How you meet pt.3

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a/n: if you guys want any of these turned into a full imagine, from pt. 1 & 2 as well) lmk and i'll definitely do it!

You met during the signing of the Sokovia Accords. You were talking to his father, King T'Chaka. He introduced you to his son, T'Challa. Who greeted you with a charming smile and a kiss on your hand.

You ran into him during a morning run. You were jogging when you accidentally bumped shoulders with someone. You quickly turned around to apologize, but the man beat you to it. You accepted his apology, but insisted it was your fault. Then he held his hand out and introduced himself. You shook his hand, and introduced yourself. After a moment, you both went back to your workout. A couple days later. you saw him again and you two ended up jogging together and he asked for your number after.

You met at Cassie's school. You were picking up your niece after school had ended, and you saw her talking with another girl her age and a man, who you assumed was the other girls father. You called out her name as you walked up to them catching the attention of all three. Your niece grabbed your hand, and immediately started rambling to you about a sleepover that her and Cassie wanted to have. You told them it was fine as long as Cassie's parents were okay with it. Scott nodded saying it was alright with him and you two exchanged numbers agreeing to set up a sleepover for the weekend for the girls.

You're Tony's sister. You hadn't met all of the Avengers yet, only Clint and Natasha. You were in the lab waiting for Tony. You heard the door open and you assumed it was your brother, but when you turned around you saw a man you had yet to meet, but recognized, Dr. Bruce Banner. He was equally as shocked to see you, who he didn't know. He quickly apologized for "disturbing you" and turned to leave before you could even get a word in, leaving you confused.

You are Nick Fury's partner. You guys arrived to Blockbuster Video store where a girl supposedly blew a hole threw the roof. Coulson pointed to a girl at the payphone dressed in a green suit. Fury started walking towards her, you and Coulson following. He asked her a couple questions which seemed to annoy her. She looked like she had a place to be. You looked up and saw a boy in a wetsuit about to shoot at you guys, but anything could hit you, the girl pushed you out of the way before running off to follow the boy. You looked at Fury confused, but he only screamed at you and Coulson to get in the car.

She helped train you when you first started working for S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria was basically your teacher. You were to follow her at all times. You trained with her, and went on missions together. And Fury likes you guys as a team, so nothing changed even when she stopped being your "teacher".

You are Scott's sister. You two are very close, and always have been. When Scott started working with Hank and Hope, he immediately told you about his cool new suit that he got to use for fighting bad guys. The next day, he brought you along with him when going to meet Hank and Hope, who were very surprised and a little annoyed to see Scott brought along a friend. Although, Hope did quickly warm up to you.

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I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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