NINETEEN | owe me

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"Do you think it's a good idea we drive to the crime scene together?" I button up the bottom part of my blouse before adjusting the collar. "What if someone sees us?"

Tony's hands find their way to my shoulders, and he presses a small kiss to my neck. "Kate hasn't even called Gibbs yet." His lips move further up. "If Kate and McGee see us, they'll just think we're trying to save the Earth. . .or something."

"You better hope no one sees us." I grab my bottle of concealer, dabbing some on the bruises around my neck.

"And why is that?"

"You'll end up in the doghouse for a week."

We take Tony's car and drive down to the crime scene.

"Where have you two been?" Kate greets us in front of the house, where she and McGee are unloading the NCIS truck. "You guys just took off as soon as your lunch break started."

"We were just. . .you know. . ." I look over at Tony, silently pleading for him to come up with an excuse.

Tony instantly points to my blouse. "Clumsy little Evaline spilled coffee all over her top, so I drove her back to her place so she could get changed."

"That was oddly. . .nice of you."

Oh, no. No, no, no. She's suspicious.

"Well, of course, I had to convince him to take me back." I shrug my shoulders. "And it's not like I invited him or something."

You're slipping, Eva. Shut up while you can.

Fortunately, Kate says nothing else, and we walk into the house. Right by the back door is a pool of blood.

And for once, it belongs to the perpetrator, who is currently fighting for his life in the base hospital.

"Eva, DiNozzo, I want you to head over to the base hospital. I want this dirtbag's personal effects and his prints." Gibbs demands once we arrive.

I snatch the cup out of McGee's hand when he raises it to his lips. "Would you stop that?"

"What?" He frowns in confusion. "Tony got me a coffee."

"Since when does Tony get you coffee?" I raise a suggestive brow.

It takes him a while, but he quickly realizes who the coffee really belonged to.

"Boss, I have your coffee!"

Tony and I walk into the hospital nervously, taking a few minutes to find the right floor. We stop at the front desk.

"Special Agent —"

"I'm Tony DiNozzo, NCIS. This is Special Agent Giudice." Tony quite literally shoves me aside and winks down at the woman. "I'd love to ask you a few questions. Say. . .over lunch, Lieutenant?"

"Uh, Kim." She fakes a smile before raising her left hand. "And this is my engagement ring, Agent DiNozzo. I brought my lunch." And she turns to me. "How can I help you?"

Without waiting for a response, I push him to the side, smiling ever so brightly.

"What can you tell us about the gunshot victim you brought in last night?" Tony questions.

"I already told the M.P.s everything I know."

"If you couldn't tell already, we're not M.P.s, so tell us what sort of shape he is in." My elbows press against the edge of the desk.

Lieutenant Kim glances back at an array of monitors. "Stable for the moment."

"Well, we kinda need to talk to him."

"You'll kinda have to come back tomorrow. He's in ICU."

"And he may very well end up dead tomorrow, so we need to get some answers now." I demand.

"He's not conscious," Kim stands to her feet, "and he won't be until tomorrow, Agent Giudice."

"What about his personal effects?"

"Right here." She brings over a plastic bag full of his clothes. "We had to cut off most of his clothing."

Tony grabs the bag while I sign off the form. "And I'm guessing we'll have to wait until tomorrow before I can get his prints?"

"Someone's catching on."

"Before we leave, Agent Giudice. . ." Tony grabs me by my shoulders, a mischievous glint evident in his eyes. "Make sure the MP guarding him doesn't screw up the DD-932-A6 form the way he did last time. If he does, it's your ass." By now, his chest is practically pressed against mine. "Are we clear?"

"Crystal clear."

"Crystal clear what?"



"Your MP's outside room 107." The lieutenant lets me know.

I convince the MP to let me into the room, and I snap pictures and gather prints from the unconscious perp. Just as I'm about to stamp his fingers, he latches onto my wrist.

"It was. . .was a game. Laura invited me over. . ." He breathes against the tube in his nose. "I thought she loved me. . ."

And he falls back into unconsciousness. His black fingerprints are laced around my wrists.

Back in headquarters, I discuss my findings about what I could find on the rapist, including the fact that he knows Laura Rowens.

While Gibbs is down in Forensics with Abby, I try to ease my unsteady mind with caffeine pills.

"Sandwich?" Tony offers me his half-eaten egg sandwich.

"Not hungry." I store away my bottle of pills into the first drawer, locking it away in case someone tries to take them.

Gibbs takes McGee and Kate to Jeremy Davison's apartment while Tony and I are left on research duty. And just like any other day, Tony struggles to eat our takeout dinner.

"Come on. . ." He attempts to pick up a noodle with his chopsticks, but it ends up flinging through the air onto Kate's shoulder. "Oops."

Out of pity, I hand him a plastic fork I keep at my desk. "That should make it easier."

"Let's say Laura did invite Davison back to her house." Kate wipes off the stain. "What would she gain from shooting him?"

"Maybe he was blackmailing her?" Tony is finally able to eat in peace.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs chews silently, "he was lying on the floor with two bullets in him. She could have finished off. Instead, she dialed 911."

I reach for my drink. "Could have gotten cold feet."

"Or Davison could have decided to surprise her, take it to the next step. From fantasy to reality."

"Well, if they only communicated online, there's a possibility that she didn't even know what he looked like."

"So you're saying the whole thing might have been an accident?" Tony questions.

But Gibbs is quick to retort, "I don't believe in accidents."

Abby and McGee come upstairs after a long day to report back with what they figured out. Jeremy Davison and Laura Rowens matched through a similar fetish: rape fantasies.

But when we bring her in this morning, Abby admits that she was wrong. Laura Rowens had been telling the truth all along about not writing those explicit emails.

So that night, we send Abby in as an undercover worker for the sex site. From there, she gets us the name of the guy pretending to be Laura Rowens.

However, when we reach the address, we find him dead.

Throat slit, eyeballs removed.

"Eva, could you come over here for a second? I need your help with something." Tony calls me over, holding a bagged remote.

I stand beside him, and he points up at an air vent. Inside the vent is a red light. Tony raises me up on his shoulders so I can reach it.

"Why didn't I wear pants?" I grumble to myself, switching open my pocket knife.

"Did you say something, Eva?"

"What if I were to just accidentally drop this knife? Where do you think it would land?" A hum buzzes through my throat.

He moves to the right a bit. "I'm still trying to decide if it's worth it or not."

I carefully lower the vent piece, finding a video camera set up right into it. I pass it down to Tony, who carefully places it on top of the monitor.

He carefully hoists me down back onto the ground, smirking brightly.

"Let's see what footage this camcorder holds." I flip open the screen and play the latest video.

Of course, it just so happens to be a man and a woman. . .doing it.

"That's absolutely disgusting." I groan in disgust.

"Woah. . ." Tony stares in surprise, to which I raise my brows. "I mean. . .ew."

After we're done with the crime scene, we take the footage back to Abby so she can work her magic on it.

"McGee and Kate are downstairs with Abby. . .and Gibbs is with Ducky." Tony comes around behind my desk. "That means we're all alone."

"On a crowded floor. In the middle of the squad room. Just a few feets away from the elevators." I stuff away my skirt from before.

Just outside the base hospital, we receive a little surprise from Michelle and Jeremy Davison.

"Those first two Navy cops were dumb, but their boss wasn't. I mean, did you see the way he was looking. . .at me?"


"That was a little. . .rude of you. Don't you think so, Tony?" I click the safety off my gun.

Tony steps out of his spot behind a red ambulance, his gun in his hand. "Sounded a bit harsh."

That night, Tony and I are the last ones from the team to leave the building. Mainly because he wanted to know what it's like to do it in Autopsy.

"You owe me big time, mister."

"Don't worry. I'll let you win in Monopoly."

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