THIRTY SEVEN | the smiths

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Tony sits at the dining table, sipping his morning cup of coffee. I, however, ignore breakfast and focus on playing around with the new gadget.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

My cheeks tint red at his compliment. "I'm sure you tell that to all your women after a wonderful night of sex and cuddles."

"Damn it, darling." His hand slams against the glass table, and an expression of hurt and determination shows.

"I was only kidding." I take his hand in my own. "Although, I wouldn't mind more compliments."

"Where should I start?"

He twirls his hand, now holding onto my hand, before pressing kisses up my arm. However, I push him away softly and focus on switching the lenses of the sunglasses.

"Shall we play some music, dear? Perhaps something with a heavy beat?"

Tony catches onto the message and grabs the remote. Heavy rock metal begins to play, drowning out our voices in its midst.

"Thank you, Ziva, for the magic glasses." I slip on the eyewear, reading the various light spectrums existing across the street.

Tony leans forward against the table. "What do we got?"

"The usual stalkers." A red laser beam points directly into our room.

"Location, Eva." Gibbs speaks from the comm.

"They are in. . . " I squint my eyes in the direction. ". . .the very top floor, northwest corner of the building. Laser's trained right into our room."

"I can't believe your sunglasses can detect different light spectrums. I mean, that's amazing."

"Thank Ziva. She's the one who bought them behind my back."

"It was my pleasure, Eva."

Gibbs steps in to end our conversation. "DiNozzo, we're going to need a diversion."

"I think we can manage something, boss." A glint of mischief flashes across his eyes, to which I release a sigh.

"We're gonna have more sex, aren't we?"

Tony strips off my clothes and pulls me into bed where we pretend to have sex. To make it more believable, he proceeds to do pushups on top of me.

"I don't know. . ." He grunts. ". . .how much longer. . ." A drop of sweat slides down his cheek. "I can keep this up. . ..boss."

"Only three more to a hundred." I peck his lips each time he lowers down. "Two. . ."

"We're in position, DiNozzo. Give it a big finish."

". . .one."

Tony collapses on top of me, bringing my lips in for a passionate kiss. I melt into his touch and shut my eyes from the pure bliss of just kissing him.

Once our team confronts the other, it's revealed that the other team belongs to the F.B.I..

What a surprise.

The two of us sit beside each other on the couch. He opts to watch some romcom movies, and I read a book.

"Choose a movie." He tosses the remote onto my lap.

"I'll pass." I throw it back to him.

"This is the first time in a long time you and I have had the chance to sit down and do something."

"As we portray Mr. and Mrs. Smith from the movie."

"So what? We're the Smiths. You don't think they watched movies together?"

He will not let this go until I agree to watch a movie with him. So I close the book and place it on the coffee table before cuddling into his side.

"Speaking of the Smiths, shall we watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith?" His arm curls around my back, pulling me even closer to him.

I hum in thought. "Sounds good to me."

One of the agents who was stalking us, Maya, arrives in our hotel room dressed as a maid. She "cleans" our room by removing the listening devices they had installed.

"Sophie Ranier had a bun in the oven before she was killed." Abby informs me, and I can practically feel the smirk laced on her face.

I roll my eyes. "Of course the one time I get to go undercover, I have to be pregnant."

"Good news is you get to tell Tony he's gonna be your baby daddy."

"Bad news is I have to tell Tony he's gonna be my baby daddy."

Hesitantly, I step out of the bathroom to see Tony flipping through my book. Maya must have left already.

"Any news from Abby, sweetheart?"

"According to the quirky scientist, I'm pregnant. And it's yours."

"You're. . .you're pregnant?" Tony's eyes widen in surprise.

"No, no, Sophie Ranier is pregnant." I assures him. "Abby just called and told me after going through her bloodwork."

Tony immediately lets me go, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Good to know."

Before I can respond, the cellphone from the Bible begins to ring. I pick it up and check the number, only to realize it's blocked.

"Your turn." I hand him the cellphone.

Our man tells Tony to meet in the lobby in exactly an hour so we can negotiate a raise for the added risk of the mission. He tells us to look for a black Lincoln.

Gibbs and Fornell set up a team with four unmarked vehicles outside the hotel and McGee and Ziva just across the street.

"Tony, Eva, get ready to roll. Hour's almost up."

"Roger that, boss."

My skirt rests high up at my thigh as I strap a holster for my gun. While I set my weapons into place, I notice Tony's lurking gaze.

I let the skirt drop into place to conceal the gun on my leg. "What are you doing, Tony?"

"Just trying to picture you pregnant." He steps closer towards me.

"So you mean fat, swollen, and cranky?" I cock a brow. "Just leave me in a Vegas poker bar for a day, and you'll see it for yourself."

"It's my job as the father." He sits on the armrest of the sofa across the room. "After all, it's one of the greatest responsibilities a man receives."

"What if it's not your baby?"

"What if she didn't know?"

My head shakes. "She definitely knew."

"So why take this contract?" His hands slip into his deep pockets. "Why put her unborn child in danger?"

"Children can get quite expensive. But bullets cost close to nothing." I run my finger over the edge of the knife.

He nods his head, staring down at the carpet.

"Tony, this meeting's very likely a trap." I wipe down his gun, not knowing what else to do as an attempt to pass the time.

"And like I said before." His eyes lock with my own. "I'll always be there for you."

We report back to the rest of the team as we head towards the elevator. Gibbs leaves it up to the two of us to call it whenever we think it's needed.

Tony runs to hold open the door, allowing me to walk in first. A bellhop stands towards the back of the lift, a used tray of food beside him.

The lift barely reaches the level below when we hear a gun cock. "You're getting off here."

We try to reach for our weapons, but the doors open to reveal an unfamiliar man.

"Not a wise choice, Mr. and Mrs. Ranier." I recognize the voice as the man who has been calling us with instructions. "Weapons."

"No need for three armed escorts. We could have come down to the third level ourselves." I reluctantly hand over my weapons, although I keep the knife at my waist.

"Our location and our number in two sentences." He applauds mockingly. "It's too bad your friends can't hear you."

The fake bellboy raises a radio transmitter. "You're being jammed."

"Bring them to my room." The leader instructs his two men. "If they resist. . .shoot the woman."

Once we arrive in the room, Tony and I are tied back-to-back. The bellboy removes our earwigs and smashes them, eliminating all communication with the team.

Every time Tony opens his mouth with a sarcastic remark, the tall man with the luscious blond hair punches him across the cheek.

They keep asking us for the location of some disk, meaning they don't know we're just NCIS agents portraying the married assassins.

"I will tell you where the disk is. . .if you let my husband go."

He picks a deadly knife off the table. "You will tell us either way." His fingers trace the sharp edge.

"Why don't you two take a moment. . .consider your options."

The three walk out of the room, leaving me and Tony to talk about our next plan.

He twists his head back to somewhat look at me. "The Raniers obviously stole something they want, and you're gonna give it to them."

"I would if we had it." I remind him of the one flaw in his plan.

"You're gonna tell them it's in our hotel room," Tony's head rolls to the side, revealing blotchy blood stains across his face, "and that the only way they're gonna find it is if you show them. McGee and Ziva should be waiting for us in there."

"Tony, the second I leave. . ." A shaky sigh falls off my lips. "The second I leave, they'll put a bullet through your head."

"I didn't say it was a perfect plan."

Two of the three men return, ready to kill us if they have to.

"Did you know. . .the Peruvians make blades so sharp, some people can't even feel the initial incision." His fingers curl around my throat, and my breath hitches. He painfully knocks my head back against the chair.

However, Tony interrupts. "Stop. The disk's in our hotel room."

"Don't listen to him. He's —"

"Where is it?"

"She has to show you. You'll never find it without her. Even if you kill us."

They untie me from my binds.

"Your only mistake was going after one last big payday. You got greedy." He conceals his pistol under his coat.

"You try paying the bills when pregnant." I rub my red wrists.

"Really? Congratulations." He stares my figure up and down. "Boy or girl?"

I swallow back nervously. "My husband and I would like to be surprised."

"That's the best way, believe me." He chuckles eagerly. "How many months?"

"Three." Tony answers this time. "I've been counting the days of daily morning sickness."

"I hated to see my wife go through it." He gazes over at Tony. "But believe me, it's all worth it in the end."

Before he forces me out of the room, I look at Tony once, which could be the last time I stare into his eyes alive.

Once we arrive in the hotel room, Gibbs knocks the man cold while Fornell and McGee have already taken care of the bellboy.

Back in the other hotel room, Tony — while still in his chair — has the escort on the ground in an unconscious state.

"Car's parked out front." I press the ice pack against the back of my head. "Woah, headrush."

Abby is quick to pick me right back up, letting me use her body as support. "Poor kids had a rough stay in the hotel."

"She's my girlfriend, guys. I think I can drive us to her place." Tony stumbles out of his chair but takes over for Abby.

"Very well done today, Mr. Smith."

"You as well, Mrs. Smith."

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