THREE | green eyes

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"Just accept the fact that you two are going to get lost." Tony warns me and Kate.

We share a suspicious look as to his foreshadowing.

"Why do you assume we're going to?" Kate questions.

"Because everyone does." While Tony begins to babble, Gibbs looks back at us. "A carrier is a big and confusing place first time on board."

The two of us nod our heads. "Duly noted."

"Numbers are stenciled on the bulkheads. First one tells you the deck level. They're called bullseyes. The second one, the frame number. Third tells you the compartment's position in relation to the ship's centerline. The last letter tells you what the space is used for."

"Crossing from port to starboard or starboard to port isn't as simple as going straight across."

"Sometimes you gotta go up one deck and down another."

"Or down one deck and up another."

"Sometimes two."

"It's frustrating."

"Not to mention confusing. But you two will get the hang of it."

"After you get lost a few times."

Gibbs and Tony go back and forth multiple times until they run out of things to say.

"College was never this confusing." I whisper to Kate. "But whatever. I'm just excited to meet this Stan Burley I've heard so much about. And how he's got Tony's panties twisted."

Tony shoots me a look, to which I smirk in victory.

Once we are aboard the COD, we fly to the ship. The sudden drop is startling but manageable. On the ship, Burley himself leads us to our quarters.

Of course, clumsy me trips over the second-to-last step on the staircase.

"Careful there." Luckily, Burley catches my arm at the last second before I can fall face first.

I let out a tight breath. "Thanks." And then I notice his eyes. "Huh. You have green eyes."

"Had them my whole life." He jokes.

"I'm a sucker for green eyes." I trail behind him into the room. "Always have been, always will be."

"Evaline?" Gibbs speaks up, interrupting my daydream moment.

I clear my throat and grab my notepad. "Right." Kate raises a brow in my direction. "Let's go visit Petty Officers Niles and Shrewe."

After getting lost a few times and ending up in the men's room, we finally reach deck five berthing.

Only to walk in on a shirtless man.

Actually, three shirtless guys.

"Deck five berthing?" Kate reads off of the palm of her hand.

One of the guys slips on a plain white shirt. "Yes, ma'am."

"Finally." I lean against the doorframe, winking at a guy in the back.

"Ma'ams, it's S.O.P. women are supposed to announce themselves in designated male quarters of the ship." He stuffs his shirt into the waistband of his cargo pants.

We raise our badges in sync. "NCIS Special Agents Kate Todd and Evaline Giudice."

"Is that good enough for you?" I smile sarcastically. "So, care to tell us where Petty Officers Shrewe and Niles are? It's kinda important."

"Well, I haven't seen Shrewe lately, but Niles just went to work out in the hangar bay."

"Hangar bay. . ."

"Deck one, frame number 150. The compartment next to Usage Q."

"So, what's your — hey!" Kate drags me out before I can say anything. "I was trying to have a conversation, and you impolitely ruined it." I grumble out.

She rolls her eyes. "That crewman looked almost five years older than you. I was doing you a favor."

"I'm gonna go look for Petty Officer Shrewe. Think you can handle Niles?"

"As long as you don't flirt your way into trouble."

Of course, the search doesn't take too long seeing as Shrewe had been out on the flight deck in the middle of a landing.

"Well, you never know for certain," The onboard doctor shuts the door for some privacy, "but I don't think he's in any real danger now. I've got him pretty heavily sedated."

"What does it look like?" Gibbs takes the lead.

"I really won't know until the tox report comes through."

"I appreciate that, doc, but I don't have time to wait for a tox report." He argues. "With your considerable experience, what's your best guess?"

He infers, "It looks like the same situation we have with Petty Officer Wilkes. Methamphetamines, most likely."

"Chronic, long term use?"

"With his symptoms, it would have to be."

"Yet his last random piss test was negative, just like Petty Officer Wilkes."

"It doesn't make any sense."

"When can I talk to him?" Before the doctor can answer, Gibbs says, "Let me make it easier for you, doc: 1500. Consciousness will make the interview go much smoother."

Gibbs, Burley, and I watch the flight deck videos while Tony ransacks Shrewe's bunk and Kate visits the urinalysis coordinator. Midway, he sends me off to check on the others.

As if they can't do their job on their own.

Of course, I'm immediately proven wrong when I see Tony getting in Petty Officer Niles' face.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I got in between the two men, my body turned towards Tony. "Back up."

Neither of them move a muscle.

"Back up, Tony. Now."

He does as I say, but his eyes never leave Niles'. Once I notice that Shrewe's bunk is completely disarrayed, I pull him out of the compartment.

We halt in an empty hallway, and I turn to him. "What the hell was that, Tony?"

"Two of their guys have meth in their bloodstreams, yet he has the audacity to tell me no one in the crew takes drugs." He spits out aggressively.

"Well, what if no one is taking drugs? What if he's telling the truth?" I retort. "It's our job to find out the truth, and you getting in trouble with the petty officers isn't helping anything."

Tony finally looks down at me, our eyes locking.

"I have green eyes, too, you know."

"Yeah. Yeah, you do."

After Petty Officer Wilkes' unfortunate death last night, the four of us meet up on a balcony to discuss the case as a group of personnel inspect the flight deck.

Gibbs sends Burley to inform me and Tony to talk to the air boss about his take on Chief Petty Officer Reyes.

"Chief Reyes is one of the most committed men I've ever worked with."

"From the looks of it, he runs his crew pretty hard."

"And they appreciate him for it." The air boss waits for us to climb up the stairs.

"Aside from the two incidents," Tony pushes himself up, "have you noticed anything out of the ordinary the past few weeks?"

"Not unless you consider a fifty percent above average performance out of the ordinary."

"Quite an impressive record."

"With two new guys, he's falling behind a little, but that's expected." From above, we watch Reyes and his team warm up for practice drills. "He'll get 'em up to speed. He always does."

I frown at the strict shouts. "But what's the point of getting them up to speed if they're going home after a rescue mission?"

"Because that's Chief Reyes, ma'am."

Reyes shouts out one of his men who fell to the ground during the exercise.

This guy makes Gibbs seem like a Golden Retriever.

Back at NCIS, Ducky video-calls us with a possibility of how Petty Officer Wilkes died. He even provides us with a demonstration using his assistant, Gerald.

Gibbs and Burley go to sick bay, Kate talks to a few corpsmen, and Tony and I talk to Abby.

"So, Wilkes' urine was clean. No nasty metabolites, no additives." Is the first thing she says. "There's just one tiny problem."

"There always is."

"Look at this." She matches up Shrewe and Wilkes' urine results. "It's the exact same urine as Petty Officer Shrewe."

Now, that catches our attention. Tony and I share a glance at the discovery.

"Looks like someone's been switching out their samples."

Tony shoots up from his seat. "Urinalysis coordinator."

"Possible." I cross my arms over my chest. "Or, you know, it could be the 25 other masters-at-arms he's been using to monitor the. . .sampling."

"We need to look at the records of all the people on pee patrol." He announces.

"How long have you been waiting to say that one?"

"Two days."

As we make our way to the lab, Tony and I fight over which way to go.

"Fine. You go in your direction, and I'll go in mine." I pose a challenge. "Just don't start crying when you figure out you're wrong."

"Be my guest, sweetheart."

Of course, I'm right.

I bring over the files to our quarters where Tony stands in defeat. He slips on a pair of gloves and gets started on the test pouches.

"So, Evaline, what'd you do before NCIS?" Burley asks.

I flip through another set of records. "President's private investigator."

"Woah." He nods his head ever so slightly. "And before that?"


"Had to go back after flunking out?" Tony looks over at me, a teasing look plastered across his face.

"Nope." I pop my lips on the 'p'. "Got my bachelor's and master's at twenty saved the President's life at twenty-one." I grab another box off the top shelf. "And here I am at NCIS, less than a year later."

Tony stares at me in bewilderment before Gibbs snaps him back to reality.

"The way it works is simple." Tony gets started on the test, dictating the process and what the result should look like if it has meth.

But it doesn't.

The next morning, we find more of the Alert capsule substance inside Reyes' locker, but it still doesn't have any drugs in it.

However, the ones Petty Officer Niles had turn out to contain meth.

"They've been telling the truth all along." Kate rubs the side of her face. "They were getting hooked, and they didn't even know they were using."

"You must be pretty sick to give your own team speed." I shake my head in disbelief.

That very afternoon, we catch the Lieutenant covering up urine tests as well as Reyes passing off some caffeine pills to Petty Officer Niles.

"It was very nice meeting you, Stan." I shake his hand, leaving with Tony to get onto the aircraft.

"Didn't give him your number?"

"Of course not. Green eyes aren't the only thing I look for in a man."

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