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A lot of words could be used to describe Camille Archer.

She was born in Zurich, Switzerland, as the eldest daughter of Hans and Alina Archer, and therefore she was the one they spoiled the most. From the moment she was born she was showered with love and expensive gifts. Her mother adored her. She was always hoping to have a baby girl, and when Camille was finally born, Alina couldn't be happier. Although her father, Hans, was often absent, he didn't love his baby girl any less.

During the early years of her childhood, Camille enjoyed the privileged life of a typical rich kid. She had multiple nannies taking care of her, but she always preferred their family battler, Alfred. She had any toy she wanted, and, per Alina's request, she had to be hidden from the public eye as much as she could. Unfortunately, ever since Camille learned how to walk and speak, her whole presence just demanded attention, which meant that, at the time youngest Archer child, was a real star amongst the media.

As previously mentioned, Alina wanted to keep Camille away from the public eye as much as possible, so from a young age, Camille was enrolled in all sorts of activities and sports. Ballet, football, acting, singing, you name it, Camille tried it all. Unfortunately, none of the hobbies seemed interesting enough to the youngest Archer child, which kick-started an idea within Hans.

In 2004, Hans decided to follow his father's footsteps and become an investor for one of the teams in Formula 1, but he wanted to do it differently. Instead of choosing one of the bigger teams, Hans decided on an up and coming team. Mercedes decided that they would be joining Formula 1 again, and Hans thought it was a perfect opportunity for him. That's why, during the Monaco Grand Prix, where he had a business meeting, he brought his daughter, Camille. His initial plan was to bond with her more, but also see if his little girl was showing any interest in the fastest circus in the world.

You could imagine his satisfaction when she did.

That's why, as soon as they got back to Switzerland, Hans and Camille went shopping. Of course, their financial status allowed Hans to get his daughter the very best equipment that was out there. Helmets, suits, gloves, racing shoes, from head to toe Camille was provided with only the best. That's probably part of the reason why she moved so fast through the ranks of motorsport series.

Growing up, she didn't have a lot of real friends, except from Monique and Isabella. The two girls were an exception out of the sea of kids who only hanged out with Camille because of her family's name.

Unfortunately, during her teenage years, Camille had what could only be described as a rebellious phase, which meant that she would often end up around people who intended to mistreat her. Luckily, her parents quickly caught up on that, and they put an end to it, but Camille wouldn't be Camille if she didn't go behind her parents backs and still hang out with those people sometimes.

Camille wasn't stupid at all though. Even at the young age, she knew who her real friends were, and that's why she stayed away from necessary conversations with the kids on race tracks. Of course, that all changed when a young Monegasque boy approached her after one of the races.

He asked her if she wanted to go get ice cream with him and his friends, and the rest was history.

It was a known fact that the group of five drivers was extremely talented, which resulted in them moving up the ranks of motorsport pretty fast. They were really rumored to be the next big names of Formula 1, but Camille managed to catch the eye of the public with her private life as well.

She was 17 when the reporters noticed that she started coming to her Formula 2 races with a different guy every weekend. Obviously, Camille never publicly addressed any of the alligators, but it was obvious that, when it came to dating, Camille wasn't very found of the word "love".

Or "commitment" for that matter.

It was general knowledge that the Archer heiress didn't plan to settle in the near future, and tabloids loved every bit of it.

Camille mostly didn't mind it, until she finally joined the big boys and became a Formula 1 driver in 2019. She wanted people to focus on her professional accomplishments, but unfortunately, the media was only interested in the man who she would be seen with next. Camille was slowly starting to get annoyed by that, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

That's also a part of the reason why she agreed to go out with Max, when he asked her after the Monaco Grand Prix.

The two drivers kinda lost touch for a few years. Max was already in F1, while Camille was doing all sorts of racing categories around Europe, and that made it very difficult of them to keep hanging out.

In all honesty, Max was never romantically interested in Camille. He didn't even think they were very good friends either. Yeah, they hanged when they were kids, but in his eyes she was always just Charles's best friend, and the girl with too many boyfriends, which made Max have no intentions of getting too close to her.

That all changed when Camille joined Ferrari. It was actually her who made an effort to get close to Max again, and Max would be lying if he didn't quickly find himself smitten with her. It took him a couple of months to get the courage and ask her, and to his surprise she immediately said yes

To be completely honest, Camille didn't expect much from their first date. To her surprise, it only took her 45 minutes of talking with Max to get her to realize that maybe they wouldn't be so bad together.

As soon as their date ended, Camille texted him and asked when they would be going out again.

Time seemed to pass quickly for these two lovebirds. What started out as an opportunity for Camille to change her public appearance, quickly grew to Camille being in love for the first time.

She caught herself by surprise, when she ended up being the first one who said "i love you".

Now, even though Camille was always seen with Max and Max only, the media still didn't seem to shut up about all "other men" she was also seeing.

At the time it wasn't true, but to the tabloids it seemed impossible that Max Verstappen out of all people managed to get Camille Archer to settle.

Now, you may say they jinxed it, because soon after their second anniversary, Camille found herself in another man's bed.

It wasn't something she planned on, honestly. It just... happened. She liked to tell herself it was because Max was too focused on the championship and wasn't paying her as much attention as he used to, but deep down she knew it wasn't right to blame him.

Camille never planned on it to happen again either, but somehow she found herself in Lewis's bed week after week.

Finally, the guilt was starting to become too much for her, so Camille decided to finally end it with Lewis after Abu Dhabi. Unfortunately, that all changed when she saw the look on his face after the race...

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