FIFTEEN | not bad

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"A cup of iced coffee, please. Thanks." I smile kindly at the barista, passing her my card. "On second thought, make that an iced water with a spritz of lemon." She types in my order and passes me a pen to sign.

"Come here often?"

Jumping at the sudden voice, I turn to see a sweaty Tony standing behind me with that snarky smile splayed across his face.

I grab my card back and head to the waiting area. "The point of having a late morning means I don't need to see you for another. . .hour and 48 minutes."

"Oh, don't tell me you're bored of my face. I see you catching glimpses when I'm not looking." He follows behind me like a shadow.

"I do not." A red tint flushes my cheeks, not doing much to hide my embarrassment. "Why are you all sweaty? I thought you were banned from the gym for —"

"Alright, we don't need to tell the whole coffee shop." He presses a clammy finger against my lips to shut me up. "And if you must know, I went out on a run. And met a really pretty girl."

Reaching over, I pick up my water and take a sip. "She beat you on the steps?"

"I thought women are terrible at running up the steps."

"Only because our bosom flails around. But if you've got the right kind of bra, you can really kick a guy's ass."

"I was thinking about getting some breakfast." He glances up at the menu posted overhead. "Care to join me? I'll pay." Tony breams brightly.

"Um. . ." I bite my bottom lip nervously, "I really shouldn't —"

His sunglasses teeter on the tip of his nose. "Pick a table. I'll order us some good grub."

Not even five minutes later, Tony sits down across from me, propping his legs up on the adjacent seat.

"When's the last time you got an actual night of sleep?"

That makes me choke on my water.

"Ex-Excuse me?" I use a couple of napkins to cough into. "If you mean sex, I swear to —"

"I don't." Tony slips off his sunglasses, and that's when I realize he isn't just messing around. "I think it might be better to start off with when's the last time you ate a full meal."

"Tony, where is this —"

"I'm thinking close to four months."

Just then, a waitress brings us our food. From the amount of food she sets down, Tony must have ordered the entire menu.

"Bruises only last, what? Two weeks?" He piles maple syrup on top of a stack of pancakes. "But the marks underneath the skin? Those can last a lifetime."

My fingers fidget anxiously. "Care to explain what's going on in that. . .miniscule brain of yours?"

"Since that terrorist decided to visit NCIS, you haven't been the same. There's something," He pauses to take a bite, "something off about you."

"Well, how would you feel if some guy you don't know held a gun to you?"

"You lied to Gibbs about eating three weeks ago. Said you had a couple of granola bars when I distinctly remember the exact opposite." A plate of waffles is placed in front of me. "Matter of fact, you didn't even join in on the pizza the night before." Damn it.

"Tony, just because we work together does not mean you know me." It takes everything in me to push away the plate.

The senior agent runs a hand over his face, letting his fingers linger on his chin. "You need help, Eva."

"I have a wonderful job. I have two adorable dogs. I live in this amazing apartment. What makes you think that I need help?"

He sets down a few bills on the check, not even allowing me to pull out my wallet before the waitress whisks away with the bill.

"I don't." He downs the rest of his coffee. "But I only want what's best for you. It's all I've ever wanted, Evaline." With that, Tony walks out the door.

When it's time to head to work, I don't say a word to Tony.

Ducky is kind enough to take us out to lunch as a way to ease our minds from Gibbs' insistent demand on an ID for our terrorist.

"Gibbs was like this just before his last divorce." Ducky tells us.

"We can't divorce him, Ducky." Kate reminds him of the obvious.

The doctor lets out a mild chuckle. "You wouldn't want to, my dear. No matter how gruff he becomes." Ducky chuckled.

"Maybe he'll take his frustrations out on that mysterious redhead instead of us." Tony talks with a mouthful.

"Should we get you a bib so you don't spray us with your saliva and food bits?" I pass him a napkin, which he uses to wipe his mouth.

He stops chewing for a moment. "No."

"So, who was Gibbs chasing when he divorced his last wife?"

"Had to be a redhead." Tony infers while picking at Kate's food.

In response, she smacks him upside the head. Tony is absolutely shocked at this.

"You're not Gibbs." Tony glares at her. "You do that again, you're going to be wearing that tuna salad." Oh, wow. A threat.

Moving on. . .

"Uh, he was after a child murder. Victim was five." Ducky speaks up. "Pretty little thing. A deviate had sexually abused her and then beaten her to death."

Clearing my throat, I push aside my plate. "And we're done with lunch."

"Stuff like that makes me sick." Kate drops her fork on her plate. "Did Gibbs catch him?"

"Oh, yes, but it took nearly a year. By then, a second girl had been murdered." He unfortunately informs. "Gibbs was a bit difficult to live with for a while after that." My cellphone beeps.

"Alright, well," I pull out my wallet, "I need to get going."

Ducky places a gentle hand on top of mine. "My treat."

"Oh, Ducky, I can't let you —"

"Go, Eva."

I kiss his cheek. "Thanks for lunch, Ducky. We should do this again." With that, I leave with my belongings.

"Eva!" I glance back to see Tony, which only makes me increase my pace. "Eva, would you wait up? Eva!"

So I stop.

"What is it, Di —"

His lips crash into mine. Every ounce of energy in his body is unveiled in that one kiss. Taken aback by the abrupt action, I can't help but stand still.

Tony mumbles against my lips. "Kissing's usually a two-person activity."

So I join in.

My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down closer. Luckily, this restaurant is never packed at lunch hour.

After what feels like eternity, I pull away to breathe.

"Not bad, Tony." I chuckle slightly, him joining in as well. "But what was that for?"

"I guess I felt like something needed to be said."

"Don't you mean done?"

After a little confrontation with Gibbs for our long lunch break, Tony and I go back to work on our case involving the terrorist.

"What is up with your hair, Tony?" McGee glances up from Gibbs' computer. "Have you ever heard of this thing called a comb? If not, you should try it." He suggests sarcastically.

Without missing a beat, Tony replies, "I could say the same thing about you."

"Heard from Kate?" Gibbs storms through the bullpen.

"No." McGee shakes his head.

"I tried her cell." Tony glances up.

"Not at home either." I brush back my hair.

A few minutes later, Kate calls Gibbs' cell. And of course, since we're dealing with Gibbs, there is no way the rest of us can read his facial expression.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" Tony and I make our way to the other two.

"Food poisoning." Gibbs' gaze never shift from the computer. "I need coffee."

"What's wrong, other than not catching the Hamas guy?" Tony watches him walk out.

"The Hamas guy! The terrorist! The bastard! The ass!" Gibbs snaps back. "We call him everything but his name, DiNozzo. And do you know why?"

"Because we don't know his name." Tony's words come out as a whisper.

The team leader faces Tony, just inches away from touching him. "Because you're not working a hot case." Tony's mouth stays shut. "I want his name! I want it today!" He growls before leaving.

"You know, I think we should get back to work. Just so we don't have to face angry Gibbs again." I push Tony back to his desk.

"Tony! Eva!" McGee shouts frantically.

"What? What is it?" Both of us look at him.

All he does is point at the computer screen.

Ari Haswari. That's the name of the bastard who held us hostage months ago.

And he had taken Kate after our lunch break.

"Come on. I'll drive you home." Tony stands in front of my desk, his palms leaning against the edge. "We can pick up something to eat, maybe even a movie or two."

"Why?" I close up my monitors and prepare to head home. "Why would I want to spend my night off with you?"

"Question is: why wouldn't you want to spend your night off with me?"

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?"


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