able to raise any higher. She nibbled on her bottom lip, avoiding eye contact. "Rafe okay?"

"Yeah, he just put a frozen pea packet against his cheek when I was down there," Sarah chuckled a bit, hoping that relief would be able to flash over Lynn's expression — but it didn't happen. "You okay?"

"No," Lynn caved, her eyes had glossed over. She shook her head while a sudden fit of wanting to just slam the mug into the nearest wall and destroy everything she could clasp her hands onto. "No, I'm not okay. I..."

The dam was beaching.

"I am so tired," Lynn blurted, her voice couldn't come out anymore than a whisper. Her eyes switched over to Sarah, and popped her jaw off to the side as she could feel the tears threatening to spill. She felt so weak. "I feel like I have nothing, like I've lost everything."

"Lynn, you haven't—"

"—Did you see Kiara? She couldn't even...she couldn't even look at me," Lynn shrugged her shoulders aimlessly, she didn't realize at first she had cut Sarah off from her sentence. "You know that I was going to sleep with Rafe?"

Sarah seemed a bit taken back from Lynn's sudden confession, her eyebrows raising a bit, "You're going through a lot right now, Evelynn. That's why I didn't want Rafe to, well, to give you that stuff. The last thing you need is to get high and make some stupid mistake."

"It felt good though," Lynn responded, her eyes tracing over towards Sarah. Of course the drugs felt good, she forgot what was so utterly fucking wrong with her life — even if it were only for a few hours. "I don't blame Rafe for getting hooked, y'know. Now I kind of understand my dad, too."

Sarah had hardy heard about Lynn's father, it had mostly been from John B when she was first starting to get to know everyone apart of the scooby gang. She had gotten the gest though, that he was a piece of shit that abused his daughter.

"Promise you'll never do it again?" Sarah questioned, and Lynn laughed. "C'mon, I'm serious, Lynn — I don't want to see you going down the same road as my brother."

Lynn studied Sarah's expression intensely, caving after only a second, "Fine, I promise."

Lynn raised her pinky finger towards her blonde best friend, their fingertips intertwining for a second while they brought their thumbs up to their lips. After the kiss to their own fingernails, they touched their thumbs together to finalize the pinky promise.

"So, you and Topper at the party, hm?" Lynn quipped as she bopped her eyebrows into the air, Sarah simply rolled her eyes. "You're tearing a page out of the Evelynn Bardot handbook, dove."

"I...I just wanted to get on John B's nerves," Sarah replied, shaking her head gently as she rested on the edge of the bed. "Guess we both played the same game tonight."

"I still can't believe JJ kissed Lauren," Lynn breathlessly commented, her eyes falling to the ground as another wave of pure exhaustion and sorrow flashed over her. "I was half tempted to just have sex with Rafe to forget about it, maybe to spite him. Could you imagine the look on JJ's face if I told him I slept with Rafe?"

Sarah pinched her eyebrows together, sympathetic expression.

"But then I realized I'd just be proving him right," Lynn stated, a caving tone of voice. "That there is something between me and Rafe, I, um...I think I'm too stubborn to let him be right."

Both girls rung out throughout the air with a booming laughter, little bright smiles flashed across their faces as she leaned forward towards each other. Lynn gazed into Sarah's eyes, another soft chuckle.

"You know what, I think I was going to sleep with the wrong Cameron," Lynn admitted, there was almost a shy tone in her voice. "Sarah Cameron, do you like girls?"

      "Do I like girls?" Sarah repeated, being utterly and completely taken off guard from Lynn's question. A bright blush had taken about a good portion of her cheeks, which made Lynn echo out with laughter.

      "Y'know, bisexual, a girl liking a girl but she also likes boys," Lynn explained, which now made Sarah to one to giggle. "I knew I've liked girls ever since Kiara was my first kiss back in seventh grade."

      A cute smile spread across Sarah's face, actually — it was a grin. The girl letched forward to playfully slap Lynn's shoulder, "I know what bisexual means, Evelynn!"

      "Can I kiss you?"

      Sarah's face straightened out as another flush of red spread across her face like a wildfire — sparkling in her eyes, pure interest. She couldn't help it, the attraction of Lynn was obvious since the first moment she met the girl. Her bright and confident personality only made her even more attractive, like a bad-ass character off her favorite show.

       "It's alright if the answers no, I figured I'd have to shoot my shot at some point," teasingly purred Lynn, a little smirk had written over her lips. She fucking knew Sarah liked girls, she wasn't very not obvious with it. This was a strictly platonic friends thing, the girls were drunk — who cared. "Sar-Bear? You flustered, my love?"

She's very flustered, Evelynn.

"I-I've never...kissed a girl, what if I'm not good?" Sarah whispered a bit, and Lynn gently placed a single index finger under the girls chin to mold her face towards hers.

"Sarah, sweetheart, kissing a girl can never be bad."

Sarah's eyes fluttered between Lynn's lips that were merely inches away, then back up at her eyes. Lynn smiled feebly, a good fluttering feeling in her veins — she tucked a piece of Sarah's wild strands of hair behind her ear thoughtfully.

And then Sarah crashed her lips onto Lynn's, their pinks lips instantly moving in a rhythmic pattern — Lynn quickly gained the upper hand. Sarah leaned her back against the wooden bedframe, Lynn was hovering over her frame as their bodies touched.

Sarah moaned against her lips as Lynn's fingertips traced up her arm, she smirked at being able to make Sarah squirm right under her grasp.

A minute or so passed of the heavy make out, before their lips separated away from each other as their chests rose with a certain amount of breathlessness. Both girls knew even if they did want to go fully, now wasn't the time, but they had just broke up with their ex boyfriends, plus — they're as drunk as skunks.

"I actually think you could be a better kisser than John B."

Lynn snorted out with laughter as she backed away from Sarah's body — allowing the girl to peel herself up from her bed again. Both their cheeks were heated with the tension between their bodies, Sarah's breath was unsteady.

"Surprisingly, you're not the first girl to tell me that," Lynn pursed her lips out with amusement, she licked her dry lips. "So, who needs boys when we have each other, huh?"

"That was...yeah, wow," chimed Sarah, and Lynn bobbed her head softly up and down. "You, um, ready to go to sleep?"

Lynn remarked while draping an arm over Sarah's shoulders, "I could sleep for an entire year."

Both girls placed their half drank hot chocolates onto the nightstand beside the bed, and Lynn shifted so she would be the one laying next to the wall — Sarah by the nightstand. The girl flickered the lamp off, adjusting the comforter so that they would both be underneath the warmth. Lynn was laying on her back, an arm tucked under her neck for support as her eyes trailed Sarah's ceiling.

A minute or so of silence passed before the silent air was interrupted, it was Sarah. "Can I sleep, like, close to you?"

"C'mere," cooed Lynn warmly, extending an arm around Sarah's body as the girl peeled towards the blonde. "Goodnight, dove."

Sarah curled into Lynn's chest while listening to her steady heartbeat — it was like a beautiful song she would be able to listen to while falling asleep. Lynn interlocked her fingers through some of Sarah's hair, warmly twirling the strands of blonde hair around her fingertips as the girl hummed.

"Goodnight, Lynnie."

a/n: wdym u can't platonically kiss and sleep and play w ur best friends hair?? if i see any hate comments abt sarah & lynn i will most def automatically assume that ur homophobic teehee!!!
for a sec there, almost forgot this wasn't a sarah fic, someone tell me to not write one😳😳😳

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