SEVENTEEN | bra strap

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I flinch at the sound of Tony clipping his nails. "Can't you do that at your own place or something?"

"And deny you the pleasure of watching?" He chimes tauntingly.

While Tony and I glare at each other, McGee and Kate talk in hushed whispers.

"They always like this?"

"It's never been this bad."

To make his presence known, Gibbs tosses his empty cup into Tony's bin, startling the agent.

"Get the truck." He rounds his desk.

"Where we going, boss?" Tony calls out.

Gibbs taps his fingers against the keys. "Smoky Corners, West Virginia." He jots down a few things. "Marine helo was found abandoned. Crew's missing."

"Any leads?" Kate questions as she grabs her bag from the bottom drawer.

"You tell me." And he's already on his way out. "It's sitting into the middle of a crop circle.

"Abby's gonna drive us crazy."

As soon as we arrive at the crime scene, we're greeted by a group of Marines already contaminating the scene.

Gibbs' words, not mine.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs shouts for him, the rest of us following behind. "Shoot. Eva, sketch. Kate, the cockpit. Trace evidence, bag and tag. McGee, the field. Lay out a grid."

We trudge through the tall stalks towards the helicopter. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the boat."

Gibbs calls McGee over for something else, leaving the three of us alone to do our jobs.

"I should have been an aviator." Tony drops the camera, letting rest against his abdomen. "These things are chick magnets." He comes to stand beside me.

I close up my notebook once I finish up. "Nothing's gonna help you in the female department." My right shoulder continues to ache as my bra strap digs into it.

"Chip on your shoulder?"

Leave it to Tony to make awful jokes.

"Kate, you think Gibbs'll notice if I run back to the truck for a hot second?" Due to the bright sun, I have to squint my eyes.

"I think he will since he's standing directly next to it."

My gaze shifts to the NCIS truck. . .and Gibbs.

Kate finishes up bagging and tagging everything inside of the helicopter before walking back to the truck.

I can feel my skin getting more and more irritated by the second because of the stupid strap. Tony watches me in a cocky way, as if he knows what's going on.

To make matters worse, the underwire presses against my rib cage tightly.

"This is all your fault." I breathe through the aches of pain and irritation, wanting nothing more than to beat up Tony.

"And why would it be my fault, Eva?" He mimics my tone. "It wouldn't have anything to do with what we did last night, now, would it?"

I quickly turn around, facing the helicopter as I adjust my bra. "You're the one who suggested we do it in a public place."

"You didn't seem to be complaining," Tony's breath is hot against the back of my neck, "last night."

We're the last ones to reach the truck just as McGee and Kate finish packing away the rest of the bags of evidence.

"Alright, McGee, Kate, and I will take the truck back." Gibbs shuts off his cellphone. "You two, check out the pilots' apartment."


Tony tosses me my bag before grabbing his own.

"And get the scent articles for the search dog."

"On it."

Tony follows closely behind me, his pace slowing to match mine. "Ever do it in someone else's apartment on the job?"

"I'm not gonna have sex with you while we're still on the job." I roll my eyes when he opens his mouth. "Again."

Tony flicks on the lightswitch to the apartment when we enter. "So, we're looking for anything that suggests they didn't just leave on a routine flight."

"Thanks for the unnecessary explanation." I notice a photo frame on a shelf. A picture of our missing pilots.

"Oh my God. I don't believe it." Tony picks up a magazine from the coffee table. "Do you know what this is?"

"You're going to explain it to me anyway."

Tony shows me the magazine cover. "December '92. Pamela's debut." He opens it up to reveal a rather. . .vividly explicit image of the model. "I lost my copy."

"Don't you mean wore it out?" I quip, prompting him to shoot me a look. "Besides, if you find enough pleasure out of those obviously airbrushed images, why bother dating some girl?"

Without waiting for a response, I step into the hallway that leads to the bedrooms and bathroom.

Only, there's steam pouring out from the ajar door of the bathroom.

My fingers curl around the base of my gun before pulling it out silently. I walk further down the hall and open the door, glancing inside for any unwanted visitors.

Right at that moment, two arms wrap around my neck and stomach from behind, slowly restricting oxygen flow.

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?"

"NCIS!" Tony shouts from the living room before stepping into view. "Let her go."

Once we handle the misunderstanding, we take Captain Barnett back to headquarters for a little interrogation with Gibbs.

Later into the night, Kate, Tony, and I report our findings on Captain Newell, including his last call through a payphone in Smoky Corners.

"You got me a juice?" I cock a brow, glancing between Tony and the tray of drinks in his left hand.

"A smoothie." He sets one down in front of me. "You seem like a girl who likes mango, so I present to you. . .the Mango-A-Go-Go smoothie from Jamba Juice."

I snap out of my trance, nodding my head very slowly. "Right. Am I supposed to know what that means or. . .?"

"Just drink the damn smoothie."

"Not hungry."

"It's a smoothie."

"Not thirsty."

Stomping over to his desk, he leaves the drink on my desk. While Kate and Gibbs pay a visit to the payphone, Tony, McGee, and I are back at the crime scene with helo in the crop circle.

Lieutenant Teague reports back, "The dogs are a no-go. Handlers say something screwed up the dogs." He and another Marine come to stand under the tent. "As soon as they stepped into the woods, they started acting up." And then he's gone.

"Do not tell Abby." McGee warns us. "She's going to make something out of it."

"We should check the back of their necks for little red Xs." Tony suggests, though I can't tell if he's being serious or humorous.

"What's he talking about?" McGee turns to me for help.

I shake my head. "Don't get him started."

Abby calls with some updates on the cabin fire a few miles away from the field. And since she's got McGee wrapped around her finger, the young agent scans the crop circle with a magnetometer.

Meanwhile, Kate, Tony, and I enjoy the show.

"Mm." Kate hums as she closes up the water bottle. "Looks like he's found something."

McGee tosses aside the device, dropping to his knees and digging through the stalks.

A small sigh slips. "Tony, what did you do?"

Out in the field, he picks up a fake alien mask along with a magnet. When McGee looks up, Tony gives him the Vulcan salute.

We find a body hidden in the woods, which Abby matches with DNA found from the remains of the burnt cabin. All of which belong to the unknown brother of Captain Newell, Greg Sikes.

"Can you stop that?" I yell at Tony as his hand trails up my leg. "Now is not the time nor the place to partake in such activities, Tony."

He leans forward, finally stopping his hand from moving upward. "What sort of activities do you think I'm suggesting, Eva?"

I stop a few hundred feet away from the trailer, noticing a familiar truck sitting right outside.

"That's Daphne Everett's truck. You know, from the picture Kate showed us."

"Woah, woah, woah." Tony points ahead, to where a young woman — Daphne — runs out of the trailer and into her truck.

I make a sharp turn, stopping her from moving forward. She gets out of the truck and tries to run into the woods, but Tony catches her.

"We're NCIS. It's alright." But she proceeds to struggle out of his grasp.

"Daphne! Daphne, talk to us!" She turns around to face me, revealing a bruise by her eye. "Oh, God. What happened?"

She continues to sob.

"Is it Greg? Are you looking for him?" Her cries soften slightly.

Tony keeps a hold on her. "We know he's your boyfriend. That's why we're looking for you, okay?" He assures the young woman calmly.

"Where is he?"

My eyes meet Tony's.

"Are you. . .are you pregnant, Daphne?" I ask her.

"Five months." She swallows tightly. "Greg's hiding from my daddy. You know where he is?"

All I can do is let out a breath.

That seems to be enough for her. "Greg's dead, isn't he?"

We call off the search team the next morning and arrest Captain Newell before he can kill Rit Everett for murdering his only brother.

By the time we reach the building, I notice a vase full of fresh flowers sitting on my desk. There's even a note.

Beautiful flowers for an even more beautiful girl.

– t.d.

My lips curve up in a smile, and I slip the note back into the flowers.

"Oh!" Kate walks in, McGee right behind her. "Eva, those flowers are just gorgeous."

"Who are they from?" McGee asks me.

"A secret admirer."

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