FIFTY SEVEN | foolish heart

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"Hey. Our cars blew up this morning. Did you do that?"

Agent Trent Kort of the C.I.A. stands at the front of the elevator. Tony lets out a sarcastic laugh before being held against the wall.

"Where did you go with La Grenouille?"

"Actually, he prefers René. Arms dealers get very touchy about their code names." Tony informs him. "The Frog has a kind of slimy overtone to it. Maybe you should keep that in mind for next time. Could use it yourself."

My lips tighten, and I lean against the wall. "Kort, let go of him."

"I'd do what she says." Tony grunts against the tight hold. "Not because it's me, but because she's already stabbed one guy."

"Unless you prefer to be shot to death." I nod in front of us.

Across from the elevator just behind Kort stands Gibbs, Ziva, McGee, and Jenny, and the first three have their guns raised.

He reluctantly releases Tony, who fixes his collar. The others lower their guns.

"We will find him, DiNozzo."

Kort's grimace turns to me, eyes narrowed in threat.

"You little —"

Tony circles his arms around my waist from behind, pulling me back against his chest before I can kill the agent.

"She didn't get her beauty sleep last night."

"A little busy trying to stay alive."

"Happy frog-hunting." Tony wishes him sarcastically as the two of us walk off the elevator and towards the others.

My hand scratches the back of my neck. "No welcome balloons?"

Jenny and Gibbs take me and Tony upstairs into the one and only conference room. I slump against the couch while we watch the video footage of the simultaneous explosions.

"That was more exciting live."

Jenny pauses the video. "You two saw it?" You were there?"

"Saw it, heard it, felt it." Tony sits on the armrest beside me. "He was waiting when we left the hospital with Jeanne and Jaiden this morning."

"It was their idea. A little Meet The Parents Part Two surprise for us."

"God, I hate sequels."

Gibbs smiles ever so slightly.

"Figured our covers were blown as soon as we saw him."

"Turns out he's known for months."


"Probably." I lift my chin a little. "We tried talking our way out of the mess."

The two of us take the director and Gibbs down memory lane — which took place only a couple of hours ago.

"Did La Grenouille tell Jeanne and Jaiden who you two were?" Jenny's grip on the remote tightens.

Tony looks over at me. "They didn't miss a beat. Pretended everything was fine."

"Didn't last long, obviously. We saw the two men driving our vehicles a couple of cars behind us when. . .it happened."

The cars exploded almost exactly at the same time, bursting into flames so close. . .we could almost feel the heat.

"What was La Grenouille's first reaction?"

"That he was the target."

Tony pours himself a glass of water but passes it to me instead. Still in shock from the explosion, I shake my head.

"We knew better than to think that."

"You think it was for you two, Eva?"

"Gibbs, we were supposed to drive our own cars." A fragile sigh escapes my lips. "Tony and I, we've done plenty to piss off the agency."

"For what it's worth, Kort denied the agency's involvement." He tilts his head down.

Tony hums in argument. "That's because Kort doesn't play by agency rules. The guy's got a hair trigger." He touches the back of his head.

"Where did La Grenouille take you?"

"Well, we kind of blew away the breakfast plans." He glances at me again. "Blew away a lot of things, actually."

"Jeanne and Jaiden."

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this."

"You never really thought it could end any other way, did you?"

"Unlike their father. . .they were good people."

His hand touches mine, sending an electric spark through my body. I let my fingers intertwine with his and relish in the feeling of safety.

"What did they say?"

"Nothing we're going to tell you."


"There's nothing you need to know, director."

Jenny scoffs furiously while Gibbs looks a bit prouder than usual.

She asks the same question once more. "Where is La Grenouille?"

"I don't know." His shoulders shrug. "He dropped us off at the main gate and drove west, probably towards California. He was driving pretty fast." Tony checks his watch. "Could even be there now."

"He talked about his future." I run my free hand down the fabric of my pants. "Well, lack thereof."

"Probably doesn't have one."

"He wants out."

"Kort knows."

He squeezes my hand in comfort. "That would explain why he's so desperate to find him. The C.I.A. is about to lose one of its most prized assets."

"What exactly does he mean by out, Eva?"

"He's going to call to arrange a meeting and give himself up. After all, N.C.I.S. is the only agency he trusts."

Tony and I head downstairs to the bullpen, his arm daintily wrapped around my waist and secured there. Ziva and McGee are already sitting around her desk.

"I'm surprised all of my things are still here." I run a hand over the surface of my desk. "You two didn't take anything, did you?"

"Of course not." Ziva hugs me tightly. "We didn't believe you were really dead."

"Not for one second." McGee smiles in reassurance.

A loud squeal sounds from behind.

"Oh, I knew you were alright!" Abby launches herself onto me, practically knocking me back. "I knew you weren't dead! None of us did!"

Tony slips a hand into his drawer. "Where's my letter opener?"


"And my American Pie coffee mug?"


"The Mighty Mouse stapler?"


"You take any of Eva's stuff?"

"Still at her desk."

My lips pucker in a pout as I walk over to stand behind Tony. I rest my hands on the tops of his shoulders, squeezing every so often.

"They didn't think you were dead, did you?"

Pretend, I mouth to the others.

"We were just. . .keeping your belongings safe, Tony." Ziva assures him.

"I was making sure your Montblanc pen was still working." McGee shows him the delicate writing tool. "Don't worry, it works."

"So, are you two finally back together?"

"Uh. . .no."

"Not really."

Tony and I take the next day off to ease into normal life after almost a year of switching between work and our undercover assignment.

Tony works in the kitchen, reheating any edible leftovers he finds in my fridge and setting up a new pot of coffee.

"Do you want some caffeine?"


In my hand sits the letter from Jaiden, the only thing left in his empty apartment.

"Are you ever going to open that?"

"Only when you open yours."

The letter from Jeanne sits on the coffee table in front of me.

Tony arrives with two mugs of coffee and two plates of takeout from the Hawaiian barbecue place across the street.

"I'd rather just stare at it, if I'm being honest." He sets down the plates on the table. "Looks like you're thinking of doing the same thing."

"They were good people, weren't they, Tony?"

"Yes, they were."

The faint sounds of "The Way You Look Tonight" from the soothing voice of Frank Sinatra bellow softly through the speakers.

Some day, when I'm awfully low

When the world is cold

I will feel a glow just thinking of you

And the way you look tonight.

Tony gracefully takes my hand, lifting me up onto my feet. A grin appears on my face as I let him whisk me away to the open space in the living room.

Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm

And your cheeks so soft

There is nothing for me, but to love you

And the way you look tonight.

His hand rests at the small of my back, never letting it drift further up or down than necessary. My palm sits on his shoulder, and our two other hands meet in the middle.

Lovely; never, ever change

Keep that breathless charm

Won't you please arrange it? Cause I love you

Just the way you look tonight

"You've always been a Sinatra girl at heart."

"It's only because you turned me into one."

And that laugh that wrinkles your nose

It touches my foolish heart.

"What are we doing, Tony?"

"I'm only loving the right girl for me, the most beautiful girl in the world."

He tunes his voice to imitate Frank Sinatra, even going as far as to name a couple of his songs. A small giggle falls off the edge of my lips.

Lovely, don't ever change

Keep the breathless charm

Won't you please arrange it? Cause I love you

Just the way you look tonight.

"I'm a foolish man. . .with a foolish heart."

His fingers graze underneath my chin, lifting my head up so I'm forced to look at him.

"I'm a fool to want you."

"Yet you already have me."

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