TWENTY NINE | car explosion

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I sigh in content, giggling every so often. "Oh, first day back is the absolute best."

"Well, even though it technically isn't, I have to agree with you on that." Tony chuckles to himself while peppering my jaw and cheeks with feathery kisses.

"I could get used to this." I bring his lips in for a proper kiss. "So, are we telling the others about us? Or should we be discrete?"

"Let them figure it out. We can have some fun for once."

As soon as the elevator doors open, Tony and I pull away from each other and walk out simultaneously.

"Last time I checked, you each have another week of sick leave coming. Should have stayed home."

"And good morning to you, too, boss."

Kate greets me with a hug. "Being the only girl here has been awful."

"At least you didn't have to take care of DiNozzo. And have him take care of you." I can't help the smile that makes its way onto my face.

Next is the probationary agent.

"McGoo Bear!" I launch myself onto the agent.

He hugs me back. "Oh, Eva, it's great to have you back."

"How has it felt not to have the senior agent breathing down your neck every second of the day?"

"Like a well-deserved vacation."

Soon, we are on the road to a crime scene. Two sailors shot and killed at gunpoint while in their car on Route 17.

Kate and I shoot and sketch the crime scene in the car while Tony and McGee talk to the officers at the crime scene.

"Boss! State cops ran the Mustang's plates." Tony comes jogging down the hill. "It's a rental car out of Dulles Airport. I got a call into this —"

And now he's rolling down the hill, stopping right at my feet.


"Are you okay?" Gibbs hands me a bloody rag to bag and tag.

Tony blinks, staring down at the grass. "Just trying to catch my breath."

"You should have taken the extra week off, DiNozzo." Gibbs charges up the hill to check on Ducky, leaving the three of us with the car.

"Alright. Come here." I hold out my hands for him, but he ends up pulling me back down to the ground. "Well, thanks for the ride, but I was trying to help you."

"You looked a little lonely up there." He clasps his hands over my elbows and kisses me.


"Way to ruin the moment, Kate." Tony glances up at her.

She shrugs her shoulders. "After two years of chasing each other, you finally got together. It's a milestone."

I stand up to my feet and help him up off the ground. When I dust my pants off, I notice a stick-like object moving around Kate's shoe.

"S-S-S —"

"She's crazy? Yeah, I know."

Kate smacks him upside his head in response.

"N-No." I move to stand behind Tony. "There's a snake. A very, very, very big snake curling around Kate's foot."

She gasps when she sees the reptile. "Tell me it isn't poisonous."

"I think it is."

The young agent shakes as it slithers further around her leg. "Ew, what is it doing?"

"Wrapping around your leg."

"Thank you for stating the obvious, Tony."

"Do something, Tony. Please!"

"I'll try and grab it. Just don't make any sudden movements, alright?" Tony carefully bends down to the ground beside her foot.

He manages to catch the snake by its neck.

"Oh, cool, a corn snake." McGee joins us by the car. "Can I hold him?"

"No!" Kate blurts out. "Tony says it's poisonous."

McGee looks at her, eyes narrowed. "Uh, no, actually they're-they're not, Kate."

"Yeah, they are, McGee."

It doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here.

"Damn it, Tony." I elbow him in the abdomen, knocking him onto his back. "I thought you were done with the heroically stupid stunts."

"Well, didn't you think I was the bravest person in the world for a second?"

". . .maybe."

I grab the keys to the vehicle and move to the back, about to unlock the trunk. "Kate, continue shooting. I'm gonna see if there's anything in the trunk."

"Nobody touches the dead bodies until Ducky says all clear." Kate reminds the three of us.

Just before I can fully twist the key, Tony shouts, "Freeze, Eva! Don't move!" He struggles to stand up as I stay as still as possible. "The car's wired to explode. It looks like the detonator is tied to the trunk."

"I just can't seem to avoid death, can I?"

"How far did you turn the key?" Kate questions.

I try to recall my thoughts, but most of it is blurred by the suddenness of the situation. "Close to all the way."

"Okay. Don't let it snap all the way back." Tony wraps his hands around mine, his fingers pinching the top of the key. "Now, let go."

"Let go? I'm not letting go of the key so you can die here when you let it go."

"And you think I'm letting you stay out here alone?" Our eyes lock, and I feel fear rush through my body. "Go. Run. I'm a lot faster than you think I am. I promise, I will be right behind you. This is not up for debate, Eva." His voice is stern, similar to Gibbs.

Before he can say another word, I press a long kiss to his lips, hoping to God we make it out. Kate, McGee, and I run up the hill, about to alert Gibbs of what happened.

"It's the car!"

"It's wired to —"

The car explodes behind us, consumed by flames within seconds. A few pieces of debris fly up into the air, but other than that, none of us are injured."

"Where's Tony?" I look back but don't see him. "Tony? Tony!"

From a few feet away, near the ledge, there's a stifled coughing. Tony emerges, his pace slow but sure as he lies back down.

"I should have taken that week off."

Back at headquarters, Tony and I head straight down to Autopsy for an impromptu checkup from Ducky.

"Tony's the one that was about to get blown up down there, not me." I hold some gauze against a cut on my cheek.

Ducky sighs, grabbing some sanitation tools to clean it up. "You're anemic, Eva. Even a small cut can be detrimental to your health."

"But do you have to take more blood?" A few whimpers escape as I see the needle in his hand. "I really don't think. . ." When I stand up, I feel myself swaying. "Wow, why's the room spinning?"

Tony pulls me back down next to him. "You should have taken the extra week."

"No, you should take the extra week." I poke a finger into his shoulder.

"Both of you should have taken the extra week." Ducky cuts me in. "Neither of you are well enough to return to work, yet here you are."

As soon as I feel well enough, I give standing up a second try. "See? I am perfectly fine. Second time's the charm." But I use the tables to navigate my way through. "Do you think —"

"I already called Abby to set up the cot in her lab."

"Thank you!"

I use the elevator to go up to Forensics, seeing one of my favorite people in the world.

"Really hope you missed me while I was gone." I lean against the doorframe, arms crossed over my chest as I smirk.

"Oh, Eva, you're finally back!" Abby launches herself onto me, but exploding cars can be really draining. I stumble back a bit. "Did I hurt you? What's wrong?"

"I'm just a little sore. Very sore. And dizzy." I brace myself against the fridge.

Together, we lie down on the cot next to the fridge, basking in the refreshing cold air. She places her stuffed hippo between us before propping herself on her elbow.

"So, you and Tony. . .how's that going?"

With my eyes closed, I smile to myself. "We've just been taking care of each other. I've been monitoring his breathing, he's been tracking my food intake." Those three weeks we spent together we're a bliss.

"Speaking of food. . ." Stuffing her hand into her pocket, she pulls something out. "Granola bar?"

"How'd you know it's time for a granola bar?"

"Tony might have sent all of us the schedule."

"I'm gonna kill him."

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