ZERO | wishful thinking

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The plane ride is smoother than I expected given three different teams working under one roof.

A formula for chaos.

"Excuse me." The annoying agent from earlier taps my shoulder. "You'll need to stand clear so I can take measurements for my crime scene sketches. Thanks."

Is he actually serious?

"If you couldn't tell from the sketchpad in my hand," I raise the notebook, "I'm doing my own sketches and measurements." My lips curve up in a sarcastically sweet smile.

His eyes run up and down my figure before stopping at my eyes. "Didn't know P.I.s knew how to sketch."

"Didn't know NCIS agents dabbled in wishful thinking."

Way to turn on the charm, Evaline.

"Anthony DiNozzo, Jr., at your service." He extends a gloved hand. "But you. . .can call me whatever — and whenever — you'd like."

I awe at his words. "Cute. You think that I find your type even remotely attractive."

"She's got you there, Tony." The M.E., Donald "Ducky" Mallard, speaks up.

"Ducky, you remind me greatly of my grandfather." I plop down on the couch, freeing the space for Tony to sketch and measure. "God, the stories he could tell us. And he'd go on for days."

"Sounds like our Ducky."

His glasses sit on the tip of his nose, close to falling off. "Now, that is a refreshing change. No one's rather fond of my tales."

I cross one leg over the other, glancing out the window. "When I first boarded this jet, I thought it looked exactly like the one in Air Force One." Tony tilts his head to the side. "You know, the one with Harrison Ford and the terrorists? The interior of this aircraft is modeled exactly like the one in the movie."

"That's what I said. That's exactly what I said." Tony points to himself, jabbing a finger into his own chest.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, DiNozzo."

At that very moment, Agent Todd runs down the aisle, a hand over her mouth, while Gibbs chases after her with an evidence bag in hand.

"Guess someone really needs to use the restroom."

While Agent Todd vomits her guts out, I explore the rest of the aircraft, completing my journey at the President's desk.

"You can't just sit at the President's desk because you feel like it." I glare daggers at Tony, who decided to make himself comfortable.

Tony squints his eyes. "You totally want to sit in the chair."

Damn it.

"Well, what if I do?"

"Pictures?" He holds up a camera.

Gibbs walks in and heads straight into the lavatory.

I roll my eyes before grabbing the camera out of his hand. "Fine."

"What'd you get?" Gibbs calls out from inside.

"Oh, food security's very tight — incognito purchases, randomly selected stores — no one knows they're buying for Air Force One." He pauses for a moment, leaning back in the chair and beaming brightly. "Stewards usually prepare all the food, but today the President had ribs and coleslaw," Tony poses once more, "flown in from a smokehouse in San Antonio."

The two of us switch places where he takes the camera and I sit in the chair.

Wow. I mouth at the comfort.

"So, they only reheated and served them." I lean back in the chair, my elbow on the armrest.

"Anybody else have ribs?" The water's running, meaning he's washing his hands.

I prop my arms on the desk, pretending to think about something.

We switch places again, pretending to mind our own businesses when the man comes back.

"If you two are through taking pictures of each other, maybe we can move that body aft." Without another word, Gibbs walks out of the room without even a glance.

By the time morning arrives, Agent Todd and I stay at NCIS headquarters with their team. Ducky clears the nearly homicidal case as food poisoning and a stroke.

"Let's hope you don't fall in love with me for however long I'm here." Gibbs assigns me a desk buddy, who happens to be none other than Tony.

"The real challenge is for you not to fall in love with me." He retorts rather defensively.

Gibbs offers Agent Todd a stick of gum, mostly to get her to stay a bit longer.

"When's the President returning?"

"Uh, tomorrow. Noon. Officer Giudice and I'll be flying back tonight to rejoin the detail." She nods in my direction.

"Mind if I tag along." He requests. "Please?"

I shift closer to Tony. "Something tells me he doesn't use that word very often."

"Try never."

"You can." Todd agrees to his pleads. "Your Sig Sauer can't. We have a rule: no weapons on Air Force One unless you're Secret Service." I clear my throat in an obvious manner. "Or cleared by the President himself."

Gibbs locks his gun away in his drawer and follows after Agent Todd.

"Very nice to meet you all, but I should be on my way." I flash a kind smile before catching the next vacant elevator.

"Wait!" Someone calls out. I look back to see Tony standing by the doors. "Wouldn't want to forget your coat." He hands me the garment.

"It'd give me a reason to come back."

Since I'm with Agent Todd and Gibbs, I'm not late in terms of catching the flight.

That's a first.

"Still not eating the food in here?" Gibbs stands to my right

I shake my head. "I'm not really in the mood to drop dead. But I'm sure it tastes great."

"Any differences between this plane and the other?" He looks around at the economy seated class, full of reporters and members of the press.

"Bathrooms are way tinier. Everything's locked with a standard key, unlike the digitized keypads on the other." I list out a few more unimportant pieces.

"Think you can get me every difference?"

I smile back at him humorously. "Only if you say the magic word."


"Well, I was looking more along the lines of please or pretty please, but I'll let it slide. . .for now." I grab my laptop and get to work.

Agent Todd continues to work on security detail while Gibbs attends a conference call from NCIS.

"Somebody help!" A woman screeches from the economy seating area.

The medical officers aboard as well as most of the Secret Service agents run to the back of the plane, attending to the emergency.

"What's going on?" I catch up with Gibbs and Agent Todd, who exit the lavatory together.

"Go cover the President. Now!" Gibbs yells at Agent Todd. "You're with me. Come on."

"This is totally like the movie."

We come to a stop in front of the Armory, which happens to be unlocked.

"Looks like our guy's armed." I notice a gun and magazine missing.

We each grab a gun and move towards the front, seeing one of the members of the press trying to the Major.

"Freeze!" Gibbs shouts. "Get your hands in the air!"

"Sure." The man slowly turns around. "Someone yelled for a doctor." He begins to fire the semi-automatic in our direction, but the two of us shoot him down.

A few Secret Service agents step out from the back, hearing the gunshots from both ends.

"Next time you want to copy a movie's terrorist plan, try something like Air Marshal."

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