TWENTY THREE | poison ivy

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"He did that? You're kidding me." Kate's jaw practically falls to the floor. "I mean, it's definitely kinky, but not at all romantic."

I prop my hands behind my head. "Perfect for a woman not looking for a relationship. But it's a one-time thing."

"Whatcha talking about?"

"God! What the hell?" Kate and I gasp in surprise, looking back to see Tony crouched in front of Kate's desk, clinging to her lamp with a curious expression.

"Again. . ." He raises his eyebrows suggestively. "Whatcha talking about?"

"None of your business. Now, go back to your desk." Kate tries to shoo him away, but like a hungry cat, he keeps coming back.

This time, he props himself up on her desk. "Another man? Another woman? Some kind of root vegetable, perhaps?" God, Tony.

"Leave me and Kate to our private conversation, please." I request pleadingly.

Was it me? Tony mouths when Kate's busy applying some chapstick.

I roll my eyes, Maybe.

Am I that good that you need to talk about me behind my back? Tony starts to get cocky.

She called you kinky, not romantic, Tony. I shoot him a look. That pretty much embodies what our relationship is. Or lack thereof.

That shuts him up right away.

"Where's Gibbs when you need him?" Kate refers to Tony still standing there.

Right on schedule, Gibbs comes in. "Eva, gas the truck. McGee, get Ducky."

"Uh," McGee grabs ahold of the telephone, "what do you want me to say to him, boss?"

"We have a dead Marine in Shenandoah River State Park." He grabs his coat and is already headed towards the elevator.

Park Ranger Kett goes over the victim's ID and the two others who were camping with him.

"Wonder where McGee and Kate went." I trek through the long pieces of grass in the woods.

"Probably passed out on the side of the trail sucking their thumbs." Tony comments. "I'd say we have roughly seven minutes before they catch up with us."

It takes everything in me to not roll my eyes. "Tony, if you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting —"

"And what do you think I'm suggesting, Eva?"

He pulls me to a secluded area of the woods just a few feet away from the trail.

"This is exactly what I thought you were suggesting."

Without another word, he pushes me up against a tree, his lips leaving a trail of kisses across my neck and jaw.

"Don't seem to be complaining much." He chuckles against my ear.

"Woah, you're gonna make us —" The two of us fall over into a bush. "Damn it, Tony."

But he continues to kiss me, as if nothing ever happened.

"Where do you think they went?"

I reluctantly pull away from him, my hand resting against his chest. "We have to go, T."

"Just another minute, E." Tony attempts to resume his duties, but I push him down.

"They couldn't have gone that far. Eva, maybe, but Tony hasn't been to a gym since the '90s." And with that, the two of us walk back onto the trail.

"Took you guys long enough." I wave at them.

Tony looks McGee up and down, his eyes narrowing. "What did you say about me and the gym?"

Before anything can happen between the two, I drag Tony up the hill to the crime scene. Ducky and Jimmy are already up there, noting down preliminary observations of the body.

"Eva, would you get back up here?" Tony calls down to me. "You're gonna fall to your death."

Great encouragement, DiNozzo.

"What's the issue, Tony? Jimmy's down here, too." I continue to snap pictures of the body while the M.E.'s assistant looks for further injuries.

McGee yells out quite loudly. "Boss! Found the camcorder!"

Once I've snapped a few pictures of it in the water, I climb back up the rocky slope. Before I can make it all the way up, Tony's hand grips my arm tightly, helping me the rest of the way.

"You have got to stop worrying about me."

"I worry about all my teammates, 'kay?"

In Autopsy, Ducky finds a wood splinter in Sergeant Moore's head, which Abby determines is from a splintered baseball bat.

During our discussion of Sergeant Moore's profile, McGee and Tony keep fighting with each other over the silliest, stupidest things. Kate and I are left to watch in annoyance.

Of course, that all ends when they criticize Kate about hanging with married couples.

"Okay, so what you're saying is that all of my married male friends secretly want to sleep with me." She accuses them. "Eva, come on, you've gotta side with me on this one. Can't men and women just be friends?"

"Oh, yeah, Kate, tota. . ." From the corner of my eye, I notice Tony raises his brows. "Sure. Sometimes." I nod my head. "Rarely." The three of us burst out into laughter.

She groans out in frustration. "I swear, I do not get paid enough for this."

"For what, Kate?" Gibbs carries in a second cup of coffee as well as Abby's Caf-POW!.

"Uh, nothing." She clicks the remote, showing the pictures of Moore's wife and his best friend. "I, um, we are just discussing potential suspects."

"Focusing on the sergeant's best friend and wife, boss." Tony reports diligently, scratching at the back of his neck, before he and McGee laugh again.

Kate crumples the file in her hands, to which I take over. "Let's go, Katers. Ignore the literal four-year-olds."

Abby is able to recover the footage from the camcorder. Moore and his friend confront their trailer neighbor to lower the music, only to be attacked.

Gibbs sends McGee and Tony back to the state park to figure out where the sergeant was killed before he was thrown off the cliff. Kate and Gibbs go out to find the abusive trailer neighbor.

"You have been scratching your neck, jaw, and cheeks for a while now." Abby comments, glancing back at me through a CD reflection.

"It's been happening ever since. . ." I wince at the itchy feeling, "we got back from the state park. I really don't like having to scratch it the whole time."

Forcing me to pull my hands away, she tilts my neck to the side. "It's starting to get a little red. I'd say poison ivy."

"How is that even possible, I didn't. . ."

Oh, shit.

"We're gonna need calamine lotion, aren't we?"


She sends me off with the lotion and a wet compress against my neck.

Tony looks at me with his brows knitted together. "What happened to you?"

"Poison ivy." I answer, which makes him start chuckling. "From the state park."

That makes him stop instantly. "No."

"Oh, yes, Tony. Yes, indeed."

Abby recovers another piece of the tape, this time a recording of Moore's wife and best friend getting pretty friendly with each other.

"Still think men and women can just be friends, Kate?" Tony mutters to her.

The six of us combined try to read their lips, but it's pretty difficult to do so on its own. Mix it with an unstable camera, and it's close to impossible.

Tony and I are both going through a rough phase of poison ivy, but McGee has it worse. God, it is so much worse.

Next morning, Tony and McGee leave to get Sergeant Caine, and Kate and I bring in Judy Moore.

"I don't mean to be rude, but couldn't you have just sent me my husband's personal effects, Agent Todd?" Judy asks her.

"Well, normally, we would have," Kate nods, "but that camera you bought him is pretty expensive."

"It still works?" She sounds surprised and a bit. . .guilty

Kate looks up at me. "Uh, sure. You could say that." I flash her a small smile. "Here's some water." I hand her a bottle.

"Thank you."

As we talk to Mrs. Moore, Tony pulls in an arrested Sergeant Caine. He takes her into Interrogation One while Kate and I settle Mrs. Moore into Interrogation Two.

Time for Musical Interrogation Rooms.

But unfortunately, it's neither of them. Although, quite a bit is revealed during the questioning.

Abby and McGee filter the last recorded piece, revealing our murderer to be David Runion, the trailer neighbor. After a very difficult arrest — which leads to killing the man — we return to headquarters with a new friend.

"Quick question." Abby pipes up. "How is it that Eva and Tony got poison ivy at the same time? I mean, McGee got it the second time after playing in the bushes."

Tony whistles a quiet tune whilst I pick at my fingernails. "We got a little side-tracked."

"I told Tony we were going the wrong way, but he wouldn't listen."

"Only after I suggested going the right way."

"As if!"

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