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chapter seven

"SO, YOU WANTED OUR LAST date before we pretend to hate each other to go thrifting?"

Lynn had tried to not laugh, but she did indeed find the date night idea a bit odd when JJ had first explained it to her. Since neither of the two had a drivable car because the twinkie was taken as evidence, they would be riding JJ's motorbike over to the closest thrift store that would have the least likely amount of people to know they had broken up.

So, they chose Figure Eight, knowing that absolutely not a single Kook would shop second hand at the dainty little shop on the corner, plus it was a much shorter ride to any other options. They decided to both wear the completely blacked out bike helmets they had bought each other with their last paycheck, knowing that once the shield is put down, you wouldn't be able to recognize the person.

"It's more than just thrifting, babe," JJ rolled his blue eyes dramatically, but his thoughts were far from that funny sarcastic.

His original idea was to go on a shopping date and pick out outfits for each other, but he knew how low on money he was himself, and he wasn't going to ask Lynn to pay for anything. So, thrifting was the next best option, and he still hoped that the eventful fun he had planned wouldn't be ruined by shopping second hand.

"Plus, we're stopping somewhere else first," JJ pointed out, and Lynn suspiciously narrowed her eyes in the boys direction, and once he felt her gaze, he continued. "What? You know I always have the best surprises."

Lynn caved after that, knowing that the boy was in fact the best surprise planner she had ever known. So, when he hopped onto his bike, starting the engine with ease, Lynn didn't hesitate to jump right on behind him. With that, the two teenagers went off from the Chateau to head to who knows where, other than JJ of course, taking as many back roads as possible to avoid any unwanted eyes.

It took a bit longer than what it usually would've taken to get to the north side of The Cut, but neither seemed to mind. Lynn had, as per usual, tugged her arms around JJ's strong waist — taking in his all too familiar scent of sweat, beer, and saltwater. God, she was going to miss that smell lingering on her skin from how much they touched. JJ's eyes were on the road, but much distraction was behind them, not wanting to think about how this could be the last time for awhile.

For who knows how long.

After JJ seemed to have come to a permeant halt, Lynn finally pulled the slick helmet off her head — and the blonde boy tried his best to not allow any drool to slip from his lips. God, she's fucking hot.

Lynn didn't pay much attention to the way JJ was about to collapse at just getting a look at his beautiful girlfriend, instead, her eyes were set dead straight on the little building they had come to park in front of. It was oddly familiar, but had felt like it had been ages since she had been here, and then it hit her like a bag of bricks.

The windows gave it away, because though the once perfectly painted words had fainted over time due to the elements, you could just barely make out the words The Cut's Best Scoop. Lynn smiled as she took in the whole building, where she couldn't even believe the place was still standing after all these years. And why, you ask, is this ice cream shop so important in the first place?

"We went here, on our first day," Lynn explained, her eyes still written with complete awe as she inched closer to the abandoned building. There was a loose silver chain with a lock wrapped around the door knobs, even though they could've been useless because pieces of the glass doors were already broken. "The first day we all met in third grade, Big John took us here after that day of school."

"It was the first day I loved you, Evie," JJ stated as he trailed up behind his girlfriend, wrapping a strong arm around her waist, and Lynn switched over to him with a crooked grin, pecking his cheek quickly. "C'mon, lets get some ice cream."

Lynn furrowed her eyebrows at JJ, a little bit of confusion written on her face, "J, they must've closed like, a decade ago."

"Yeah, actually when we were in eighth grade, but close," JJ nodded, and a chuckle escaped Lynn's lungs, not even questioning him anymore — no matter the case, she trusted JJ, with everything in her, she trusted him. "You comin'?"

"I would follow you anywhere."

Slowly and carefully, JJ and Lynn made their way into the broken down building that was the first place they had ever been at together, and although it was technically trespassing and they could get in serious trouble, Lynn didn't hesitate to follow him for one second.

As soon as the two had made it to the back of the store, Lynn was quite surprised to find that one of the old freezers was actually turned on, and she switched to the blonde boy with curiosity, "Are we going to eat decade old ice cream?"

"You so know that I would be down for that, but unfortunately when I came here earlier in the week — I found that it was actually all melted down and smelt like shit and everything, so..." JJ explained, reaching his hand down to the only freezer switched on, and swung it open, exposing two tubs of ice cream. "I decided we could have our own."

"Oh my God, my favorite," Lynn cracked another smile as she reached down, grabbing a very specific brand of ice cream, in the flavor birthday cake. She had first tasted it hanging out with Sarah and Kie one day, but Sarah had explained that her dad had it shipped from Canada and there was no other way to get it. "Do I even want to know how you got this?"

"No," JJ pursed out his lips, and Lynn let another wild laugh out, reaching forward to pull JJ into a warm hug, well, as warm as it could be with them both holding ice cream.

"I love you, JJ Maybank," Lynn replied, happily pulling the top lid of the ice cream tub off, and just as she was about to question if JJ had remembered utensils, he had whipped out a silver spoon straight from his pocket. "You know just the way to my heart," Lynn moaned out, so happily delighted to taste her favorite ice cream, to be at her lucky spot, and to just be spending time with her boyfriend. It had seemed like forever since the two had talked, ever since the fake breakup the previous day before.

"Now, don't get too comfortable, we still have our shopping!" JJ exclaimed, hooking his fingers around the same spoon Lynn had in her hand, only to take a bite himself. "Jam packed day, m'lady."

"Hm," Lynn nodded, taking another spoonful of the drool-creating ice cream. "We'll come back, afterwards?"

"Of course," confirmed JJ, who had swiftly covered the ice cream tub with that same lid, a disappointed sigh came from Lynn, but it was more playful than anything else. "Keep making those little noises, and we'll have to take a quick break from our date."

A bright red blush had scattered across Lynn's cheeks, and she had to avoid JJ's dark, lustful eyes to make sure they wouldn't be tempted. She wanted to do everything on JJ's list for the day, and it wasn't that time.


a/n: i promise i'll get back on track w the plotline of season 2 soon...ish

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