TEN | emergency contact

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"You're telling me I need to change both of my emergency contacts?" I question the man on the other end. "I don't see why one isn't enough."

"The only number listed in your contacts died eight months ago." He answers.

I scoff at his reason. "So what? I'm sure Mrs. Neilson would fly out here if the situation called for it." What am I even saying?

"Just please submit two other contacts before the end of the week, otherwise I'll need to make another phone call."

"Well, thanks for the warning. I'll be blocking your number." I slam my finger on the end button and throw my cellphone into my top drawer, locking it for eternity.

Or however long it takes for the battery to die.

"So, you need two emergency contacts, huh?" Tony beams pridefully, puffing his chest out. "I'll be one of your emergency contacts."

"Kate!" I snap around, facing the only other female agent.

"Sure. I'll be your emergency contact." She waves it off. "Mostly because I need to put someone else down, so I was going to pick you."

"It's a deal." We shake hands in agreement.

Tony clears his throat, pointing to himself once again. "You still need another contact."

"Look, Tony. No offense, but I'd rather —" I trip over a discarded bin and almost fall.

Except Tony's arm around my waist keeps me from face-planting to the carpeted ground.

"Care to finish your statement?" Without looking, he tosses a paper ball into the bin, making it inside effortlessly.

"Alright, fine." I come back to a standing position. "I'll list you as my other emergency contact. Happy?"

"More than words can say."

Gibbs charges into the room with. . .two cups of coffee.

"Want to know what your first job is as my emergency contact?" I look up at him.

Tony rolls up his sleeves confidently. "I am ready for anything."

"Figure out why the hell Gibbs has two cups of coffee." I nod towards our silver-haired boss.

"That's a question that may have to remain unsolved." He shudders at the sight.

"We have a possible execution-style murder of a Navy Lieutenant Commander in Grayson County." Gibbs announces. "Call Ducky."

"You'll be happy to know I have call waiting."

"Please don't make a big deal out of this, Tony."

The local sheriff at the crime scene takes a quick liking to Gibbs. Once we're finished with the victim, Wayne Julius, Tony and I venture off to search his apartment.

"Oh, God. Who the heck decorated this place?" I grimace at the tiger stripes on different forms of furniture.

"Siegfried and Roy?" Tony stands in front of a black and white portrait of a tiger.

I move into the dining area while Tony situates himself in the living room.

"Ah, yeah. Nice gear." He moves over to the work desk. "Hey, what do you think of this?"

I discard the mail, most of them just unpaid bills, and go to him. He points to the post-it note, trying to read off the word.


"Tony, it says I got too many."

He chuckles in slight embarrassment. "Yeah. Thanks. What do you think that means?" Tony poses an inquiry.

"No clue." I shrug. "Ooh, I see we have very different tastes in music."

The stack of Cyndi Lauper CDs reveals a lot about a person.

"Evaline, he got too many." Tony calls out from within Julius' bedroom.

I set aside the cases and go in as well, gasping at the sight.

"Now this is pretty close to something you'd find in Hannibal Lecter's room."

There are lunch boxes everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

"They're collectibles." Tony gazes around the room.

"But of all things, why lunch boxes?"

"Well, so he has an unusual hobby. My grandfather collected buttons." Tony tells me. "He always said, 'Anybody could collect coins or stamps. But buttons. . .'" His eyes widen. "Oh! It's a Magnum, P.I. lunch box!" His hands clutch the lunch box. "Mag Pi. I love Magnum, P.I.. You know, I had one of these in elementary school. Tom Selleck was the man!"

"So something as old as that lunch box could be worth something."

"Probably. Hey, wait a min —"

"These could have been a motive."

"Lunch box deal gone bad?" He snickers at the ridiculous yet plausible thought. "I think I may know what those numbers were on the computer post-it." Tony announces.

He logs onto our victim's eBay account.

"He buys and sells lunch boxes on eBay. We can check his feedback rating, see if anyone has a beef with him."

Tony manages to find the customer ratings, which end up being a whopping 100%.

Lunch box motive, out.

When we come back, Kate informs us that Gibbs is in a video conference with Sheriff Dupray, a.k.a. the sheriff who's in love with him.

Apparently, there's been another execution-style murder two counties away.

"Ugh!" Kate slams down her phone. "I called the county clerk's office to see about getting the records sent over, and I get a recording." She stands up from behind her desk, making her way over to mine. "And the recording tells me to call another number, which I do, which gives me another recording that directs me to dial the first number I called."

"It is way too early in the morning for this." I run a hand through my hair.

She turns around, her eyes widening slightly. "Big mistake turning off the cellphone."

It's Sheriff Dupray.

"Ah, Charley." Tony is quick to greet her. "Almost didn't recognize you."

"Like getting out of that uniform." She carries in a box. "Evidence from the other murder. Special delivery."

"Gibbs know about your visit?" He is going to hate this so much.

"It's a surprise. Now, speaking of Jethro, where is he?" She searches for her new beau.

"Right here." Gibbs gives her a small smile.

"Surprised to see me?"

"Oh, yeah. Yeah. 'Surprised' is one word that does come into mind."

"Come on, you two." Kate drags me and Tony away from the two, possibly to give them some privacy.

Or so we couldn't comment on Dupray's failed attempts at flirting with the boss. By the time the two get back, it's already dark.

"Do you have something to say?" Gibbs asks.

The three of us respond simultaneously. "No." We turn back, the smirks on our faces vanishing instantly.

"What've we got here?"

"Well, these photos are almost carbon copies of the ones I took in Grayson County." Kate clicks through the various crime scene photos.

"Charley even put together a profile for our serial killer." I mention. "Pretty sweet of her, don't you think, Gibbs?" The look he gives me could send me six feet under.

Tony reads off the profile. "White male, age 25 to 34, of at least average intelligence, possibly a military background."

"Also makes reference to a subtype of a serial killer, the mission-oriented type. He seeks out a specific group that he believes the world would be better without." Kate describes the specific type.

"Doesn't narrow it down much."

"They also recovered a slug, .9 milimeter hollow point. Too bad it's too damaged to try and match."

"Does it say anything about the bullet having six sharp claws?"

"No. But they don't have access to the equipment that we do."

"Abby'll probably be able to confirm it easily."

"Here's something you don't read every day." Tony frowns down at the case file. "One of the patrolmen noticed a wet patch of ground. Someone took a whiz on the side of the road."

"While they were waiting for a car to come along." Gibbs assumes.

"They dug up the whole patch, sealed it, tagged it, and sent it for DNA analysis."


"Hasn't been tested yet because of a backlog at the state lab."

"Get them to send it to Abby." The boss turns to leave. "And remember, two killings don't make a serial killer."

Well, by the next morning, the number of killings goes up to three, which means our guy is officially a serial killer.

Ducky confirms the time of death to be yesterday afternoon, meaning we're dealing with two killers: the real and the copycat.

At first, we suspect the victim's wife, Laura Seeger, seeing as she has an obvious motive from their nasty divorce. But she has a solid alibi with video footage of her at the bank at the time of death.

Nonetheless, we got a search warrant for her home.

"I don't understand." Laura stands at the door as we enter one by one. "You said that my alibi checked out."

"It did. . .for the murder of your husband."

"This warrant is for the murder of David Truly." Tony clarifies.

She looks between each one of us. "I don't even know who that is."

"David Truly was killed on U.S. Highway 58. Your DNA was found at the crime scene." Yup. Charley's with us, too.

"That's impossible."

"Not according to the lab test results."

"What DNA did you find?"

"Oh, you know, nature called as you waited for a car to come by."

"You, as a woman yourself, should know that women don't urinate on the side of the road!" She spits out venomously. "Do they, Agent Todd?"

Kate just shrugs.

"Someone is trying to set me up!"

"So, you're saying that someone stole your urine while you weren't looking?"

"Yes! I've given two urine samples in the last month at Oceana Base Clinic. Once for my annual physical and once because Jimmy's lawyer accused me of using drugs."

Well, it really does take two to tango since we have twin killers. Laura Seeger and her sister Linda.

"This whole thing was like a magic trick." I relax into my chair, happy to be done with another case.

"You know what's a magic trick?" Tony leans forward. "How I got you to list me down as one of your emergency contacts."

Kate chuckles at my steaming expression. "Now that is a mystery I'll never be able to solve."

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